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Congratulations to Democrats


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
and their supporters. While polls are interesting, elections matter and when you win you win and when you lose you lose and results count. You can’t win them all and Republican’s have lost this election and Democrats have won, and to the victor go the spoils, or at least the bragging rights.

Before the inevitable name calling, excuses and conspiracies begin I’d like to celebrate the power of our democracy and bi-annual reminder than our government is accountable to the people.

Democrats have either the opportunity to lead and distinguish themselves or remind many of us why we dislike them so much.

The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I would like to second that. While Jack Davis was the only dem I voted for he lost. Pitty I am in favor of tossing out all the bums and startng over. I am diappointed that NYS would re-elect a thief to comptroller, another carpetbagger to Attorney General and not oust the demecrats from the govoners mansion.


New member
onthebottom said:
The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.

Yep, thats very sensible OTB, recognizing that the Dems are needed to reign in the R's rubber stamping of Gov spending gone wild. It's just about as ironic as the South becoming the last-stand refuge for Abraham Lincoln's party.

In reality however, the people voted against Government corruption which they are apparently finally sick of. They voted against the bullshit, the special interests, and ecomomy they see as weak in the N.E. and lastly a farked up war, which exit polls have determined was the 4th priority down the list.

I go with what one American friend from the deep south reflected on, whom I spoke with on the phone tonight: "the large majority of people might not completely understand the depth of what it is those guys in Washington have actually really been up to, but they don't like the smell of it."


New member
Sep 10, 2001
onthebottom said:
and their supporters. While polls are interesting, elections matter and when you win you win and when you lose you lose and results count. You can’t win them all and Republican’s have lost this election and Democrats have won, and to the victor go the spoils, or at least the bragging rights.

Before the inevitable name calling, excuses and conspiracies begin I’d like to celebrate the power of our democracy and bi-annual reminder than our government is accountable to the people.

Democrats have either the opportunity to lead and distinguish themselves or remind many of us why we dislike them so much.

The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.

Thanks for the kudos OTB. Hopefully the Dems have learned something from the last 12 years. One thing i am taking from this election after seeing some exit polls on why people voted the way they did corruption was at the top of the list with Iraq coming in fourth is kind of suprising to me. i hope this thread does stay clean of the name calling and other crap, that is for another thread.I hope somebody hurries up and starts one.:D


well DQ - you know what the saying is:

As Ohio goes - so goes the Nation!!!!

even if the democrats take control of the senate - it won't matter since GW still has the power of the veto and with regards to Iraq, he still is the commander in chief so I don't see any changes being made any time soon.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
onthebottom said:
and their supporters. While polls are interesting, elections matter and when you win you win and when you lose you lose and results count. You can’t win them all and Republican’s have lost this election and Democrats have won, and to the victor go the spoils, or at least the bragging rights.

Before the inevitable name calling, excuses and conspiracies begin I’d like to celebrate the power of our democracy and bi-annual reminder than our government is accountable to the people.

Democrats have either the opportunity to lead and distinguish themselves or remind many of us why we dislike them so much.

The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.

classy post


DonQuixote said:
Now, on to OSU-UM. The really, really important
well I think both schools are looking past the teams they have to play before their match on Nov. 18 because last week both teams got a little scare from their opponents - but they managed to pull out wins.

I'm hoping UM doesn't take their game against IU litely - but I'm hoping OSU takes their game against NW litely !!!:D



Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
onthebottom said:
and their supporters. While polls are interesting, elections matter and when you win you win and when you lose you lose and results count. You can’t win them all and Republican’s have lost this election and Democrats have won, and to the victor go the spoils, or at least the bragging rights.

Before the inevitable name calling, excuses and conspiracies begin I’d like to celebrate the power of our democracy and bi-annual reminder than our government is accountable to the people.

Democrats have either the opportunity to lead and distinguish themselves or remind many of us why we dislike them so much.

The half glass full for we red state guys is that Wall street seems to like the prospect of gridlock and it’s spending limiting functions.

