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CNN Irony


New member
Oct 1, 2002
The other night on Larry King the talking heads were debating the media coverage of the sniper. The general acknowlegement was that the super high level of media coverage is indeed giving the sniper exactly what he wants.....PUBLICITY!

Would he still be doing what he's doing if the media coverage was toned down. Maybe or maybe not. My guess is he wouldn't be quite as keen.

They didn't actually say it, but the underlying conclusion is that maybe the "media" (ie. CNN, look in the mirror Larry et al) should tone it down. The segment then ends and old Larry-boy says, more on the sniper after these messages. Advertising revenue will always win.....big deal if more people get shot or killed.

Stop the world....I want to get off!

Pistol Pete

New member
Aug 18, 2001

Last I heard, CNN was getting great ratings thanks to the sniper. Don't expect the coverage to stop anytime soon.

Mark Service

Tech Support
Aug 17, 2001
CNN aiding in destruction of western society

If George W. had a shred of intellegence he would severley limit the coverage of the sniper. Just enough to warn people.

Every enemy of the US now knows that they just need a few good men with hight powered rifles to severly alter the lives of millions of people in a negative way.

DUMB DUMB DUMB... I just don't get it - all a terrorists want is to touch as many as possible with fear and CNN perpetuates it.



CNN has no scrouples, they should replace James Earl Jones with Jerry Springer for their intro. The disturbing part of this ordeal is that I'm beginning to have serious doubts that this sick ruthless freak will ever be caught. My friends south of the border, it's high time that you face some harsh realities. Just how many snipers and Columbines will it take before you outlaw the NRA?


New member
reply to DQ

I am the NRA. So are millions of other law abiding people just like me.

Let's try counting the number of laws the sniper has already broken. Would adding a gun control law to that tally matter at all? How would taking legal guns away from law abiding citizens change what's happening at all?

Your anger would be better directed at the opponents of capital punishment. If they have their way the sniper won't even get the appropriate punishment when he is caught.


Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
Arguing with the NRA is useless. Fighting for the rights of responsible gun owners is one thing but they fight for the rights of irresponsible gun owners.

If they want to see how gun control can work then they only have to look north of the border. Any responsible person can own a gun in Canada it just takes a bit longer. The result is that the rate of crimes commited with a gun are radically lower in Canada then in the U.S.

Before any pro-NRA people ask, no I don't own a gun but I used to be a member of a gun club so I know a lot of people who own guns. They may bitch about the delays in getting a gun sometimes but they all agree that it is a small price to pay if it saves even one life let alone the hundreds that are lost each day across the U.S. due to guns.


Zep Head
Oct 23, 2002
Guns Guns Guns

I'm so bloody tired of the debate about guns. Just look at the numbers. Relative to most other countries in the world, the murder rate by firearms in the U.S. is staggering, obscene, repulsive, sickening, grotesque, etc.........throw in any other adjective you'd like.

The old white dudes with wigs who spent hours dipping their quills into ink back in the 1770's were also embroiled in a cutthroat struggle with the Redcoats. Naturally they would want their fellow rebels to have the right to bear arms. I'm quite sure they did not intend to have Mr. & Mrs. Suburbia and Mr. Drug Dealer and Mr. Pimp and Mrs. Teacher and Mr. Bus Driver and Mr. Convenience Store Manager to carry them, too.

But it's too late now. It's beyond anyone to fix and it's way too bloody political.

Why can't the world be made of more John Lennon's?

Just venting!


New member
Who needs CNN?

CNN used to be the first place I would go for news and information. Now it's in competition for last place. Of course my preferred point of view is strongly contrarian.

Lascivious is the first word that comes to mind when I think of CNN....Well no, actually it's pornographic, but I reserve that word for material that can actually be "fun" to watch when it's done right.

Would you care for a short nap while we attempt to titilate you? Watch CNN!

Oh yeah, I forgot, this thread has turned to guns. What better lightning rod can there be for all our fears, hostilites, grudges, and quest for power.

Guns made sense, once upon a time. But that was when it was "man against nature". Nature lost. Guns make very little sense today. That's not to say by removing guns we bring an end to violence. Look at Israel. When there's serious killing to be done, a cocktail of C4, rejects from the local hardware store, and the obligatory martyr dejour is the weapon of choice.

Now that I've had my rant, we return to our regularly scheduled sexually oriented banter and inuendo.
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Dr. Gonzo

New member
Jul 19, 2002
To me owning a firearm is likley one of the greatest responsibilities you will ever face. It strikes me that the process SHOULD be mired in red tape and hoops to jump through, after all you are buying an item that carries a single purpose: a gun is designed to kill.

You can sit there and tell me about target shooting and skeet shooting all day long. That's well and good, but those sports were developed in order to train more efficient killers, plain and simple. They have now evolved into sport, sure. But I bet the DC sniper spent a lot of time playing this "sport" before he switched to live game.

No responsible and law abiding gun owner should have any problem whatsoever accepting new regulations. Ballistic fingerprinting of all firearms linked to an ownership database. Longer wait times. Bans on assault weapons (tell me seriously why you need an assault rifle or a gun like the TEC-9?). If you aren't criminals or don't have criminal intent in owning your guns, what do you care if you have to register them or wait a few extra days?

I personally think guns are completely repugnant things and entirely unnecessary in civil society. A hunting rifle for a hunter I can understand. An easily concealed rapid-fire assault weapon? I don't think you're going to shoot rabbits with that....
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