Toronto Passions

Conan's Apology


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Galt, you should have ended it with;

"My name is Galt and I am Canadian!"

(applaud now)


Jell-O Queen
Feb 17, 2004
VIP Room
I like Ed The Sock, I think he's much funnier than Triumph, and Ed is homegrown ;)

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Sensitive, who us?

DenWa said:
Even more ridiculous, however, is the Canadian government wanting their money back from Conan because a rubber dog insulted a bunch of crusty old French people.
DenWa: Nothing get's our longjohns in a knot quicker than an American taking cheap shots at Canadians. I actually think it's been a tremendous national bonding experience because, I don't recall English speaking and French speaking Canada so united on anything except for the contempt we currently hold for that Dog...that funny, lovable, inanimate dog!

I'm sure many won't see it my way, but Conan gets the last laugh on all of us because I believe the inspiration for the skit was as Canadian as you get. How many of us while watching that truely Canadian satirical gem, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, waited eagerly for ratings week where Rick Mercer would make a trip across the boarder to poke fun at our neighbours to the south. Come on, let's see a show of hands...I thought so.

Rick's short skits were so funny, he was able to get support for a one hour prime-time special called "Talking to Americans", where he spent the entire hour highlighting how dopey Americans can be. I don't recall anyone suggesting the Mercer's humour was inapprorpiate or offensive and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure that directly or indirectly, he also received government funding.

Get a sense of humour people.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
galt said:

I find it offensive that 48% of my income is stolen from me by a government that turns around and dumps the bulk of it into a region of canada that will never be appeased

I find it offensive that our GG goes on a boondoggle to "raise awareness of canada" throughout the booming economies of the countries surrounding the arctic circle and takes 53 of her "elite canadians" with her on my tab and the trip comes in 530% over budget

I find it offensive that more money was poured into economic development in Shawinigan during the Chretien years than the provinces of Man. or Sas. (bet that canoe museum is really attracting the tourists)

I find it offensive that no one in our government has the balls to set the agenda with Quebec and tell them exactly what they will or won't get if they seperate (ie all of Ruperts land which they were leased as part of confederation will be lost along with most of their natural resources)

I find it offensive that my late wifes aunt and uncle (because they were born in china and did not go to english schools) were FORCED to send their children to a french language school in Montreal because

I find it offensive that the rest of Canada is not allowed to have a referendum to decide if quebec stays or goes. Prior to the last referendum I was very keen to do whatever it took to get a no vote but since then it has become increasingly apparent that they will never be appeased and will hold this gun to canada's head inperpetuity in order to get what they want all the's time the rest of canada started to set the agenda.

I find it offensive that business in quebec is as full of graft, payoffs and corruption as any third world nation and it is a province and an economy propped up with my money and that my money is being used to support bribes and kickback schemes

I find it offensive that we, as Canadains are so passive about speaking for ourselves and our politicians are so inept at speaking for the rest of Canada that is not quebec that it takes a stupid hand puppet to get a rise out of anybody and it takes a hand puppet with an American hand jammed into it to articulate what many canadians feel
Yea, the sheep start braying about a comic dog when there's so many better reasons to be outraged.

On the other hand, don't you limit my options on being outraged!!! ;)

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
Re: Sensitive, who us?

The Doctor said:
DenWa: Nothing get's our longjohns in a knot quicker than an American taking cheap shots at Canadians. I actually think it's been a tremendous national bonding experience because, I don't recall English speaking and French speaking Canada so united on anything except for the contempt we currently hold for that Dog

the dog said what most canadians (that dont speak french) want to say. those sepratist bastards

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision

I've always wanted to walk up to a french woman and say "I can smell your crotch from here".

I also enjoy being slapped so it would probably work well from both perspectives. :eek:


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
Mao Tse Tongue said:

On the other hand, don't you limit my options on being outraged!!! ;)
Oh, don't let me limit your options Mao...I could have gone on for much longer about what I find offensive especially in reference to Quebec's preferential treatment buy our so called government. I find it interesting/offensive when a political party that doesn't cater to quebec is labeled "regional" where as a party that bends over every time quebec comes running while ignoring the rest of this country is seen as federalist and not regional

Don't get me started I could go on for hours
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