Climate Change


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
14 US cities initiate new globalist climate plan in partnership with Soros and the Clintons

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a globalist enterprise with at least 14 partners right here in the U.S., and, they have set an "ambitious target" to convince the masses to give up meat, dairy, and private car ownership, as well as almost all flights, to supposedly save the planet and control temperatures forever around the current level.

From RedState yesterday:

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the 'C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,' which has an 'ambitious target' by the year 2030 of '0 kg [of] meat consumption,' '0 kg [of] dairy consumption,' '3 new clothing items per person per year,' '0 private vehicles' owned, and '1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.' ...
The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.
So 14 leftist cities in the U.S. have signed on to this commitment to take away freedom of choice from their citizens, while people suffer under rampant crime and children perform poorly in schools, but their priority is to take away milk, meat, and gas-powered cars. Got it.

Major funders and partners of the organization include George Soros's Open Society Foundations, the Clinton Foundation, and The World Bank.

Michael Bloomberg, the president of the group, is himself transported via gas-guzzling private jets and limousines, to his many mansions around the world. From Fox News:

Flight records show that Bloomberg's private jets took more than 1,700 trips and emitted at least 10,000 metric tons of CO2 from August 2016 to August 2020, a Business Insider analysis found. A typical car emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide in one year.
Bloomberg has access to multiple private jets, but he wants to limit us to one short-haul flight every three years.

He probably pretends he cares about his carbon footprint by buying worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits. His real estate portfolio consists of "at least 11 homes," and he owns a fleet of luxury personal vehicles:

To suit his luxurious fortune, he owns a Mercedes-Benz Maybach sedan. His Audi R8 is the one that shows athletic personification. Like a mandated SUV in the home of every celeb, Cadillac Escalade is tuned in black color. After not getting satisfied with one, he owns another fullsize SUV from Chevrolet.
Bloomberg and other green pushers tell people their gas-powered cars are destroying the planet, yet he has a massive car collection of gas-guzzlers.

They want to outlaw milk; does that include breastfeeding? Pretty sure that's a dairy product, and women and babies breathe out that vicious CO2, a non-pollutant, clear gas that makes plants thrive.

These billionaires generate massive pollution and pollute people's minds with talking points to indoctrinate the people to fall for pure propaganda.

What you will never see in these articles or in these policies is scientific data that show a direct correlation between milk and temperature, cars and temperature, meat and temperature, the population and temperature, crude oil consumption and temperature, or CO2 and temperature. The temperature fluctuates no matter what the other variables do.

You will also not see any correlation between any of these variables and storm activity or sea levels.

When there is no correlation, you can't assume causation. It is all a scam.

The sole purpose of these big government policies by leftists is to control our lives.

These billionaires and other leftists pretend they care about the poor and middle classes and small business, but every day, they show that is a blatant lie. They are extremely dangerous to our survival as a great and prosperous country, as are all the journalists who regurgitate the talking points without asking questions or doing any research.

14 US cities initiate new globalist climate plan in partnership with Soros and the Clintons - American Thinker


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The biggest human error is denying our accountability.
actually the biggest human error is abandoning independent thought and dogmatic acceptance of a false narrative

two thing to note about wild fires

#1. Burn acreage has steadily decreased while atmospheric CO2 increased
Go figure ?

What happened in 2020 which resulted in the lowest burn acreage in 40 years?
Oh Yeah, lockdowns >>> including the arsonists



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
actually the biggest human error is abandoning independent thought and dogmatic acceptance of a false narrative

two thing to note about wild fires

#1. Burn acreage has steadily decreased while atmospheric CO2 increased
Go figure ?

What happened in 2020 which resulted in the lowest burn acreage in 40 years?
Oh Yeah, lockdowns >>> including the arsonists

That chart is wrong on two levels:
1) reporting during the 30's was too messed up, it included areas burnt for land clearing.
2) your chart is old

Here's what's going on.
New data on forest fires confirms what we’ve long feared: Forest fires are becoming more widespread, burning nearly twice as much tree cover today as they did 20 years ago.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
A Whistle-Blower Details How Scientists Conspire To Depublish Non-Consensus Papers

There’s nothing new about mainstream climate scientists conspiring to bury papers that throw doubt on catastrophic global warming.

