Colin Powell glad he left...Kanye West (rap artist plays race card)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
But it isnt 50/50 now is it? So that is a moot point.
67 is a lot closer to 50 than it is to 100...even though it's a weak really isn't a race work today, where hey guess what...about 67-75% of the people there are black....this was being discussed and my friend John (who's black and very animated and VERY intelligent and keen) and i had a discussion about this in front of 4 other black guys and one indian...i said, it really isnt a black/white issue, then john nodded his head waiting for me to finish and i said, it's a rich/poor issue, or plain ignorance.
they all agreed...a couple of the black guys even said themselves they hate the race card being brought up, because it makes the black person(s) look weaker and that they use that as a scapegoat for anything and everything.

and by the way, to call Condi black is equal to calling Clarence black.
so in that statement you said is implicit that Condi chose to fade her "blackness" out? she not proud of being black? that would be her issue with her roots...not mine...maybe you should have a talk with her 1 on 1 and help her find her roots...maybe she'll stop shopping for shoes and playing tennis in New York and get her ass back to Washington and be a little proactive in the matter.

And in any event, you think Bush and those lunatics called Rumsfeld and Dick would listen to Colin? What makes you think they will give more credence to someone who is not only black but is also female regardless of how much she kisses their ass like the roast breadfruit she is.
wasn't saying that those 3 stooges you mentioned above would/should listen to Colin, but rather that, i really doubt Colin no matter what he was doing at the time would continue doing it...but rather get on the first plane to Washington and at LEAST TRY to do something...not buying shoes or playing tennis.

I still am disgusted by the smirk on Bush's face everytime he talks about this disaster and about the help on its way. What is the smirk for?
agreed, i hope he eats another pretzel and dies.
you heard him jokingly talk about saving Trent Lott's homes...right?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
SilentLeviathan said:
I agree completely, this situation is completely about demographics. If this had happened in some rich white area I have no doubt that there would have been help a lot sooner. Look at New York after 9/11. There was help, support, and rescue teams being sent in the same day. Look at all the money and aid the US sends all over the world as soon as something happens. You mean to tell me they can send billions of dollars to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel but can't spare anything for some of the poorest of their own citizens?

As far as calling those people refugees, that's exactly what they are. Technically a refugee is someone who has fled their home for safety.
In order to be considered a refugee a person has to flee their country of origin,so they would have to fleee the US in order to be considered a refugee. Not their LITERAL homes.


Feb 23, 2005

Kanye has the right to feel the way he feels. Black people are looting and white people are searching for food. Kanye is just one of the very very very many people whether white, black, latino etc etc who find it appalling the way the media portrays certain people. You can sugar coat it all you want but this is a fact of life.

Emotion got the better of Kanye. He lashed out. He is human. For hundreds of years blacks have been looked at negatively. You are telling me I am just dreaming this up?

I have my own feelings on why aid is slow to come and it has to do with poverty more than race but the media reporting one group as theives and looters and other group as innocents is kind of sickening to say the least. I have seen it happen time and time again and I am wondering when it is going to stop. Do you know?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Sadly, i dont think EVER.
As for black people being looked at negatively...well...if the bad apples do things to make the rest of the general pop. of that particular race look bad...they (black community) have to come down hard on those that make them look bad.
It's as simple as that.
If anyone thinks or calls me a racist, dead wrong, I'm not.
It's just calling a spade a spade.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
CuteCob said:
If anyone thinks or calls me a racist, dead wrong, I'm not.
It's just calling a spade a spade.
I'm not calling you a racist. But nice choice of words. :rolleyes:


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
Sadly, i dont think EVER.
As for black people being looked at negatively...well...if the bad apples do things to make the rest of the general pop. of that particular race look bad...they (black community) have to come down hard on those that make them look bad.
It's as simple as that.
If anyone thinks or calls me a racist, dead wrong, I'm not.
It's just calling a spade a spade.
This is the nonsense I cannot stand. A group of black men behave like pigs and I must apologise for that? I must be labelled negatively because of them? WTF????

I dont remember looking at my Swedish ex wife and saying "Your people are a bunch of white devil racists" just because I get harrassed by bad white cops and racist white employers.

This is what black people have been living with for eons. Whenever we are a minority in the university and one black kid did something wrong we were made to feel like we were bad as well.

You just summed up how the racists think.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
franky66 said:
This is what black people have been living with for eons. Whenever we are a minority in the university and one black kid did something wrong we were made to feel like we were bad as well.

