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Coaches Corner commentator Don Cherry a racist?

Guy Lafleuer

New member
Jan 16, 2004
I saw Coaches Corner and heard Don Cherry's was hysterical ! Almost as funny as wankers like Jack Todd and Jacques Demer's comments. It was a comment meant to incite a reaction. And it worked. The guy's 70 years old. He can say whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned. All these PC types should take a breather, get a life, and untie there undies because there way too tight.


PS: And yes, he's still pissed off the my shot beat him in da playoffs !


Aug 16, 2003
As a French Cdn from Northern Ontario, I'm sick and tired of people like Jack Todd and Jacques Demer's comments, all they are doing is giving French Cdn that are not from Quebec a bad name. Like others have said on this board, if you don't like Don comments, just change the channel.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
if Don Cherry contract was not renewed at CBC, would there be a huge outcry like the one for Ron MacLean ?

There would be a vocal minority would be loud and obnoxious, like Cherry, but I suspect most people would not care if he got the boot.

Guy Lafleuer

New member
Jan 16, 2004

I disagree.

As a team, I think Cherry and Maclean are great. But Cherry makes a hell of a lot more cash than Maclean on that show and there's a reason for it

I think the public and the producers of CBC put up with Cherry because most Canadiens like him. If this wasn't the case...he'd have been gone a long time ago.



New member
Feb 3, 2002
so this puts Cherry on the same level as Janet's breast? quite the upgrade for him.


New member
Mar 1, 2003
Cherry isn't what he used to be. As for racist ? meh relax its not like his comments are anything new. Eventhough there is some harshness there, there is still a glint of truth to some of the stuff he says. No one makes you listen to him night after night. People find him entertaining for the most part and thats why coaches corner has become a bit of a circus over the years.

Elmer Stud

Freak of nature
Aug 1, 2002
West End
Cherry is the Canadian version of Archie Bunker. Enjoy him while you can. Sooner or later the bleeding hearts at the CBC will can him.


New member
Apr 7, 2003
I have read this thread and felt like adding my two cents worth.

1 - Don Cherry loves Canada, plain and simple. For those who say he hates people from Quebec, I would say that is not true. I think he, like most of us from the rest of Canada have a bad taste in our mouth from growing up having the French language shoved down our throat. Add to that the fact of Quebec almost voting itself out of Canada, on more than one occasion. Then, on top of that, Quebec wanting to be a special from the rest of Canada and getting special rights. I don't think I need to go on that topic but let's face it, if the player is good, Cherry does recognize them, regardless of where they are from. Him wanting only canadian players on his team is a great choice. Our hockey system should be for our hockey players to develop. The NHL can be for everyone but don't blame the guy for wanting our money to developer our players. Is that such a bad ideal? I don't think so.
2 - The guy believes visors are bad for hockey. He believes they are the root cause for the vaste majority of concussions that are taking out the better players in the league. He believes visor usage has crept into 'our game' from the europeans who seem to use them the most (there are naturally some who do not use them, Go Mats!!). There are a lot more things he believes that visor do such as give players who wear them the notion that they can be careless with their stick as they are protected if the high stick is returned. Don't even get me started on the equipement :)
3 - You say he is old school and loves goon hockey? That is ridiculous. He likes players to use their skills and their size. Heck, if Mats didn't use his size, he couldn't do some of the things he can do (and now Antropov and Ponnie are doing the same thing). If Roberts (and for that fact, Renberg) didn't fight in the corners for the puck, he couldn't setup Mats and the boys like he does. Cherry believes that toughness is heart. Gotta have it. He wants people to stand up for themselves and for their teammates. He hates cowards because cowards do cowardly acts.
4 - This investigation is a complete waste of our money, but that is nothing new by our government.

Last but not least, I watch NHIC every week even though I live in the US now, and I ALWAYS watch Coaches Corner as it is the best segment in hockey, bar none.

Don, don't back down to this crap!!!