The Climategate leaks showed co-compiler of the HadCRUT global temperature series Dr. Phil Jones emailing Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann, July 8, 2004:

I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin [Trenberth, a colleague] and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!

Thanks to a science whistle-blower, there’s now documentation of a current exercise as bad as that captured in the Jones-Mann correspondence. [emphasis, links added]

This new and horrid saga – again involving Dr. Mann – sets out to deplatform and destroy a peer-endorsed published paper by four Italian scientists.

Their paper in European Physical Journal Plus is titled A Critical Assessment Of Extreme Events Trends In Times Of Global Warming and documents that extreme weather and related disasters are not generally increasing, contrary to the catastrophists feeding misinformation to the Guardian/ABC axis and other compliant media.

The witch-hunt has Australian elements. Last September, The Australian’s environment writer, Graham Lloyd, highlighted the paper [archived here] and its conclusion that the “extreme events emergency” was overblown.

Sky News Australia, which twice reported the study, picked up more than 400,000 views and thousands of comments.

The green-left Guardian countered with a hit piece by in-house catastrophist Graham Readfearn featuring professors Lisa Alexander and Steve Sherwood, both of NSW University. They alleged cherry-picking and misquoting.

Their main specific complaint was that the Italians’ paper had drawn on the 2013 Fifth IPCC Report rather than the recent Sixth Report. (The Italians say they submitted the paper before the Sixth Report emerged).

The Guardian’s fuss caught the attention of Agence France-Presse’s (AFP) Marlowe Hood, who modestly styles himself “Senior Editor, Future of the Planet” and “Herald of the Anthropocene”.

He penned his diatribe for The Australian [archived and also here] against the Italians’ paper. Jumping the gun on any editorial inquiry, AFP branded the study “faulty” and “fundamentally flawed”, involving “discredited assertions” and “grossly manipulated data”.

This abuse was normal since AFP and The Guardian are leaders of the Covering Climate Now (CCN) coalition of some 500 media outlets with a reach of a 2 billion audience.

These outlets signed the CCN pledge to hype catastrophism and rebut and censor any skepticism about our planet’s forecast fiery fate.

The whistle-blowers’ documents reveal how this media pile-on
– as distinct from reasoned scientific complaint — led the journal’s owner, Springer, to demand “action”.

Springer aimed to force the editor to publish at least an erratum and, preferably, retract it altogether, restoring climate right-think.

The publishers have now decided on the retraction and the axe will fall any day now. But the process was ratbaggery in place of the normal rigorous and honorable protocols.

Meanwhile, unabashed Italian authors Alimonti and Mariani successfully published last week an updated version of their paper, also peer-reviewed and in a different scientific journal.

Chapter and verse on the controversy are available at The Honest Broker, the blog of Dr. Roger J. Pielke Jr., a world-leading expert in monetary loss trends from extreme events.

Noted climatologist Dr. Judith Curry tweeted,

Reprehensible behavior by journal editors in retracting a widely read climate paper (80,000 downloads) over politically inconvenient conclusions. Journal editors asked me to adjudicate, and my findings were in favor of the author.
The controversy turns on how the IPCC Sixth Report is interpreted, as it seems to place [two bobs each way] on trends in extremes.

In all fairness, you can read a detailed argument here by an advocate for the paper’s retraction. But even Andy Revkin, a leading US journalist of warmist persuasion, has explained,

Despite headlines and spin, it’s still tough to disentangle global warming and natural variability in long-term heat wave patterns in the United States. That might seem surprising but was a clear conclusion of both the last U.S. National Climate Assessment and IPCC reports.
I’ll now background the Italian defendants in this politicized fracas. They enjoy prestigious reputations, but that doesn’t mean, of course, that they’re right.

♦ Professor Gianluca Alimonti, Milan University, and senior researcher, Italy’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Many of his papers involve work on the 7000-tonne ATLAS detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. He lists 300+ publications and presentations.

♦ Renato Angelo Ricci, Padova University, Padua. He’s worked with Legnaro National Laboratories, one of the four major research centers of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). He’s of such prestige that INFN dedicated to him its tenth annual Varenna Conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. [1] The corrupted Wikipedia Italy dismisses him as a climate skeptic.

