Coaches Corner commentator Don Cherry a racist?


Jul 29, 2003
Jack Todd of the Montreal Gazette was fuming about the comments Don Cherry made during Coaches Corner on CBC. Mr. Cherry made the statement that the only players in the NHL that wear "Visors" are "Frenchmen and Europeans."

Jack Todd on first hearing this comment from Mr. Cherry said that it was "almost racist." He has since withdrawn that statement and now says the comment by Don "was racist pure and simple."

Jacques Demers says that "Cherry needs to make a public apology. Failing that he should be fired."

I mentioned to some work mates about the comment made by Don Cherry, and it was interesting some of the views that they had. Some agree with Todd that Cherry's comment was racial and others thought not. The supporters of Mr. Cherry said if Don would have used the term Frogs of equivalent then yes that would be classified as being racial, but the term Frenchmen and European was to vague to be classifed as being racial. ( I was shaking my head on hearing this)

Personally i think Don Cherry is an antiquated dinosaur. The comments he makes against Europeans and Francophones "are" racially motivated and also makes him out to be the biggest bigot on Canadian television that can collect a pay check. A large one i might add. I say he should be fired. Any thoughts? --- Kev
Last edited:
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Whether or not he's a racist - personally it wouldn't shock me - the man is an idiot.

Now, granted, he's paid to be an idiot on the air, just like Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, which is fair enough - we don't need to tune in to listen. But Cherry is a special case.

He's the Don King of hockey. He's been using his influence over the years to slowly but surely help destroy a great sport. Hockey has been losing its audience for the past ten years. This isn't just because great players like Lemieux and Gretzky have retired, it's because the NHL is no longer a league where great players can shine. Call all the obstruction penalties you want. As long as half the league is made up of players who are basically drunk frat boys on skates, the game is going to go downhill.

Cherry doesn't know the meaning of tough. Tough isn't just about being about to pound the shit out of people. Tough is also about the desire to be great - and are there any players left who fit this description? It's true - I enjoy a good enforcer as well as the next guy - see Chara in the last game vs the Leafs? - but the problem is that alot of the "tough" guys in the league, when they arn't fighting, just play shitty, shitty hockey. And Cherry is right there clapping away while they do it.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
of course Don Cherry is a racist. when he ran an OHL team he actually refused to have any Europeans on the team for gods sake. he has consistently insulted European player individually and as groups. if the people Don Cherry hated weren't white Don Cherry would be viewed as roughly aking to a klansmen.


Active member
Oct 1, 2003
gramage said:
of course Don Cherry is a racist. when he ran an OHL team he actually refused to have any Europeans on the team for gods sake. ...
Look, I'm all for the is Don Cherry a racist thread - worthwhile topic to discuss. But let's keep our facts straight, shall we?

When Don Cherry ran an OHL team, and refused to have Europeans on the team, it was because he believed we should be using the Canadian junior leagues to develop CANADIAN hockey players. Since the rule only specifies the maximum number of non-North American players a team can have, but doesn't require a team to have any, he chose not to have any. As owner of the team, that was his right.

Seems to me that's a perfectly logical opinion to hold. And holding that opinion is in no way evidence that he's a racist. It would however suggest that he's a nationalist, and that he actually does care about the future of Canadian hockey, whether you agree with his idea of how the game should be played or not.

That being said, yes, Don Cherry is probably a racist. He clearly believes that Canadians, and English Canadians in particular, are superior hockey players - the prejudiced belief in the superiority of one race over others is practically a dictionary definition of racism.

More importantly, however, the CBC pays Don Cherry to have strong opinions, to express them, and to engender debate. If that's how you look at his job description, he clearly does it very well. It's no reason for him to be fired, and if you don't like his opinions, you're free to disagree and/or not watch him.


Senior Moment
Oct 30, 2002
Here and there
I find it fascinating that people rip Grapes from pillar to post, yet never fail to tune in Saturday nights to hear what he has to say.
I disagree with Cherry about as often as I agree with him, but he's paid handsomely to do what he does. If you hate him, don't watch !


