Clubs are meant for singles!


New member
Aug 31, 2004
Hey Femme Fatal,
Are you kidding?
Maybe the post was over your head I don't know...
but first, I score way too much poon for shit to be equitable...
and, yeah them dudes are the losers, not me.
I go out to clubs to meet people, not to entertain some chick I've been banging regular. Yup. Those Charly's that go to clubs in cliques are big time losers.
But from where I come from, clubs and singles bars were initially intended for people looking to hook-up (and not necessarily for sex). People met new friends, new lovers, sometimes their future spouses. If I wanna go party at a club I definitely like to meet women who I have never met before, and who I would normally not have the chance of meeting elsewhere. Clubs are congregation spots were strangers go to rub elbows with other strangers. Ya dig?
At least that's how it used to be here. Now they're moslty hangout spots for small bands of misfits and posers.
You really think I envy those guys that had "their" women all over them. This shit is nothing new, it's actually lame, and I actually felt sorry for them.
But you would not understand cuz your thinking from a woman's perspective: "golly, those guys are soooo fortunate to have women on their arms to paint the town with".
I'm about to puke!
Only sissies are strong-armed into clubbing with their girlfriend and ALL of her "best friends", and ALL of their boyfriends. Yuck.
I dated a chick like that...always wanted to keep up with the Joneses in terms of being a socialite: every couple of weeks some skeez's birthday, or some skeez's best friend's birthday, etc etc etc. Got to the point where I'd make a point of stiffing all the time. Who the fuck wants to hang with a bunch of charlys that happen to be dating a friend of a friend of the girl it so happens I'm banging? I certainly don't.
Keep it in mind, dudes, that when you see them co-ed cliques, nine-times-out-of-ten, their just a mishmash of strangers all dragged along to attend some skeez's party.
And about the Big L for the night...hey, I can't win them all, I'm the first to admit it, but check it, I score at the very least the following:
- a makeout session
- phone numbers,
and when shit goes real well, I get laid or get the weasel sucked.

And I'll say it again, banging a woman I've banged nuff times already and then going clubbing with her and her clique of drunken riffraff to take up space that rightfully belongs to singles and players is fuckin lame!
Buster's like this deserve to get their faces clapped.

Peace out Jesters

WOW. Now I know why our unemployment rate is so high. I can't imagine anything this moron could do for a living besides flipping burgers or selling dope. Anything else would be way over his head. Don't worry dude, we are actually laughing at you, not with you.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
the whole premise of having a BF from the female perspective is based on having him entertain you and take you out
the OP is a true revolutionary if he thinks he can change that


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Hey Femme Fatal,
but first, I score way too much poon for shit to be equitable...
and, yeah them dudes are the losers, not me.
If you have to brag about how much poon you getting you definitely not getting any.
Looks like you were the loser who went home with monster and gigolo


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Hey dudes...

I went out carousing for some poon last night. Shaved my balls and everything.
Started out promising, got buzzed and high, and then hit up a few joints with two of my boys, the Gigolo, and the Monster. We warmed up at couple of little cozy watering holes, then went over to the It Spot.
Dudes, word must'a got out, cuz all the loogans were in attendance.
But I wanted to get laid, or at least get my weasel sucked...but all I got was some lousy digits off a couple of skeezes, one of which was only down for some bullshit kissy-kissy.
Basically, in my books, the night was a loss. A big L in the win-loss column...something you hockey-goofs can comprehend.
Anyhow, what stood out, was the loads of cliques. Some of the players on here will know what I mean.
Talkin' bout them wack-ass co-ed cliques: bunch of boys and girls, some of them couples, hitting up clubs meant for singles and players. That shit irritates me something awful.
How whipped can a dude get?
Your silly bitch wants to go clubbing with her BFFs and their boyfriends, and suddenly you're along for the ride - hanging out with a bunch of popeyes you barely know, just to give your skeez a good time. Weak ass sissy.
The club was full of that shit. I thought I stepped into some Muchmoremusic video. Some get-along-gang of whacked out couples dancing around like some Britney Spears video from 1998.
Even worse -were them "girlgangs" - y'know, when a bunch of female BFFs clique-up to go "dancing".
All over the place all I saw was packs of office skeezes dancing in these circle-barricades...and you just know in the real world they secretly despise one another, but 'lo, on party nights they're suddenly bosom buddies.
It made my stomach sick...really it did. Here were all these skeezes dressed to kill, flaunting their junk, but not wanting to talk to a dude all night.
And when I read in the papers about some skeez that gets her drink spiked with a roofy and winds up starring in a gangbang in some Chevy Tahoe, am I suppose to fret?? Nope.
Anyhow, being who we are, we just rained on people's parade. I'm sorry, but clubs are meant for mingling with people.
Y'know single's bars, night clubs - they're the places people go to meet new people...not carry on with the same chumps they've been partying with since high school.

