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Computer Hardware Limits?


Apr 6, 2003
hey guys

I just finished installing a new 250 GB harddrive as a third harddrive into my computer - set it up as slave - it wasn't the system master drive - but secondary - put in the piece of hardware into the case - plugged in the power and the data cable into it and put the case cover back - screwed all the parts back in - and right clicked My Computer and initiated the new harddrive and it began formatting and now shows on the list of harddrives in my computer - now its connected to my computer -

problem is - its a 250 GB harddrive - as labelled on the box - and I bought a prior harddrive that serves as my second hard drive (3 hard drives total) and its the same company (Western Digital) and the second hard drive is also labelled as 250 GB and the second harddrive shows nearly all 250 GB as it should, short of 30 GB which is for the tree - so the second hard drive looks fine -

But this new harddrive - The THIRD 250 GB Hardrive - that I just installed is also the same company (Western Digital) and is also supposed to be 250 GB -

BUT - after initiating and formatting - the THIRD 250 GB Hardrive only shows 127 GB on the desktop

Now - here's the smoking gun - I tried switching the data cable to another cable - to see if that was the culprit - but after switching - it still shows 127 GB -

The BIG CLUE is this - I had the Third 250 GB harddrive exchanged three times - cos each of them were showing 127 GB - half of the promised 250 GB capacity promised on the box -

First time I bought the Western Digital 250 GB harddrive to place as my third harddrive slot - It showed 127 GB - so I thought, "WTF! That's only HALF of the capacity that I paid good hard earned money for!" So, I took it back and told them that it must be defective considering it only shows 127 GB - only half of the capacity I paid for and I asked If I could exchange it for the last spare Western Digital 250 GB piece they had on the shelf. So they agreed to let me exchange it due to a possible mass-producing defect in the one I had.

So, I take it home and install it. Turns out, after installation, initiating and formatting, the exchanged Western Digital (Brand new in a box) turns out to show only 127 GB on My Computer.

So, I figure my luck is really bad and due to coincidence, I become the recipient of two defective mass-produced Western Digital 250 GB hard drives. So guess what? I decided to unplug it and return it and this time, ask if I can put the warrantee into effect and if they can send it back to the company to get the mass-produced defective repaired so that it shows all 250 GB once re-installed. Instead they let me exchange it for a brand new Western Digital 250 GB Harddrive, fresh off the shelf.

So, I take the new 250 GB Harddrive, hope renewed, knowing the odds of a third mass-produced defective 250 Hard drive is rather small and install it into my computer, have it initiated and formatted and guess what?

It ends up showing EXACTLY 127 GB on My Computer.

What GIVES? Is this a virus? HELP!

Could it be the PCI expansion card?



Jun 29, 2003
you may need a bios update in order for the mobo to see that big of a drive?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
lickrolaine said:
you may need a bios update in order for the mobo to see that big of a drive?
LOL sheesh, how many times have we heard this? Dude, stop wasting everyone's time and go to the western digital website and install their disc utilities program. It will automatically upgrade your bios so you can see the full size of the harddrive....

I have to ask tho: did you follow the instructions that came with the drive? I will bet dollars to donuts that you didn't because I too bought one of their drives and had to install the software that came with it.....


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
tboy said:
LOL sheesh, how many times have we heard this? Dude, stop wasting everyone's time and go to the western digital website and install their disc utilities program. It will automatically upgrade your bios so you can see the full size of the harddrive....
He already has the exact same drive installed and it's running properly.


Apr 13, 2004
I doubt if it's the bios or drivers. You have to partition it properly with Partition Magic or some other partitioning utility. I had the same problem. Once the partitioning was done i could see the whole drive.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
baci2004 said:
He already has the exact same drive installed and it's running properly.
BUT in a different configuration......and who is to say that it wasn't in the computer when he bought it therefore already configured for it.....

Anyhow, installing the W/D disc utilities will solve his problem. This also allows you to partition it however you like....


Apr 13, 2004
Next time go somewhere that has knowledgeable staff. It is crazy that they changed the drive 3 times and did not realize the problem.
It has a very simple solution.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
tboy said:
BUT in a different configuration......and who is to say that it wasn't in the computer when he bought it therefore already configured for it.....

Anyhow, installing the W/D disc utilities will solve his problem. This also allows you to partition it however you like....
FWIW I wasn't arguing. I'm just saying that if the bios and os can recognize the current drive properly, presumably the required software and/or drivers would already be installed.

Anyway original poster, I would do what tboy is suggesting and also look at the FAQ while you are there. If all else fails Partition Magic (which someone else mentioned) is great software and may give you some insight if you know what you are looking at.

Good Luck!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Baci, didn't take it as that, so no worries....and partition magic is a great tool....used it myself once or thrice.

And I agree about talking to the right people, he must have bought it at futureshop or best buy lol. To take back 3 harddrives is nuts....

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I run into this problem (large HD not being recognized to its full capacity) all the time and Google provides many answers. WD is the easiest to rectify, in the manner that's already been posted already. It's a little trickier when your HD has no support CD or drivers and Win doesn't recognize it.
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