New member
Sep 15, 2003
If Cherry had mentioned Ontarians as wimps who wear visors, there wouldn't even be a discussion, or this thread. I get a little fed up with people crying racist at the drop of a hat. Every part of the world produces good people tough people and wimpy people.

It just so happens that more of them come from other parts of the world than English Canada.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's go Grapes.


New member
Oct 11, 2003
On a cold rock near Antarctica
Racist?? Not based on what was quoted. Chauvinistic?? Certainly.
The last time I checked both Frenchmen and Englishmen were Caucasian, as are the Europeans that play here.

To quote Inigo Montoya: 'You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.'

I also think that ANYONE that makes it to the NHL is one damned tough person.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
LOL Right on with the Inigo Montoya quote.

Anyway, what the heck is the fuss over Don Cherry? Is anyone surprised by his opinions after all these years?!?!

Get over it.

That is all.



Horny Bastard
Aug 19, 2001
Back in the USSR, eh.
Kev said:
Mr. Cherry made the statement that the only players in the NHL that wear "Visors" are "Frenchmen and Europeans."

Actually, what he said was:

"most of the guys that wear them are europeans or french guys."

A small point, but, we might as well get the quote correct.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Speedo said:
I find it fascinating that people rip Grapes from pillar to post, yet never fail to tune in Saturday nights to hear what he has to say.
this being why I have changed the channel during intermissions for every hockey night in Canada I've seen for years. it doesn't change how he spreads ignorance on a national stage regularly.

Dong Joe

sure, climb on
Nov 16, 2003
What Grapes stated was a simple FACT. Get over it!

I'm fed up with the PC bullshit that infests this Country. Grapes stands up for Canada, and speaks for the silent majority of Canadians.

My Dad was at a large hockey function in Kingston. He said when Don showed up as a surprise guest, you would not have believed the standing ovation he received. It was like Elvis had arrived.

You either love him or hate him.


Jul 29, 2003
Re: Re: Coaches Corner commentator Don Cherry a racist?

ed_lepps said:
Actually, what he said was:

"most of the guys that wear them are europeans or french guys."

A small point, but, we might as well get the quote correct.
I was quoting Jack Todd from the Montreal Gazette. Anyway i think what i said is the same thing.

....that wear "Visors" are "Frenchmen and Europeans." --- Kev


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
"Grapes stands up for Canada"

Actually he doesn't. Don Cherry continually attempts to belittle one-quarter of Canada's population. It must still be burning him up that he could never beat Guy Lafleur et al. when it counted. Or maybe he could never get laid in Montreal.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Jack Todd is the most biased sportswriter I have ever seen . Actually if Pansey was a Mtl fan I would swear he was Todd . I read the Gazette during my frequent trips to Mtl and this guy is so anti-toronto he makes Cherry's anti-european rants seem tame .

They are both "tools" as someone put it but Cherry can be entertaining sometimes while Todd can't .


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
johnhenrygalt said:
"Or maybe he could never get laid in Montreal.
Wow .... that would make him part of a distinct society.


Member with a member
Jan 11, 2003
In my chair
I'd like to see some sportswriter actually list the stats on who wears visors in the NHL. At least then we could see if he's generally right or generally wrong.

Mr. Downtown

Active member
Aug 17, 2001
Centre Ice
Ya. Cherry is a racist. The nerve of him calling our French Cdn neighbours as Frenchmen. As for myself, I am totally insulted when someone calls me an Englishman.....NOT!!!!

This is just another case of a bunch of anal retarded dickheads looking to cause trouble. Someone from Frank Magazine should trackdown that silly federal regulating language cop bitch and throw a whipcream pie in her face. Talk about a waste of taxpayers money.

Dong Joe

sure, climb on
Nov 16, 2003
johnhenrygalt said:
"Grapes stands up for Canada"

Actually he doesn't. Don Cherry continually attempts to belittle one-quarter of Canada's population. It must still be burning him up that he could never beat Guy Lafleur et al. when it counted. Or maybe he could never get laid in Montreal.

Oh you mean the quarter of the population that almost voted to seperate from Canada?
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