♦ Luigi Mariani, Milan University, also of INFN. He’s with the Lombard Museum of Agricultural History and has published 137 papers.

♦ Franco Prodi, National Academy of Science, Verona and Italian National Research CouncilInstitute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate. 193 publications, 2300 citations:Main fields of interest are physics of clouds and precipitation, hail and precipitation growth, aerosol physics, atmospheric radiation, severe storm studies, and radar-meteorological investigations, satellite meteorology and nowcasting [very short term weather forecasting].”

The Guardian noted that three of the four Italians had signed a “no emergency” skeptic declaration last year as if that disqualified them from proper research.

The Guardian didn’t mention that the same declaration, with its 1,600 signatories, was led by two Nobel Laureates in Physics, John Clauser (2022) and Ivar Giaever (1973). [2]

The comments of Michael “Hockeystick” Mann, of Pennsylvania University, about Alimonti and Ricci are illuminating. He described their journal article as:

…another example of scientists from totally unrelated fields coming in and naively applying inappropriate methods to data they don’t understand. Either the consensus of the world’s climate experts that climate change is causing a very clear increase in many types of weather extremes is wrong, or a couple of nuclear physics dudes in Italy are wrong.
Mann himself is a connoisseur of wrong (and self-evidently in need of remedial courtesy classes). His notorious 1999 Hockeystick paper purportedly proved unprecedented 20th-century global heat.

His 1,000-year graph was used as a corporate logo by the IPCC in its 2001 Third Report [3], which subsequently downplayed it to near-invisibility in its Fourth Report six years later.

Mann had committed the scientific no-go of furtively patching measured global temperatures from 1961 to his proxy-reconstructed temperature graph derived from tree-ring sampling. [4]

This was done, in the Climategate words of Dr Phil Jones (Nov 16, 1999) to “hide the decline” of the 20th-century proxy trend, which threatened to render Mann’s entire temperature reconstruction spurious. [5]

Australia’s top catastrophist is Macquarie University’s Distinguished Professor of Biology Lesley Hughes, whose specialty is entomology, e.g., ant-tended butterfly ejaculations, though more recently she’s been publishing on Lethal consequences: climate change impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. (It’s had record coral cover for the past two years).

Her Climate Council colleague and dud prophet Tim Flannery is a mammologist.

The Italians’ desk review spends 20 pages arguing from 82 relevant papers. Their English is well expressed though the syntax is slightly unusual. It’s their conclusions (below) that have generated such recursive fury [6] among the anointed climate crowd:

From the Second World War, our societies have progressed enormously, reaching levels of well-being (health, nutrition, healthiness of the places of life and work, etc.) that previous generations had not even remotely imagined. Today, we are called to continue on the path of progress respecting the constraints of economic, social and environmental sustainability with the severity dictated by the fact that the planet is about to reach 10 billion inhabitants in 2050, increasingly urbanized.
Since its origins, the human species has been confronted with the negative effects of the climate; historical climatology has repeatedly used the concept of climate deterioration in order to explain negative effect of extreme events (mainly drought, diluvial phases and cold periods) on civilization. Today, we are facing a warm phase and, for the first time, we have monitoring capabilities that enable us to objectively evaluate its effects.
Fearing a climate emergency without this being supported by data, means altering the framework of priorities with negative effects that could prove deleterious to our ability to face the challenges of the future, squandering natural and human resources in an economically difficult context, even more negative following the COVID emergency. This does not mean we should do nothing about climate change: we should work to minimize our impact on the planet and to minimize air and water pollution. Whether or not we manage to drastically curtail our carbon dioxide emissions in the coming decades, we need to reduce our vulnerability to extreme weather and climate events.
Leaving the baton to our children without burdening them with the anxiety of being in a climate emergency would allow them to face the various problems in place (energy, agricultural-food, health, etc.) with a more objective and constructive spirit, with the goal of arriving at a weighted assessment of the actions to be taken without wasting the limited resources at our disposal in costly and ineffective solutions. How the climate of the twenty- first century will play out is a topic of deep uncertainty. We need to increase our resiliency to whatever the future climate will present us.
We need to remind ourselves that addressing climate change is not an end in itself, and that climate change is not the only problem that the world is facing. The objective should be to improve human well-being in the twenty-first century, while protecting the environment as much as we can and it would be a nonsense not to do so: it would be like not taking care of the house where we were born and raised.
While a tad sentimental, it’s not over the top compared with say, the IPCC’s UN head Antonio Guterres announcing last month that we’re now suffering “global boiling.