So we got drunk and higher, then pinched nuff assess, grabbed nuff women walking by, grinded hos on the dancefloor, punked dudes in front of their dates - the works. Shit went south real fast last night.
My boy was chatting to some girl from one those co-ed cliques, and then...listen to this dudes, some popeye that wasn't even her boyfriend interrupts to play good-samaritan.
He's like, "hey man, she's taken", or something along those lines.
I'm like, "by whom, you??"
"No, but trust me, she has a boyfriend."
Next thing I know, some next chick, her BFF I guess, comes out of nowhere and grabs the first chick and carts her away.
Me and the monster are just staring at each other.
Anyhow, we did wind up with some numbers...which, I now can't seem to find. Oh, well.
On the way out though, come last call, we pass the coat check and Monster has this beady little stare, and 'lo I immediately recognize the overprotective popeye from earlier.
I know what's coming next, so I turn to my other boy, Gigolo, and I say, "yo, watch this".
Sure enough, my boy just claps this fool flush on the mouth right next to the coat check counter. Out!!!
Buddy's just lying there and his girlfriend gets hysterical. The bouncer who was right there just lets us walk by and does nothing.
Me and the Gigolo are just laughing our assess off outside trying to light our cigarettes.

Anyhow, we will try again tonight...hopefully shit works out better.

Peace out pigeons
Reason you didn't get any ass is because you talk like a wannabe gangster.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Reason you didn't get any ass is because you talk like a wannabe gangster.
if you think that prevents a man from getting laid you are giving women of this world WAY too much credit


Nov 13, 2011
all kidding aside ... and I am not sure if I should be talking the OP seriously but niteclubs are for all kinds of people & reasons. Generally they prefer dance music scene rather than bar pubs single or group of people going out with their mates.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
After reading the Op, the thing that comes to mind is he's trying to imitate Jay, from Kevin Smith movies . . . I mean who really talks like that ? ?


New member
Jul 14, 2009


Feb 26, 2012
Flemo, East York, Landsdowne
Hey dudes...
I guess I'll respond to a whole whack 'o you in one shot.
I won't sling the dogshit back at 'chas, and I don't believe in internet mudslinging...leave that for the trolls.

First, someone said that: "another putz (I guess me) discovered TERB"
... I laughed out loud at that, really I did. Actually, I've been on this site several times before, initially back in 2007, when I created my original account.
But the best part was this dude's use of the word "discover".
Kid, I never imagined that TERB was something that could be discovered. Terb is certainly a usefull tool. But a "discovery"?? Are you f'real kid? I kinda feel sorry for I'll leave it at that.

Some other dude said "he can now see why there is so much unemployment...and that he can't imagine (me) doing anything beyond selling dope or flipping burgers.
FYI, I made over 100k last year NET...that's right NET, working with my hands no less, pluggin' in rough-ins in the building trades. I quit that to go solo, now I am a GC dong my own renos and ripping off dim mooks on a regular...I'm bidding on a Pontiac GTO Judge from down south as I type this.
Maybe you'll see me and my big-block peel past you and that little sewing machine you call a car. You'll easily notice...It'll be the ride with the "Judge" decals, a handsome SOB driving, and a load of hotties in the back. Not bad for an ex-con huh?
Must chap folks in the ass to know that I earned six -figs before I went inside, and presto, still earn six-figs, even with a jacket full 'o level one offences.
Sure, I am aware plenty of folk earn, but at least I make my own hours, and am in total control of my destiny.
And finally, what's wrong with flipping burgers? A lot of people flip burgers. I know a buddy of mine who did that for a couple of years, then he opened up his own spoon, now he has his own bar & grill that makes paper. He was a dropout, a substance abuser, and jailbird. Couldn't get nothing but factory work and minimum wage gigs. He stuck out the hard times and plugged on.

