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Climate negotiators urged to reach a consensus on curbing warming as COP28 talks near crunch time


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
December 10, 2023

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Negotiators have been urged to narrow down their options and agree on how to save Earth from disastrous levels of warming as the clock runs down on United Nations climate talks and the summit’s president remains determined to finish up talks by Tuesday.

“Now is the time to shift gears and get to consensus,” COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber said in a plenary session late Saturday.

There some were signs negotiators were moving forward Sunday: A new draft agreement on global adaptation goals — which will determine how poor countries will brace themselves for weather extremes worsened by climate change from drought to deluge to more intense storms — was released.

The draft text expresses concern over the gap between the money needed for adaptation and how much countries are getting, but it doesn’t say exactly how much money is needed for the world to adapt to climate change.

One option in the draft proposes an assessment of each country’s vulnerability to climate change by 2025 and to establish early warning systems for extreme weather events by 2027. Another option is for countries to come up with national adaptation plans and implement them by 2030.

The new draft “presents the skeleton of what could be a reasonable framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation,” said Ana Mulio Alvarez of climate think tank E3G said. But to be effective, adapting to climate change “requires developed countries to provide support to developing countries for implementation.”

Thibyan Ibrahim from the Small Islands Developing States negotiating block, called the progress on adaptation “a bit disappointing, because we weren’t able to get strong outcomes.”

Draft texts on the Global Stocktake — the part of the negotiations that assesses where the world is at with curbing warming and how countries can stick to climate goals — were still stuffed with several options on language about how to phase-out planet-warming fossil fuels.

Dan Jorgensen, Denmark’s environment minister and one-half of a pair of ministers in charge of the global stocktake, urged countries to “start focusing on key priorities and show flexibility so that we can start to ... eliminate options.”

Shantal Munro-Knight, a climate negotiator for Barbados, said motivation to get a strong deal among countries was high.

“I don’t think anyone wants to go away from the COP without a really ambitious program, and that’s where I think everybody is. You didn’t hear negative pushback too much because we are all in that moment,” Munro-Knight said.

But Marshall Islands Climate Envoy Tina Stege acknowledged “there is a lot more work that needs to be done. The presidency has a lot on its plate and we don’t have a lot of time.”

Sticking points are along familiar lines for negotiators, with some countries wanting to see strong language on phasing out the use of fossil fuel while others are hesitant to have forceful language on the issue because they’re continue to develop their oil, gas or coal industries.

“It’s very clear that there is a group of countries here that don’t want to phase out fossil fuels,” said German climate envoy Jennifer Morgan. Small island states, Latin American countries and European countries are pushing for a phase-out, but other nations are “still far apart.”

“It’s going to be very difficult,” Morgan said. “I’m a bit worried.”

Rachel Cleetus of the Union of Concerned Scientists told journalists Sunday that “the big laggards, the ones being obstinate, is definitely Saudi Arabia and the OPEC countries,” the powerful oil cartel.

Brandon Wu of ActionAid USA also criticized America’s plans to expand oil and gas production.

“I think it’s quite easy to point the finger at some of the Gulf states here,” Wu said. “But, you know, we should not ignore the fact that the United States has the single largest oil and gas expansion plans of any country in the world by far. It’s not even close.”

China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua called this year’s climate conference the “most difficult” of his long career. He said on Saturday that the contentious fossil phase-out issue could be solved in one or two days.

Negotiators are aiming to find a way to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, in line with what was agreed in the historic 2015 Paris agreement. Some observers on Sunday were cautiously optimistic about the progress so far.

“We are close to making history here,” said Kaisa Kosonen, Policy Coordinator at Greenpeace International. “Never before have I seen this level of pressure, with people saying let’s just do it. They are finally addressing the root cause of climate change.”



Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Blah blah blah.
We'll hear the same BS during the next COP meeting of elitist trying to tell everybody how they should live so they can enjoy their cushy lifestyle.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
"Climate Negotiators" ----- That's the problem right there.

At this late stage, there should be no climate negotiators anymore.
correct there should be no climate negotiators... period
I know I did not elect a climate negotiator to represent me

There should be climate coordinators, climate managers
holy hubris

the idea mankind can control our dynamic, ever evolving chaotic climate system is beyond ridiculous
yet now you seem to think our dynamic, ever evolving chaotic climate system can be coordinated and managed

learn some physics.

or even climate enforcers who can enforce strict rules on carbon emissions by industry, consumers and all others. Hell, even population should be controlled at this point.
And there it is, the real objective of the man made crisis
control the population .... with enforcers no less

Hey ! Moose, Knuckles come here.
There is a guy over on Mulberry street , who has been using his gas cooker and heating his home
I want you two climate enforcers to show him the error of his ways , you know give him an offer he can't refuse
take Rocko with you as well. He wants to be a climate enforcer but he has to make his bones first

After careful consideration, your commie proposal is rejected with extreme prejudice.
what in world is wrong with you ?

just because you are gullible, incapable of independent thought and wetting your paints over propaganda , you do not get to control others

Of course, none of this will happen until it is too late and we are all dying of thirst.
if the climate change propaganda were true, (which it is not) , there is at 7.2 million cubic miles of fresh water (glaciers, ice caps) which would be come available
this is vintage water as well .... pre-industrial

the trillions wasted on the climate change narrative, could have solved the real (i.e. non-imaginary) current issue of access to clean drinking water for billions

Some 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed* drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic** handwashing facilities.Jun 18, 2019

Well done.....assholes.....
obnoxious and ignorant of the truth is a real bad combo
you should lose that
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
the idea mankind can control our dynamic, ever evolving chaotic climate system is beyond ridiculous
The word is 'effect' not 'control'.
Humans effect the climate and that effect is causing climate change that won't be undone for 50,000 years.
That's a massive risk.