And the late Professor Will Steffen, who steered Australian federal climate policy for two decades, alerted the Royal Society that climate change might well end the Homo Sapiens species. [7]

The Guardian’s attack piece quoted Professor Lisa Alexander, a UNSW rainfall-extreme specialist, saying that, contrary to the paper’s “selective and biased” claims, “there is definitely an increase in precipitation extremes” and it’s “attributed to human activity”.

The paper had “totally misrepresented” her own papers’ findings, she said. She wanted the paper rejected or heavily revised.

So far so trenchant, but when you look up one of her two co-authored papers cited by the Italians, you discover that it messed up Figures 2,3,4,5,7,8, and 9 – which is all but three of its ten Figures. [8] The journal had to run a corresponding erratum and update.

An unkind critic might mention pots calling kettles black. Incidentally, Alexander’s UNSW team, led by Andy Pitman (famed for his inadvertent candor that “warming doesn’t cause droughts”) attracted a giant Australian Research Council (ARC) taxpayer grant of $32,134,273, no less.

Her other paper, with no corrections, was supported by an ARC grant of only $356,402.

In both papers, Professor Alexander commendably stresses the massive data uncertainties in her field of rainfall extremes, caused by unreliable rain recording, missing data across swathes of entire continents, and too-short records.

As she warned:

Despite our best efforts, there are still parts of the world where data are sparse or the temporal coverage is inadequate for a data set designed for long-term monitoring … Efforts are underway to augment current global collections of data to improve the data available for all users.
As for allegedly misrepresenting her work, I don’t see it. In the Italian paper’s first reference, it accepts her conclusion about rain generally increasing. [9]

In the second reference, the Italians show concern – as she does — about data quality for extreme downpours. (The Italians mention inter alia that bugs often climb into the gauges and their corpses upset the mechanism).

AFP’s Marlowe in his hit piece quotes Richard Betts (UK Met Office) bagging the Italians. In a masterpiece of bitchy innuendo the AFP snarked, “Betts stopped short of calling for withdrawal, drawing a distinction between cherry-picking data and outright fraud.”

Other critics quoted were Friedericke Otto, of the UK’s Grantham Institute, along with Stefan Rahmstorf from the dark-green Postdam Institute.

Otto complained the Italians were writing “in bad faith” — whatever that means. Rahmstorf’s gripe was that the research was published in a physics journal rather than a climate one (the latter, of course, 97 percent captured by the catastrophe crowd as peer reviewers).

“I do not know this journal, but if it is a self-respecting one it should withdraw the article,” Rahmstorf said.

Otto agreed, demanding that it be withdrawn “loudly and publicly”, presumably to scapegoat the authors. An Exeter University professor said he wouldn’t go that far, fearing bad publicity about censorship – a good point.

Now for the whistle-blower’s documentation:

Read rest at Quadrant

A Whistle-Blower Details How Scientists Conspire To Depublish Non-Consensus Papers - Climate Change Dispatch
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
August 1, 2023
Does it seem as though every news story lately is on climate doom?
By D. Parker

Ah, summertime, when living is easy — those days when you spend time outdoors at the beach or the pool with a cold beverage and steaks or burgers on the grill, when you can travel and camp in a national park and take in nature's magnificent beauty. At least, that's the way it used to be, until the fascist far left decided to cynically take full advantage of the fact that it gets warm in the summer and cold in the winter (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).

As is the case with other subjects, anti-liberty leftists love to lie with language, substituting nondescript terms for similar but specific words to pull a fast one on the public, replacing sex with gender, crime with violence, and temperature with heat. Each sounds like a similar concept, but since they are different, and scientifically non-specific in this context, they can play all kinds of propaganda games, creating crisis or reframing a debate without notice.