You just summed up how the racists think.
well said


New member
Apr 29, 2002
say what you will...not a racist, was expecting that.

btw, do a google search with the following terms
"oprah hermes"

Oprah cried racism when a higher end boutique store refused her entry after hours.
Let's see the logic
1) HUGE star celebrity
2) has tons of money
3) someone who could PLUG their store on TV to millions
4) refuse entry for kicks?
5) refuse entry because they had something prior that they were engaged to and wouldn't have the time to prepare.......racism...right...

i suppose me talking to a girl who is half black/half white and that im interested on a more intimate level makes me racist...that's it buddy ;)

ps - not just ONCE black the many white kids that cause shit, many black kids do as only bold enough to say it, because im sick of a race card being used for Oprah's case sparky =)

excuse are fine as long as they're legit...not just for everything.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
ruck said:
I'm not calling you a racist. But nice choice of words. :rolleyes:
ya i realized after the fact...nothing intended by it...this is where reading into things causes needless you can roll your eyes as much as you want


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Apr 29, 2002

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
"I hate it when people play the race card"

If that's all you get dealt, what the fuck are you supposed to play with? The "I know what black people in the American south think because I know 7 black dudes in Canada" card?

Nobody's "playing the race card". They're watching goddamn CNN.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
K, so how about you fly down there and get us a first hand report.
Till then, I think it's safe to say a lot(my guess 99.999%) of people are watching the news and reading the internet reports.


Male - sex all night&day
Oct 4, 2001
CuteCob said:
so this is what's left running as Sec'y of State...
$10 says Colin Powell would be doing the exact opposite and being pro-active.

Yet rap artist Kanye West who was hosting a show with Mike Myers claimed Bush doesn't care about blacks...hopefully he's reading this and clicks the link above...and see's how much Condoleeza really cares...not that she's black or anything :rolleyes: ...

I mean New Orleans is 67% black, and Bush OK'd Hurricane Katrina to hit N.O....yep that's it

If people bring up a race card/issue, when in fact it's not...then that's complete ignorance. Makes me sick.
This is a race issue, even CNN agrees - they showed 2 examples - one group of white rich folks where stuck in a hotel gym last tuesday.. the army send an escort with a bus that picks them up the same day and got them to the airport w/o any problem, mean while the black folks in stadium had not seen or heard from any body by friday morning..


New member
Apr 29, 2002
hotsex2 said:
This is a race issue, even CNN agrees
oh well...then hey it really is a race issue because CNN agrees.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
hotsex2 said:
I agree 1000%.
again, it's an old saying, if i were talking about white people, pink pigs, killer whales, WHATEVER the topic...and if that saying was needed i would have said it. you go ahead and read into it as much as you want, knock yourself out ;)

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
oh well...then hey it really is a race issue because CNN agrees
The people on the ground both reporters and civilians clearly perceive it to be a race issue. A network usually so far up Bush's ass they can autograph his colon perceive it to be a race issue.

Huh. But it's not a race issue because you don't agree.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
The people on the ground both reporters and civilians clearly perceive it to be a race issue. A network usually so far up Bush's ass they can autograph his colon perceive it to be a race issue.
you know this first hand i assume, thanks for the update
incidentally what reporter said "this is a race issue"
i DON'T think any reporter in their right mind would say this.
do you have ANY IDEA what it would do to the station and program to state an opinion as such, or have a reporter who represents them, state ANYTHING like that?
obviously you're just reaching, no point.

Huh. But it's not a race issue because you don't agree.
rich poor issue, ignorance of the severity of the strength of the hurricane issue(post-readiness)issue...not race.
im done :)


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
i suppose me talking to a girl who is half black/half white and that im interested on a more intimate level makes me racist...that's it buddy ;)

ps - not just ONCE black the many white kids that cause shit, many black kids do as only bold enough to say it, because im sick of a race card being used for Oprah's case sparky =)

excuse are fine as long as they're legit...not just for everything.
Marry her then talk. Plan a long life together and live together in a society that wont accept your unconditional love. Have people stare and murmur at you guys and your child.

Learn the difference between dating(and merely sleeping) a woman and committing your life someone. For all we know you could be just sexing her and that is that. And......she is half white. Is that the side of her you like the most? I remember someone on TERB saying they dont mind black women so long as they aren't full black with african features. He said he preferred the more refined black women who is mixed with white hence acquiring the European features. Could that have been you ..........buddy?

Dude, I know black guys(racist ones) who hate white girls(and white people in general) who still have sex with them. Would these guys marry the white girl? No, those girls are just someone they 'fcuk for kicks' as they put it. Who is to say you arent the same with this 'half white/half black girl'?? Marry into her family and live amongst them and then talk. She will need to be in tune with her 'black' side for this work!

When I say ONE black kid I mean one black kid. You have your examples. I have mine. Unless you went to the university I went to in London, England and know of the incident which i speak!!

PS: I didnt call you a racist!
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