Part 2
Bogota is where I stayed for the remainder of my trip. I used an agency, called RosaClub, once. Google rosaclub Bogota and you'll find it. Excellent service over the phone, the woman who answers the phone speaks a passable level of English and is VERY accommodating, patient, and willing to take requests for
all kinds of services. I organised a 2 hour duo (neither of the girls appear to be with them anymore on their website) and it was fantastic! Definitely a good agency if you're visiting. Another reputed agency is but I didn't use them. If you google escorts Bogota, or escorts Colombia, you'll find agencies. Also try replacing "escorts" with "prepagos" in your google search; prepagos is their word for escort... Anyhow I won't go into details but service was spectacular and the girls were very pretty and booking was simple! The whole thing cost me 800 000 Colombian Pesos, or ~350$ for 2 hrs.
I also ventured into the Zona de Tolerancia (Tolerance Zone) a bunch of times during my stay. Zona de Tolerancia is where it is legal for prostitution to take place, openly on the street; i.e. street walkers. Most big cities in Colombia have a Zona de Tolerancia. In Bogota you can find it (the Tolerance Zone) at the transmilenio station called "Calle 22". The transmilenio is a bus system effectively serving as a metro system - it has permanently reserved lanes so buses don't worry about traffic jams. I'll discuss general safety a little bit further down but the Zona de Tolerancia needs it's own special section about safety. The Zona itself, the few blocks that it occupies, is very safe until 22:00 at night, at which time the transmilenio closes. I'm not sure about later than that because I wasn't interested to test the waters. But I was in the Tolerance Zone between 12:00 and 22:00 (on one day or another) and it felt safe. A big reason why it's safe is that the hookers and all the other riff-raff that lives there are aware that if people are getting robbed/killed/attacked, they will lose all their clientele. Of course normal precautions apply - don't be a total boob and carry your nice camera out in the open, don't flaunt your cash, don't walk around drunk, and I would avoid dealing with any illicit drugs in Colombia altogether. You also need to know that you absolutely
cannot go exploring outside the zone. Your mongering (and well-being) is restricted entirely to the small, easily navigable few blocks around Calle 22 Transmilenio station. If you try and venture outside of that area - best of luck to ya! Look at this map:
Stick to the area with the red or yellow dots; ignore the black dots with the arrows. When you get off at Transmilenio Calle 22, you can see "La Piscina Club Internacional" from
inside the station. It's a crummy, way too expensive club where you can buy a 15$ beer or take a girl into a room on premises for 350$/hr on a cum-stained bed where she'll starfish and promptly leave after 20mins. BUT it serves as a great landmark! When you get off at the station, look for the big sign that says Piscina Club, and there you go! Your mongering is restricted to the 2 blocks behind that club! Look at the map I linked and keep within the area where it is marked off in red & orange. If you do that - you should be fine. Again, keep off the streets after 22:00, and don't do stupid things like walk around drunk, or show your fancy camera. I carried a backpack a few times (with my big fancy camera inside) and never had a problem - though I don't know I'd recommend that.
The hookers there are
NOT all strung-out cokeheads. You can find that, but they really range from young & beautiful, with slim, tight bodies to fat old & ugly. Most aren't educated and haven't gone to University (though two I spoke to had - or claimed they had and it seemed to be the truth). The girls are young, old, black, white, brown, slim & toned, fat, and all you can think of. I'd say on average, when I walk down the street there - out of 10 girls, 5 will be acceptable and 2 of the 5 will be stunning. But it varies a lot depending on how lucky you are at the moment. Safe sex is huge not just in the Zona, but in Colombia altogether, oral
with a condom is the norm and expect to pay significantly more (if the girl even permits it) if you want to DATY, or BBBJ, or do something otherwise unsafe. I like to play safe and so I always used a condom. I don't know where they get the education about STD's but once when walking around the Zona (get this!) I saw a nun(!) giving a lecture about safe sex(!) to a bunch of the working girls(!!!). Anyhow I was very happy that safe sex was the norm and was only too happy to oblige. Price is usually 15 - 30$ for 30mins, but this will vary depending on if they think they can take you for a sucker, how polite you are with them, what kind of service you want, etc... Don't expect to pay more than 30$ for 30mins. I never negotiated - and I actually don't remember ever walking away because the price was too high. Only once did I get bad service where the girl seemed in a rush to get me out as fast as she could. The sex was rushed and she was obviously not interested in anything but her next client. I went about 5 times in total to the Zona. I had 1 threesome with two girls and it was great! I hate the idea of 30 mins so I would usually ask if they'd stay with me for an hour if I paid them double - that proposition was only turned down once. The girls all stand around outside of hotels/motels and the price of a room out of which they work is included in what you pay. They bring you into the hotel room, usually do a little dance or chat you up a bit or massage and then you have sex. They usually stayed with me the full time whether I finished quick or even if we were having sex the whole time... The hotel room itself isn't glamorous, but it's not so bad either and they do change the sheets between clients. If you really like the girl, and the sex is amazing, you can always negotiate to meet up with her later by taking her phone number. I did 2 all-nighters where I took the girl out, dinner, walking around, and back to the hotel room. Each time cost ~150$ and was absolutely worth it!