For the usually warm season of summer, they use the non-specific terms heat or hot in place of what normal people would refer to as temperature. In this context, the latter has a specific scientific definition; thus, they don't have to worry about those pesky bugaboos of journalism called "facts." They can play fast and loose with the language, because how do you define the heat in this context? Just as it's difficult to nail down the definition of violence or gender.

But even worse than that, you've probably also noticed that these days that there isn't a news story that somehow doesn't have a climate connection.

That is by design, and not an overwrought term "conspiracy theory." (The ruling class needs to know that it's used that excuse far too many times, but we digress.) What are global cooling, global warming, global boiling, climate change, climate crisis, and now climate emergency? Will it soon be climate calamity, catastrophe, or cataclysm, depending on which sounds scariest and will bring in the most money and votes?

The initiative of the Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, proudly announced four years ago, was entitled "Covering Climate Now," "Transforming the media's coverage of the climate crisis." It quickly amassed more than 170 news outlets from around the world to Rahm this propaganda down our throats. It triumphantly announced that "Climate Stories Are Everywhere."

Then there is the Global Heat Health Information Network under the banners of the World Health Organization (the fun folks from the COVID lockdowns) and the World Meteorological Organization.

Very much like the Covering Climate Now cabal, the GHHIN offers helpful hints on how to cover the "Climate Emergency," such as this gem from its page on Reporting on Extreme Heat and Health:

Instead of waiting for an extreme heat event to begin or end before publishing coverage, create awareness in advance — both seasonally and before a projected heat event.
Raising public awareness around impending risks can enable them to take preventive action.
That preventive action inevitably entails voting for leftists and giving up your individual liberty and private property for the vague promise that it will somehow save the planet, even if the major producers aren't going to do the same. Look how well that COVID lockdown worked out for the non-ruling class.

Then if you wondered why there's been a dearth of the normal images of people enjoying the usual seasonal activities of this time of year, here is your answer:

Instead of showing scenes of crowded beaches, swimming pools, or fountains, show people struggling in the heat, and its negative and dangerous impacts.
Images that show people enjoying hot weather by spending time at the beach or pool hide the serious risk that many people face during hot weather, and often contradict the serious tone of the narrative.
So much for fun in the sun; there are fear and potential votes to be forced from people out of the sheer terror of summertime heat.

Covering Climate Now ever so helpfully offers these ten tips in best media practices for getting the climate story right:

1. Say yes to the science. There are not two sides to a fact.
2. The climate crisis is a story for every beat. At its core, the climate story is a science story. But whether you cover business, health, housing, education, food, national security, entertainment, or something else, there is always a strong climate angle to be found.
3. Emphasize the experiences—and activism—of the poor, communities of color, and indigenous people. Environmental justice is key to the climate story.
4. Ditch the Beltway "he-said, she-said."
5. Avoid "doom and gloom."
6. Go easy on the jargon.
7. Beware of "greenwashing."
8. Extreme weather stories are climate stories. The news is awash in hurricanes, floods, unseasonable snow dumps, record heatwaves, and drought. They are not all due to climate change, but the increased frequency and intensity of such extreme weather certainly is.
9. Jettison the outdated belief that climate coverage repels audiences and loses money.
10. For God's sake, do not platform climate denialists. We understand as well as anyone that opinion pages occasionally need to push the envelope with unpopular takes. But there is no longer any good faith argument against climate science — and if one accepts the science, one also accepts the imperative for rapid, forceful action.
The worst is this handy little guide (offered in a downloadable "and fun" PDF) to Making the Climate Connection to share with your newsroom:

Concern: "I'm unsure how climate change is responsible for this event."
The Reality: Direct attribution to a single incidence of extreme weather is possible — but it's tricky and can take time. Science is nevertheless explicit that climate change sets the conditions for extreme weather to be more likely and worse, and that's a fact you can include in your reporting now.
Concern: "I don't want to seem like an activist."
The Reality: Climate change is critical context for understanding extreme weather. It's not activist to mention it, it's accurate. ...
This [heat wave] is exactly the sort of extreme weather that scientists around the world associate with climate change/a warming planet.
This [hurricane] comes at a time when human-caused climate change is consistently making storms like it more intense.
You can also try an analogy or turn of phrase:
Climate change isn't solely to blame for extreme weather, but... stacks the deck against us.'s baked in with our weather, and often a key ingredient in the outcome. supercharges normal weather patterns, like steroids.
Special tip: Emphasizing the human impacts of extreme weather can help drive home the significance of climate change. If you're covering how an extreme weather event is affecting marginalized people especially, be sure to also note that this is characteristic of climate change, which evidence shows will impact the poor, communities of color, and Indigenous groups first and worst.
Note that this was changed sometime between Feb. 26, 2023 and May 19, 2023. Perhaps it was too explicit in telling the national socialist media what to say.