And finally, some recent cat came along and slung all kinds of dogshit. Took it personal...called me names and what not.
It's all good.
But I gotta ask. What's with you? You can't attack the ideas so you just attack the speaker??
What, my initial points were too sound, so you resort to name calling?
I'll reiterate what I initially said, clubs and singles bars should be for singles.
Sure, people are free to bring their dates with them, it's a great place to party and drink and have a good time with a lady.
But my beef is these co-ed cliques that take up space and are totally antisocial.
As well, I can't stand "girl-gangs" who go there to "Vogue" and strike a pose, show-off and nurture their over-inflated egos and sense of self-worth.
If they really wanted to go because "they love dancing", there are many places to do this - private parties, the YMCA, dance academies, etc etc.
But really, it's the attention they crave...they know it, and any honest person will admit to it. They require the affirmation that teasing and showing-off brings. It is antisocial, very counter-productive, and in the end is detructive to everyone else's sense of worth.
Nobody wants to feed someone else's ego at the expense of their own.


New member
May 22, 2011
WTF. :confused:
Hey dudes...

I went out carousing for some poon last night. Shaved my balls and everything.
Started out promising, got buzzed and high, and then hit up a few joints with two of my boys, the Gigolo, and the Monster. We warmed up at couple of little cozy watering holes, then went over to the It Spot.
Dudes, word must'a got out, cuz all the loogans were in attendance.
But I wanted to get laid, or at least get my weasel sucked...but all I got was some lousy digits off a couple of skeezes, one of which was only down for some bullshit kissy-kissy.
Basically, in my books, the night was a loss. A big L in the win-loss column...something you hockey-goofs can comprehend.
Anyhow, what stood out, was the loads of cliques. Some of the players on here will know what I mean.
Talkin' bout them wack-ass co-ed cliques: bunch of boys and girls, some of them couples, hitting up clubs meant for singles and players. That shit irritates me something awful.
How whipped can a dude get?
Your silly bitch wants to go clubbing with her BFFs and their boyfriends, and suddenly you're along for the ride - hanging out with a bunch of popeyes you barely know, just to give your skeez a good time. Weak ass sissy.
The club was full of that shit. I thought I stepped into some Muchmoremusic video. Some get-along-gang of whacked out couples dancing around like some Britney Spears video from 1998.
Even worse -were them "girlgangs" - y'know, when a bunch of female BFFs clique-up to go "dancing".
All over the place all I saw was packs of office skeezes dancing in these circle-barricades...and you just know in the real world they secretly despise one another, but 'lo, on party nights they're suddenly bosom buddies.
It made my stomach sick...really it did. Here were all these skeezes dressed to kill, flaunting their junk, but not wanting to talk to a dude all night.
And when I read in the papers about some skeez that gets her drink spiked with a roofy and winds up starring in a gangbang in some Chevy Tahoe, am I suppose to fret?? Nope.
Anyhow, being who we are, we just rained on people's parade. I'm sorry, but clubs are meant for mingling with people.
Y'know single's bars, night clubs - they're the places people go to meet new people...not carry on with the same chumps they've been partying with since high school.

So we got drunk and higher, then pinched nuff assess, grabbed nuff women walking by, grinded hos on the dancefloor, punked dudes in front of their dates - the works. Shit went south real fast last night.
My boy was chatting to some girl from one those co-ed cliques, and then...listen to this dudes, some popeye that wasn't even her boyfriend interrupts to play good-samaritan.
He's like, "hey man, she's taken", or something along those lines.
I'm like, "by whom, you??"
"No, but trust me, she has a boyfriend."
Next thing I know, some next chick, her BFF I guess, comes out of nowhere and grabs the first chick and carts her away.
Me and the monster are just staring at each other.
Anyhow, we did wind up with some numbers...which, I now can't seem to find. Oh, well.
On the way out though, come last call, we pass the coat check and Monster has this beady little stare, and 'lo I immediately recognize the overprotective popeye from earlier.
I know what's coming next, so I turn to my other boy, Gigolo, and I say, "yo, watch this".
Sure enough, my boy just claps this fool flush on the mouth right next to the coat check counter. Out!!!
Buddy's just lying there and his girlfriend gets hysterical. The bouncer who was right there just lets us walk by and does nothing.
Me and the Gigolo are just laughing our assess off outside trying to light our cigarettes.

