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CNN Coverage


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Does anyone else think that the Iraq War coverage on CNN is getting to be just a little too much now?

I mean, my god, what will they do next? Interview a mouse who use to live in one of Saddam's shelters that has just been bombed?

I can see it now.... Larry King, "ok, mr. mouse, what happened?"

mouse's reply "Squeak...Squeak....Squeak,Squeak........Squeak!"

Larry King, "Is that right mr. mouse, must have been horrible for you."

Mouse's reply "Squeak!"


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Tonites war is brought to you by MONICA the new talk show where she turns the NOB on evey door.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
CNN made its name from its excellent coverage of the Gulf War. This time around, it should be embarrassed. It's just a cheerleader for the U.S. troops and a mouthpiece for the Bush administration.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
scubadoo said:
Does anyone else think that the Iraq War coverage on CNN is getting to be just a little too much now?
On the other hand, I think that people want to see war coverage as soon as they tune in to CNN. The problem is that there cannot be earth-shattering updates every minute, so sometimes the material runs a bit thin. Headline news has gone back to covering other news anyway (Robin Meade and Rudi Bakhtiar...mmmm).

And yeah, Larry King is very annoying.


New member
news coverage

I think the news networks are trying to cover this as a real-time event like televising a football game. They need new developments every hour or so to keep it flowing. Unfortunately since real life doesnt work that way the coverage ends up looking really stupid much of the time.

I have gotten in the habit of watching 30 minutes or so in the morning and in the evening after work. During the day, bring up an online news service for any big events going on. Otherwise its just unending and repetitious.



Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
I don't. This is why I switched to other channels. And even better, the CBC.

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
Nobody is forcing you to keep your television on CNN

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
CBC all the way.

They are the professionals in all of this madness. Unbiased, try to give the facts.

CNN is the worst. Even Ted Turner is revolted by what he sees.

And does anyone else hate all that split screen stuff, with a ticker running across the bottom of the screen on top of that???

It's exhausting.

As far as the American networks go, I like Peter Jennings the most (Canadian by the way), and Rather following that. Though i still call John Robberts (also Canadian) J.D. Robberts and picture him with his real hair and a leather coat doing the new music for channel 79. Ah, the good ole days.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
I suppose CBC would be unbiased if it was Canada at war? The same wimps who didn't have the balls to stand up to public pressure and rehired the $400k-a-year-for-doing-dick-all Ron MacLean?

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
i am also a little sick of CNN, and even the CBC from time to time...

news coverage these days is often a case of beating a dead horse... too much air time devoted to one or two stories, and they chatter on about nothing - mostly speculating or speculating about somebody else's speculations... and the same thing repeated over and over again...

do you remember a few years back, they did a few attempts at showing football or other sports events without the incessant chatter - sometimes pictures speak for themselves.

the problem with the media is it is easy to have some talking head blathering on about things endlessly rather than doing real digging for news - tv is not about investigative journalism, and too often what gets shown on tv is whatever exciting footage they have... kind of like the old channel 7 news in buffalo - every fire and car crash made the headlines - cfto has become like that, and it is depressing!

but at least the war is relavant and or historic importance, unlike:

o j simpson
jonbenet ramsey
the menendez borthers
etc. etc.

were it not for the war, we would be stuck with 24 hour nonstop coverage of the elizabeth sharp case!

and all too often, many important stories about the world get little coverage... whats happening in zimbabwe, with the trial of the leader of the opposition, for example. i occasionally read the new york time on sunday, and at least they cover stories about what is happening in the world, kenya and other places that don't even get coverage in our globe and mail... unfortunately, most people get their news only from the big tv networks and cnn these days - which i find very sad.
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