Toronto Escorts

Congratulations to Democrats


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
This is actually a thread I started after the 2006 mid-term elections, I still carry the sentiments that we should celebrate our democracy and respect the wishes of the people.

This is a historic day, our country has elected the first non-white male to the office of POTUS, a watershed moment for all Americans, regardless of political party. I sincerely wish President Obama well and hope he can deliver 10% of what he`s talked about....

I`ve been consistently impressed with how Obama has stayed above the partisan fray, and while there is much I disagree with, I really respect that. He has tremendous good will with the American people, there are few things more powerful than that in the world, I hope he uses it well.


Congratulations to Democrats

and their supporters. While polls are interesting, elections matter and when you win you win and when you lose you lose and results count. You can’t win them all and Republican’s have lost this election and Democrats have won, and to the victor go the spoils, or at least the bragging rights.

Before the inevitable name calling, excuses and conspiracies begin I’d like to celebrate the power of our democracy and bi-annual reminder than our government is accountable to the people.

Democrats have either the opportunity to lead and distinguish themselves or remind many of us why we dislike them so much.

The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
Despite our differences you are an honorable American.

I can add no more.

I've got many unanswered questions and we'll surely
have many differences in the future

Viva la difference.

You are an American, I can add no more.
Thanks, that's actually more than enough, I've never aspired to more.


Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Well said Bottom.

While I never supported Obama during his campaign I have to admit that he ran the best campaign I’ve ever seen. He truly is a gentleman of class and style.

I wish him and his supporters well. Enjoy the victory. The hard work begins in Jan.

His victory tonight truly is a testament to the fact that in America, anyone can become president. Obama was indeed a most unlikely candidate. One might have thought that his background, race and experience would have disqualified him but he managed to rise above all that. It really is a triumph of the human spirit.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
Absolutely! As I've mentioned on other threads this evening there are very few countries in the world where this sort of change in governing party and policy can be accomplished peacefully, calmly and through the ballot box.

One positive - at least at this point the Senate still seems able to be a check and balance. Which is good for all.


One negative - one thing that is very troubling is that at least in the south this seems to have been an extremely polarizing election - racially.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
it was very unusual to have two powerful candidates either one of whom would most likely make a fine leader.

Over the months there always seemed to be more to admire about both men; of course often lost in the dross of partisan hyperbole.

Historically a republican president has been somewhat more advantageous for Canada, and senator Mcain seemed to have a wealth of knowledge and experience on foreign issues, unfortunately muzzled by Bush's fake idealism.

America as still the greatest country in the world deserves and requires an iconic leader, of ideas, inspiration and oratory. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan came somewhat close, let's all hope Barack Obama can fulfill the role.

He did give an awesome speech: realism, gracious, very inspirational.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
I didn't vote for Obama and actively campaigned for McCain. But hey, its an historic moment and part of what makes America great.
My side lost, its time to move on. Congrats to the Obama and the Dems.


New member
Here here! Congratulations. It's a great day for America that a black man can be President.

Now on with the nations business; forgiving all debt, bailing out GM and Ford, bring troops home, change maps to blue, purge the world's memory of Bush and Cheney, call Ahmadinejad to say Whazzup?. It will be an interesting first six months.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Mcluhan said:
Now on with the nations business; forgiving all debt, bailing out GM and Ford, bring troops home, change maps to blue, purge the world's memory of Bush and Cheney, call Ahmadinejad to say Whazzup?. It will be an interesting first six months.
I certainly hope he doesn't. But then again I'm not going to hold my breath.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
As I was saying, the people in the USA are disgusted with what Team 'w' has done the last 8 years and want change.
The people responded by throwing them out. This was a massive loss for the GOP. Hopefully the moderates will grow some stones and take their party back and put the loony right wing safely back in a 'lockbox' or 'rubber room' where they do no more damage.


New member
WoodPeckr said:
This was a massive loss for the GOP. Hopefully the moderates will grow some stones and take their party back and put the loony right wing safely back in a 'lockbox' or 'rubber room' where they do no more damage.
The Decider has called a news conference for 7:00AM tomorrow (apparently)...wonder why... maybe to apologize


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Mcluhan said:
The Decider has called a news conference for 7:00AM tomorrow (apparently)...wonder why... maybe to apologize
Let's keep our fingers crossed that DICK doesn't order the 'Decider' to do something really stupid!...:eek:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Congrats to Mr Obamma and his staff for a good race.

I invite all Americans to stand up and welcome their new President with an open mind and open heart. Stand behind the man and office.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
antaeus said:
it was very unusual to have two powerful candidates either one of whom would most likely make a fine leader.

Over the months there always seemed to be more to admire about both men; of course often lost in the dross of partisan hyperbole.

Historically a republican president has been somewhat more advantageous for Canada, and senator Mcain seemed to have a wealth of knowledge and experience on foreign issues, unfortunately muzzled by Bush's fake idealism.

America as still the greatest country in the world deserves and requires an iconic leader, of ideas, inspiration and oratory. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan came somewhat close, let's all hope Barack Obama can fulfill the role.

He did give an awesome speech: realism, gracious, very inspirational.
I've said for a long time that this is the race I wanted because I could go to bed last night comfortable with who won.

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Cinema Face said:
Well said Bottom.

While I never supported Obama during his campaign I have to admit that he ran the best campaign I’ve ever seen. He truly is a gentleman of class and style.

I wish him and his supporters well. Enjoy the victory. The hard work begins in Jan.

His victory tonight truly is a testament to the fact that in America, anyone can become president. Obama was indeed a most unlikely candidate. One might have thought that his background, race and experience would have disqualified him but he managed to rise above all that. It really is a triumph of the human spirit.

Jesus must have returned when there's actually some honey coming out of your mouth for once. Viva Obama for that alone ;)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Aardvark154 said:
I certainly hope he doesn't. But then again I'm not going to hold my breath.
I think we should try and give him the benefit of the doubt, I think he's matured in this election, the first few months in office will accelerate this.

I'll always remember a line from the John Adams series that ran on HBO (based on the popular biography that I've read) by then President Washington: "You are fairly in, I am fairly out, let's see who's the happier". A man who could have ruled for life walked away from the job - the Oak of American democracy grows from unnaturally strong roots....


Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Jesus must have returned when there's actually some honey coming out of your mouth for once. Viva Obama for that alone ;)

Whatever Chairman. Try to show a little more class.

I didn’t think Obama was the right choice for the job, I still don’t and I voiced my opinions. The time for that is over. Obama has just been elected prez and deserves a chance.

Let him and his supporters enjoy the victory now. I and many others will be watching him with a critical eye when he takes office.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Cinema Face said:
Whatever Chairman. Try to show a little more class.

I didn’t think Obama was the right choice for the job, I still don’t and I voiced my opinions. The time for that is over. Obama has just been elected prez and deserves a chance.

Let him and his supporters enjoy the victory now. I and many others will be watching him with a critical eye when he takes office.
The time for words to turn into deeds is coming, I think all of us will be watching how that goes.

Toronto Escorts