If you're a sane person even if you'd need to believe with 100% certainty that the 1.4ºC of warming we've already experienced is exactly what scientists say it is, but a sane person wouldn't argue that in the first place.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Hey if Trudeau says he can control the temperature of the planet by Canadians paying four times more carbon tax, trust him. Fuck him and his criminal midget Stevie G.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
December 10, 2023

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Negotiators have been urged to narrow down their options and agree on how to save Earth from disastrous levels of warming as the clock runs down on United Nations climate talks and the summit’s president remains determined to finish up talks by Tuesday.

“Now is the time to shift gears and get to consensus,” COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber said in a plenary session late Saturday.
The same host who days earlier stated privately said that there is 'no science' suggesting that a phase-out of fossil fuels is indispensable to save the planet.
UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’
The same host who is planning to drill for more

The United Arab Emirates' state oil firm Adnoc may drill 42% more by 2030
They should close this clown show out with Al Gore driving a really tiny car while wearing a bright red nose and size 25 shoes
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
They should close this clown show out with Al Gore driving a really tiny car while wearing a bright red nose and size 25 shoes
The fact that the climate summit hosted by an Arab state
of the Persian Gulf could still bring in world's climate leaders
and garnered a participation in the thousands would make this
clown show deemed worthwhile to OPEC and leaders outside the
western world. Speaking as a Canadian citizen it is indeed a national
embarrassment to be represented in the summit by an idiot and
a criminal convict of a minister on the mission of virtue-signalling
before an audience of oil businessmen. Nonetheless there is a bright
side to this farce. I can see that in the coming years oil producers
will take over the climate movement and use the climate summit
as an event for cutting oil deals. It is good for the future of the
fossil fuel business.

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I can see that in the coming years oil producers
will take over the climate movement and use the climate summit
as an event for cutting oil deals. It is good for the future of the
fossil fuel business.
Also note that China and India will use the event to trash
climate policies of the west as well. And third world
nations will demand climate reparation of damage and
loss in human lives from Canada. The climate summit is
good for global economy through more efficient reallocation
of resources away from the west.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hey if Trudeau says he can control the temperature of the planet by Canadians paying four times more carbon tax, trust him. Fuck him and his criminal midget Stevie G.
The word is 'effect' not 'control'.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Also note that China and India will use the event to trash
climate policies of the west as well
that would be no surprise

And third world nations will demand climate reparation of damage and loss in human lives from Canada.
they will ask for $

however they also want and really need access to fossil fuels, which is being denied to them


The climate summit is
good for global economy through more efficient reallocation
of resources away from the west.
sounds pretty socialist / communist to me
if it has to be done under the guise of a false narrative and via deceit, there is something fundamentally wrong / evil about the 'reallocation"

Africa should not be denied the use of fossil fuels.
that is bloody immoral, wrong and evil
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
sounds pretty socialist / communist to me
if it has to be done under the guise of a false narrative and via deceit, there is something fundamentally wrong / evil about the 'reallocation"

Africa should not be denied the use of fossil fuels.
that is bloody immoral, wrong and evil
Looking forward this is how I think the climate movement could
lead to reallocation of resources.

China, India and the developing world will hold the west responsible
for climate change but won't give a rat's ass about the climate impact
of importing coal and gas from Canada and Australia.

Being the climate hypocrites they are, Norway, Canada, Australia and
the U.S. will continue producing their remaining fossil fuel resources.
Bogus net-zero emission targets combined with 'climate justice' would
somehow do the wonder of driving them to export all the fossil fuel they
can spare to the parts of the world less responsible for climate change.

Russia and other gulf states will over time divert energy exports
away from the west to the rest of the world who don't buy into the
climate BS. China, India and maybe Japan as well will be the major
financiers of development of the vast natural gas resources in West
Africa, Iran and Siberia to secure stable energy supply for the rest
of the century while the west is scrambling to phase down domestic
oil consumption. We will have to export oil and coal to China in exchange
for cheaper solar panels and EVs. Manufacturing of such green gadgets
will become cost-prohibitive in the west. Germany will likely descend
into peasantry if they are unable to restore gas import from Russia
after the Ukraine war. Russia's spare energy supply would of course
go to China and India.