Well-known member
May 20, 2003
Hello all.

I haven't read the entire thread so I have committed the same "crime" that Don Cherry has, and that is being ignorant.

One of the many beautiful things about this country is that we are all entitled to our own opinions - brilliant, ignorant, constructive, divisive... whatever. Don Cherry is afforded the opportunity to reach millions with his opinions because we put him in such a position. C'mon people, he's an entertainer, and he wouldn't still be where he is today, if not for the fact that people do want to hear the next little nugget to come out of his mouth.

He's a 70 year old, crusty, proud Canadian, with whom many Canadians and hockey fans identify.

Did he demonstrate bad taste? Clearly. Is he a bigot? Absolutely. But a racist? That is a little extreme.

Besides, just because the great Don Cherry says something,doesn't make it true does it? :)


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
What I don't understand is the fact that if someone is offended by the entertainment he provides, why don't they simply change the channel. Problem solved!


Mar 10, 2003
Montreal / Toronto
Kathleen said:
Jacques Demers is a tool. Cherry, like me, like you, like us all is entitled to an opinion. I tend to share his thoughts. Especially to an area of Canada bent on being on their own, and think they run the country. What am I saying, they do run it. Sort of like Imperial Oil running Bush.

Interesting to see all the posters who jump on that bandwagon....beating up on francophones.....sad, narrow minded, but interesting.


Jul 29, 2003
Keebler Elf said:
I'm put this as simply as possible:

Don Cherry = High Ratings

He wouldn't be on TV otherwise...
This is so true.

I'm wondering if Labatts has an influence on CBC in keeping Cherry around? --- Kev


New member
Jul 29, 2002
TongueBoy said:
I have read this thread and felt like adding my two cents worth.

1 - Don Cherry loves Canada, plain and simple. For those who say he hates people from Quebec, I would say that is not true. I think he, like most of us from the rest of Canada have a bad taste in our mouth from growing up having the French language shoved down our throat. Add to that the fact of Quebec almost voting itself out of Canada, on more than one occasion. Then, on top of that, Quebec wanting to be a special from the rest of Canada and getting special rights. I don't think I need to go on that topic but let's face it, if the player is good, Cherry does recognize them, regardless of where they are from. Him wanting only canadian players on his team is a great choice. Our hockey system should be for our hockey players to develop. The NHL can be for everyone but don't blame the guy for wanting our money to developer our players. Is that such a bad ideal? I don't think so.
2 - The guy believes visors are bad for hockey. He believes they are the root cause for the vaste majority of concussions that are taking out the better players in the league. He believes visor usage has crept into 'our game' from the europeans who seem to use them the most (there are naturally some who do not use them, Go Mats!!). There are a lot more things he believes that visor do such as give players who wear them the notion that they can be careless with their stick as they are protected if the high stick is returned. Don't even get me started on the equipement :)
3 - You say he is old school and loves goon hockey? That is ridiculous. He likes players to use their skills and their size. Heck, if Mats didn't use his size, he couldn't do some of the things he can do (and now Antropov and Ponnie are doing the same thing). If Roberts (and for that fact, Renberg) didn't fight in the corners for the puck, he couldn't setup Mats and the boys like he does. Cherry believes that toughness is heart. Gotta have it. He wants people to stand up for themselves and for their teammates. He hates cowards because cowards do cowardly acts.
4 - This investigation is a complete waste of our money, but that is nothing new by our government.

Last but not least, I watch NHIC every week even though I live in the US now, and I ALWAYS watch Coaches Corner as it is the best segment in hockey, bar none.

Don, don't back down to this crap!!!

Excellent reply ,but for the most part Cherry was referring to the fact that the french players in junior have to wear visors.
Correct me if I'm wrong.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
I think Don Cherry doesn't really believe half the shit he says. His act is more fake than most big breasted blonde babes at the CB. Obviously he likes to push the envelop with outrageous stuff, and the borderline racist stuff is part of his "tough guy" appeal.
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