Great post.
just want to add, that maybe we Americans are not as stupid and blind, than some here have suggested.
We might be dumb, but we are not stupid.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
frasier said:
Great post.
just want to add, that maybe we Americans are not as stupid and blind, than some here have suggested.
We might be dumb, but we are not stupid.
The distinction being what exactly?


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
Asterix said:
The distinction being what exactly?
You can make a dumb mistake, that doesn't mean you are stupid...it's a play of words...


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
frasier said:
You can make a dumb mistake, that doesn't mean you are stupid...
It does if you do it often enough.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Asterix said:
The distinction being what exactly?

Dumb can mean an inability to speak whereas stupid is like a union steward or a lib or a dem, that kind of thing.:D


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Dubya admits he took a THUMPIN' !!!

DonQuixote said:
He may now have to dump Rummy. If not,
he'll certainly lose the military below the
rank of general grade; he's already lost them.

I told you so.
Quite a FLIP-FLOP considering just last week Dubya claimed Rummy & Cheney would remain two more years!
Rummy is a 'scapegoat' .......for now.
There are a few others, Cheney, Rice, etc., who may have to walk the plank also, since they like Rummy are just as guilty of these disastrous neocon, perpetual war(s), policies.

All of them lost all political capital, including Dubya!

Yep, I got a-THUMPIN' !!!


New member
Jul 14, 2003
A rout of epic proportions

This was truly a win for the Dems for the record books.

The last time any party lost anywhere near as many seats in the House was just after Nixon's resignation, when the Rethugs lost over 40. Ken Mehlman was spinning today that the average loss in the 6th year of a Presidency is over 30 seats. That's a bald-faced lie.

So, just how well did the Dems do?

They won the House ... and lost no House seats to the Rethugs.
They won the Senate ... and lost no Senate seats.
They won the battle of the governorships.
They won the battle of the state legislatures.

The progressive wing of the Democratic party is ascendant.

Don't let Fox News fool you. Those that they claim are conservative Dems are not so wacky and right-wing as those who were replaced.

People like Heath Shuler, a social conservative is economically progressive. As is Jon Tester. Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown, both liberals, won Senate seats.

To hear Fox news and the boys at NRO tell it, suddenly the Congress is filled with Democratic conservatives, so the conservatives really "won." What a crock of crap.

The same people that the right wing was lambasting the past few months as flaming liberals all have suddenly (after they have won) become stalwart conservatives.

The right wingers took over the Republican party and still have a stronghold. Next election, more of them are going down.

Conservatives can go kiss my happy liberal ass.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The joy of the democratic victory is for me somewhat tempered by the realization, that we here in Canada staill are stuck with the right honorable mr. Harper.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
DonQuixote said:
1. Rs are becoming more progressive.
2. Ds are becoming more conservative

Which is the case?
I say the people have rejected the party of "fear, smear, leer, and queer." The Rethugs ran an extremely dirty and negative campaign and the voters told 'em to go shove it.

One third of Evangelicals voted for a Dem, as compared to 15%-20% in previous elections. Even they realize that the corruption has to stop.

I do not think for a second that the Shrub is interested in compromise. Cheney said that they will be as obstructionist as possible of the Dems agenda and will defy any subpeonas. Grover Norquist has already come out with his guns blazing.

As far as I am concerned, the Rethug losses will only give people like JD Hayworth more of an opportunity to appear on Fox News and Limbaugh and spew his racial hatred.

After the next election, and the Rethug resignations and indictments which will be forthcoming, I hope to see a new era of cleaner politics.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Anyone catch the spin Rush Blowhard is blattering to his dazed dittoheads?

This delusional fool had predicted Rs were going to hold their own and even pick up a few seats in the House and maybe even the Senate.

Guess being on OxyContin made his sense of 'reality' a bit different from the rest of us........:D

Dam Rush, I listened to you,
& I still got a-THUMPIN' !!!
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