Prioritizing access to Earth's remaining energy and mineral resources
to the developing world should improve lives of a greater proportion of
world's population tremendously.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Prioritizing access to Earth's remaining energy and mineral resources
to the developing world should improve lives of a greater proportion of
world's population tremendously.
access to fossil fuels is being denied to Africa via restrictions on financing projects that use fossil fuels
see post 12

do you honestly think the fools @ the UN or COP XXXX will be able to Prioritizing access across the globe ?

they do not have the authority nor the capabilities

As soon as a country is denied the FF they need, they will go to the black market, pump more of their own oil or go to war to get what they need

Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world
what will happen to the Canadian govt that tells Canadians they must dramatically cut back/ ration domestic consumption while increasing exports to the third world ?
that govt will be voted out and replaced ASAP by a govt that rejects UN overlordship

Then there is
Right or wrong they will always have the right to claim first right of refusal / access to Canadian fossil fuels
They are not going to destroy their economy so that FF can be allocated to the 3rd world (especially China)
the Americans would just walk away from such a plan and annex Canada for the oil .... and the water

Prioritizing access >>> central planning >>> communism >>> big pile of dead bodies >>>> societal failure

you had better hope you are dead wrong

here is a better plan

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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Looking forward this is how I think the climate movement could
lead to reallocation of resources.

China, India and the developing world will hold the west responsible
for climate change but won't give a rat's ass about the climate impact
of importing coal and gas from Canada and Australia.

Being the climate hypocrites they are, Norway, Canada, Australia and
the U.S. will continue producing their remaining fossil fuel resources.
Bogus net-zero emission targets combined with 'climate justice' would
somehow do the wonder of driving them to export all the fossil fuel they
can spare to the parts of the world less responsible for climate change.

Russia and other gulf states will over time divert energy exports
away from the west to the rest of the world who don't buy into the
climate BS. China, India and maybe Japan as well will be the major
financiers of development of the vast natural gas resources in West
Africa, Iran and Siberia to secure stable energy supply for the rest
of the century while the west is scrambling to phase down domestic
oil consumption. We will have to export oil and coal to China in exchange
for cheaper solar panels and EVs. Manufacturing of such green gadgets
will become cost-prohibitive in the west. Germany will likely descend
into peasantry if they are unable to restore gas import from Russia
after the Ukraine war. Russia's spare energy supply would of course
go to China and India.

Prioritizing access to Earth's remaining energy and mineral resources
to the developing world should improve lives of a greater proportion of
world's population tremendously.
Warmer, but more egalitarian. Drill baby drill, or it's back to the caves...
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
you had better hope you are dead wrong
I had in my mind in the coming years people in the west
are going to embrace climate policies of emission reduction
for real. Truth be told I have no idea if this whole farce of
phasing out fossil fuel, transition away from FF to green
energy and climate reparation to the developing world
is for real or just a ploy to sucker climate sheeple voters.
Guilbeault has just pledged something like $16M to some climate
damage fund. I believe that is a different fund from the yearly
$100 billion climate fund for which Trudeau has already pledged
a yearly contribution of $4-5 billion. But are we going to pay
into the fund for real? Guilbeault is a raving idiot but I find
it hard to believe Trudeau as moronic as he could be would
want us to give away big bucks in the billions every year.

One path the climate movement is going to follow is for
the west to go green and finally meet its demise. It is also
possible in a few years western climate sheeple will come to
their sense and wake up to the deception of their climate
leaders. By then Greta Thunberg's place in history will be
demoted from Time's person of the year to attention whore
of the century.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]I had in my mind in the coming years people in the west
are going to embrace climate policies of emission reduction
for real.
voluntary reduction in our living standards ?
Nobody is going to agree to that

Truth be told I have no idea if this whole farce of
phasing out fossil fuel, transition away from FF to green
energy and climate reparation to the developing world
is for real or just a ploy to sucker climate sheeple voters.
no doubt there are loonies who think this is what should happen .... they are aways inventing uses for other peoples money

Guilbeault has just pledged something like $16M to some climate
damage fund. I believe that is a different fund from the yearly
$100 billion climate fund for which Trudeau has already pledged
a yearly contribution of $4-5 billion. But are we going to pay
into the fund for real?
depends on the timing of the next election vs. the timing of the proposed pledge
if the money has not left the country the newly elected conservatives will put a stop to the enviro-extortion

Guilbeault is a raving idiot but I find
it hard to believe Trudeau as moronic as he could be would
want us to give away big bucks in the billions every year.
he has been giving away taxpayer money since 2015

One path the climate movement is going to follow is for
the west to go green and finally meet its demise.
based on psudeo science and propaganda
ironically driven by the west from within by grifters and unbelievable gullible and stupid socialists

It is also
possible in a few years western climate sheeple will come to
their sense and wake up to the deception of their climate
we are seeing loonie left govts fall at rapid pace

By then Greta Thunberg's place in history will be
demoted from Time's person of the year to attention whore
of the century.
I make fun of her on occasion, however she is a child used by adults who have an agenda.
My guess is she will become a mess, like so many child movie stars
Its tough to have absolute contempt for a child who was led astray by adults
its not like she killed anyone with a grenade like Omar Kahdri did
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