Anyhow, we will try again tonight...hopefully shit works out better.

Peace out pigeons


Jun 6, 2009
Hey dudes...
I guess I'll respond to a whole whack 'o you in one shot.
I won't sling the dogshit back at 'chas, and I don't believe in internet mudslinging...leave that for the trolls.

First, someone said that: "another putz (I guess me) discovered TERB"
... I laughed out loud at that, really I did. Actually, I've been on this site several times before, initially back in 2007, when I created my original account.
But the best part was this dude's use of the word "discover".
Kid, I never imagined that TERB was something that could be discovered. Terb is certainly a usefull tool. But a "discovery"?? Are you f'real kid? I kinda feel sorry for I'll leave it at that.

Some other dude said "he can now see why there is so much unemployment...and that he can't imagine (me) doing anything beyond selling dope or flipping burgers.
FYI, I made over 100k last year NET...that's right NET, working with my hands no less, pluggin' in rough-ins in the building trades. I quit that to go solo, now I am a GC dong my own renos and ripping off dim mooks on a regular...I'm bidding on a Pontiac GTO Judge from down south as I type this.
Maybe you'll see me and my big-block peel past you and that little sewing machine you call a car. You'll easily notice...It'll be the ride with the "Judge" decals, a handsome SOB driving, and a load of hotties in the back. Not bad for an ex-con huh?
Must chap folks in the ass to know that I earned six -figs before I went inside, and presto, still earn six-figs, even with a jacket full 'o level one offences.
Sure, I am aware plenty of folk earn, but at least I make my own hours, and am in total control of my destiny.
And finally, what's wrong with flipping burgers? A lot of people flip burgers. I know a buddy of mine who did that for a couple of years, then he opened up his own spoon, now he has his own bar & grill that makes paper. He was a dropout, a substance abuser, and jailbird. Couldn't get nothing but factory work and minimum wage gigs. He stuck out the hard times and plugged on.

And finally, some recent cat came along and slung all kinds of dogshit. Took it personal...called me names and what not.
It's all good.
But I gotta ask. What's with you? You can't attack the ideas so you just attack the speaker??
What, my initial points were too sound, so you resort to name calling?
I'll reiterate what I initially said, clubs and singles bars should be for singles.
Sure, people are free to bring their dates with them, it's a great place to party and drink and have a good time with a lady.
But my beef is these co-ed cliques that take up space and are totally antisocial.
As well, I can't stand "girl-gangs" who go there to "Vogue" and strike a pose, show-off and nurture their over-inflated egos and sense of self-worth.
If they really wanted to go because "they love dancing", there are many places to do this - private parties, the YMCA, dance academies, etc etc.
But really, it's the attention they crave...they know it, and any honest person will admit to it. They require the affirmation that teasing and showing-off brings. It is antisocial, very counter-productive, and in the end is detructive to everyone else's sense of worth.
Nobody wants to feed someone else's ego at the expense of their own.
Don't let the door hit you when you leave. Absolutely no one here has given you any credibility here. If you want to entertain yourself, try M*Y*T*E*R*B. I hear they're more your kind.

Iconic One

Mar 26, 2007
Ok, I'll just say Ontario.
This is the best thread ever! GJ, is this essay about the dystopian urban dating scene a preview to your follow up novel to Fight Club? You're a fucking genius man. It was an honour to read your prose. (seriously, you made it too easy to figure out you're Chuck Palahniuk).


Active member
May 18, 2003
"But really, it's the attention they crave.."
Read your own words, this is you, complete attention whore with nothing to offer. Netting six figures is something to boast about? Maybe 30 years ago.
Couldn't get enough friends on facebook or followers of your blog?
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