CNE's Open, Who's Going?


Your ultimate MILF GFE!
took my daughter to wonderland.......spent $103 to get in just for me and her. Had drink in my daughters backpack confisgated at entrance. $15 for parking. $4 for bottle water. $5 for ice cream, $7.50 for a hot dog, $10 for a 9inch pizza. coke was $4.50, $10 for a snoopy cup, $12 for locker rental plus the games and additional rides where you HAVE to pay additional money. I spent over $350 in one day.

CNE is the best bang for your buck for entertaining your kids.
The best way to do Wonderland is to pack a picnic lunch. You can leave the park and picnic on one of the grassy areas outside the entrance. Then you can pack healthier food/snacks and don't get stuck eating the crap they serve or getting gouged by their prices. I believe they let you take sealed water bottles into the park.
Yes, chances are you'll end up buying an ice cream or some kind of treat (we have a tradition of getting funnel cake at the end of the day). It's ridiculous that they charge for parking. I believe it was $12 last year. Did it go up again?

Also, if you are a CAA member, buy your tickets there. They are quite a bit cheaper.

Still ends up being a pricey day overall, but so much fun!!!



Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
I found this out last year, my SO has a handicapped parking permit. When we went to the CNE and we were parking, we got in for nothing because of it, Apparently its good for 2 passes.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I go every year just to do a lap. Once in a while there are vendors selling interesting things. For example, I saw wooden watches. While overpriced I found a better deal online.
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