We're guessing that now that we've pointed out that they are disingenuously using heat instead of temperature and are following the panic propaganda practices, you'll notice that they are everywhere. But don't worry: we can boldly predict that in six months, they'll be talking about the cold or snow (or lack of either one) being a sure sign of the climate emergency. Because they've stacked the deck either way on this.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.

Does it seem as though every news story lately is on climate doom? - American Thinker


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
A Whistle-Blower Details How Scientists Conspire To Depublish Non-Consensus Papers

The Climategate leaks showed co-compiler of the HadCRUT global temperature series Dr. Phil Jones emailing Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann, July 8, 2004:
Holy shit, you're going back to the long debunked 'climategate' emails?
The ones that were investigated 7 times and found were nothing like the oil industry claimed?

You must be getting desperate for material.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
So let's do nothing.🤪

It's the same faulty logic as we see in controlling gun casualties. If we can't get a perfect plan, let's do nothing.
Foolish comparison. So you're ok with sinking trillions of dollars to perhaps reduce global temperatures by less than 1 degree F by 2100.
Earth to shack - the climate does what it does. Humans have little impact. History has proven that.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Foolish comparison. So you're ok with sinking trillions of dollars to perhaps reduce global temperatures by less than 1 degree F by 2100.
Earth to shack - the climate does what it does. Humans have little impact. History has proven that.
Kirk, Exxon projected very accurately the amount of warming we are experiencing today in the '80's.
They knew their products would warm the planet this much and instead of doing anything spent billions on lobbyists and disinformation.

2ºC is 1/2 an IAU, that is an Ice Age Unit.
As in 4ºC cooler and the planet is in an ice age.
4ºC warmer and we're in a thermal maximum, which is now 2.8ºC away.

This summer of massive forest fires, storms, drought and extreme events is what we see with only 1.2ºC.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Earth to shack - the climate does what it does. Humans have little impact. History has proven that.
Human activities have infinitely greater (and negative) impact on Earth's
environment and ecology than its climate. To politicians and activists it is
however the climate change issue they could exploit to serve their interest.
That partially explains the failure of the influence of the climate movement
in bringing on meaningful carbon emission reduction.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Human activities have infinitely greater (and negative) impact on Earth's
environment and ecology than its climate. To politicians and activists it is
however the climate change issue they could exploit to serve their interest.
That partially explains the failure of the influence of the climate movement
in bringing on meaningful carbon emission reduction.
No, the climate change your products caused is still the biggest problem facing humanity.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Kirk, Exxon projected very accurately the amount of warming we are experiencing today in the '80's.
They knew their products would warm the planet this much and instead of doing anything spent billions on lobbyists and disinformation.

2ºC is 1/2 an IAU, that is an Ice Age Unit.
As in 4ºC cooler and the planet is in an ice age.
4ºC warmer and we're in a thermal maximum, which is now 2.8ºC away.

This summer of massive forest fires, storms, drought and extreme events is what we see with only 1.2ºC.
You keep harping on this talking point. Exxon knew squat. It was speculation. There was no real science behind it. There still isn't 40+ years later.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Human activities have infinitely greater (and negative) impact on Earth's
environment and ecology than its climate. To politicians and activists it is
however the climate change issue they could exploit to serve their interest.
That partially explains the failure of the influence of the climate movement
in bringing on meaningful carbon emission reduction.

I didn't say environment, I said climate. The climate is controlled mostly by the sun and its impact on ocean currents.
No doubt human activity affects our environment negatively. Mass deforestation, garbage in the ocean, toxic spills etc etc.
Toronto Escorts