Plastic surgery is huge in Colombia and you would probably have a hard time finding a girl who hasn't had some. Usually breast enlargements or some kind of tummy tuck. Some of these surgeries are VERY well done and the girl could pass for natural. I found the more exaggerated the surgery the less natural it would feel to the touch - I suppose that's obvious. Overall - especially if you think in terms of scouting for someone to take out for a longer time - Zona de Tolerancia is excellent value. Keep in mind that if the girl asks for 40 000 pesos and you hand her a 50 000 bill - she'll have a hard time finding some change for you... I wouldn't make a big deal out of it though.
The Zona itself is grimy, ugly, and reeks of urban decay. All kinds of shady people are there and while I emphasize that the area itself is generally safe, as well as policed before 22:00, if you start some trouble it will end badly.
Other Stuff
Colombia has made progress in terms of it's security over the past few years - even since my guidebook was written (in 2011). I remember coming out of a concert late one night and worrying about how I'd get home because the guidebook said not to take just any taxi - but to have someone call for you. That wasn't an option but low & behold a female taxi driver pulls right up in front of me (it's about 1:00) and I hopped in the car with her. I took her phone number and called her whenever I was out late and she would always arrive within the hour. I can send you her number if that's useful. However she and most other people said taxi robberies were no longer an issue and the only worry nowadays is being overcharged by a few dollars. You can also travel at night on their intercity buses. It's very cheap, more comfortable than in Canada, and safe, whereas it wasn't safe even 10 years ago. There are parts of the country where you can't go because of Guerilla activity - but it's usually easily avoided. Think if someone told you you can only visit Manitoba south of Winnipeg.
The cities are OK as well. I didn't encounter any problems in Bogota. You have to keep your wits about you though. I carry a large, conspicuous camera that had me worried at times but nothing ever happened. I participated in something called the 'Ciclovia de Noche' - or the 'Night Bicycle Ride': enormous swaths of the city's highways are closed off to cars so that people can bike, walk, skateboard, etc... through the city. This is at night from 18:00 - 24:00 and happens a few times/year. It allowed me to go into areas of the city that would not be accessible during the day (for danger). The volume of the people going with you make it safe and I got some amazing photo's (I had my tank of a camera). Aside from the ciclovia de noche I would go out at night but stick to areas that had people and I wouldn't go into areas that weren't will-lit and populated. When in doubt - look for women. If it's safe enough for her to walk around alone - then it's safe for you too. There would be no reason for you to wander into a more dangerous barrio anyway - as there is nothing touristy there. Taxi's are everywhere and if you're lost and feel threatened - hop into a taxi and have yourself driven to somewhere familiar. Keep a business card of your hotel handy that you can show the driver. Once I took a bike trip through the mountains around Bogota (don't do this unless you're Lance Armstrong) with a friend (who is in superb physical conditioning; I'm in shape - but you should be acclimatized to do this as well as in Olympic level fitness to make a day cycling through the hills). Again, nothing happened and it was totally fine. No danger but I'm not sure I'd have done it without my Colombian friend to guide me.
I'm fluent in Spanish but not enough to trick someone into thinking I'm native. I know Latino culture very well and I figure myself to be an easy-going, laid back person which usually fits well with Latino's. I figure that's all a plus for me when I'm with a prostitute. I never argue about the price - if I don't like it I just walk. I keep myself in decent shape from eating healthy and regular exercise. I refuse to pay for sex unless I find the girl beautiful - even if it's only 15$ lol.
Interesting to note that Latino's are a very 'gossipy' people. Many of the whores work in one city but live in another.
Because if they work in the city they live word WILL get out (according to every prostitute there I spoke with) and that will be the end of their reputation.
If any of this monster report confuses anyone, or you have some more questions, or ANYTHING - reply below or let me know via PM! I'll be only too happy to reply!
A big thanks to the people on this forum who helped me out before I left! Much of what I wrote would not have been discovered with their help...