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CIA plots against Castro


New member
Sep 25, 2006
History would have been so different if the USA had aided Castro when he first asked for help. The USA decided to back the existing corrupt dictator, Batista, and his Mafia connections. It was only after that rejection that Castro really cuddled up with the Russians. What goes around comes around.

Cuba has some of the best beaches in the world IMO. And the most friendliest natives...I feel much safer in Cuba than I do in Jamaica.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
That could lead to a slogan for Scarborough:

" Still a little bit safer than jamacia"


Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
sailorsix said:
History would have been so different if the USA had aided Castro when he first asked for help. The USA decided to back the existing corrupt dictator, Batista, and his Mafia connections. It was only after that rejection that Castro really cuddled up with the Russians. What goes around comes around.

Cuba has some of the best beaches in the world IMO. And the most friendliest natives...I feel much safer in Cuba than I do in Jamaica.
History would have been the same regardless .

Castro is a ruthless dictator,still is. This is not the fault of the USA, don't make excuses for what Castro did.

Your logic would also state that Hitler, or Stalin or Jonj Il was the fault of who.....


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Hank Reardon said:
Your logic would also state that Hitler, or Stalin or Jonj Il was the fault of who.....
A dictator is a dictator. Batista was a dictator supported by the US.

And don't forget the history of the US staying out of WWII for 2 years with one reason being that there was a lot of support for Adolf stateside. Many knew what was happening to the jews and many were in agreement with that treatment.

The USA just needs to be a bit more careful when picking which dictator they support...e.g. Mr Hussein The US picks some correctly and some poorly but to think that they always go with supporting democracy is delusional.

Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
I hear you but my main point is that I do not agree with you that Castro basically became Castro because the US did not support him.
Castro was an opportunist-I understand that. He should be given some -if not all - responsibility rather than making it seem that 50 years-and still counting- of Castro has been due to failed US policy.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Hank Reardon said:
I hear you but my main point is that I do not agree with you that Castro basically became Castro because the US did not support him.
Castro was an opportunist-I understand that. He should be given some -if not all - responsibility rather than making it seem that 50 years-and still counting- of Castro has been due to failed US policy.
But a good part of it was due to failed US policy.
I still remember when many in the US were on Castro's side when he overthrew Batista. That all changed pretty much overnight when Castro admitted he was a Marxist/Leninist at the UN.
Much the same happened with Ho chi Minh in Viet Nam who initially sought US support in his revolt. Here US policy failed again. Later LJB mused about this failure saying "Ho chi Minh was a thrug but he could have been our thrug."

Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
So do you think if the US supported Castro and Che back then , Castro would have instituted free elections, not stolen US property and Cuba would have been free since 59 ?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Hank Reardon said:
So do you think if the US supported Castro and Che back then , Castro would have instituted free elections, not stolen US property and Cuba would have been free since 59 ?
Hard to say and it's relative to your POV.
The US had a chance to mold Castro and blew it. The results, Castro went to and was molded by the Soviet Union and the rest is history.

Back then Cuba under Batista was a rip roaring devils playground. Anything and everything was available provided by corrupt Batista and his US mafia connections who catered to anyone with the bucks to spend. Castro ended all that seizing all those ill-gotten gains of quite a few wealthy Cuban crooks and their cohorts in the US.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
But a good part of it was due to failed US policy.
I still remember when many in the US were on Castro's side when he overthrew Batista. That all changed pretty much overnight when Castro admitted he was a Marxist/Leninist at the UN.
Much the same happened with Ho chi Minh in Viet Nam who initially sought US support in his revolt. Here US policy failed again. Later LJB mused about this failure saying "Ho chi Minh was a thrug but he could have been our thrug."
This truly is a sign of the coming Apocalypse! I agree with WoodPeckr.

Hey Danmand, have you seen three guys on either black or white horses?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Aardvark154 said:
This truly is a sign of the coming Apocalypse! I agree with WoodPeckr.

Hey Danmand, have you seen three guys on either black or white horses?
Ingmar Bergman has passed away, now this.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
That damned JFK......



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
onthebottom said:
That damned JFK......

Hey bottie,
This happened on IKE's watch!.....:rolleyes:


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
WoodPeckr said:
Hey bottie,
This happened on IKE's watch!.....:rolleyes:
Didn't JFK try the bay of pigs? What was his Cuba policy?



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
onthebottom said:
Didn't JFK try the bay of pigs? What was his Cuba policy?

Of course, JFK had no choice being goaded on by the far right paranoid McCarthyites who saw a commie behind every tree and under every bed!
This still DOES NOT alter the fact Ike's people blew it, BIGTIME as your DICK would say today!....;)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The USA has made so many mistakes in the past.

Its funny how a country like say -Mexico-is our friend but Cuba is our enemy. Mexico has killed many of its own people, has unfair courts, crooked police officers, yet the USA looks past all that and looks at all the cheap labor thats around.

Mexico people are not free either. Thats why they risk their life's to come up here. Unless you call living on $8 a day free-thats how much most people earn each day.

I meet a women from Mexico city. She was from a "well to do family". She had nothing good to say about her own country. She had a 5 year old boy and was sending him to private school. She told me all the public schools were no good. She was hoping her kid would learn English's very good and they were hoping to come to the USA one day soon.

Went once to Mexico and would never go back. Weather is great but its too sad to look around at those people there.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
President Kennedy was trying to organize the hemisphere to support his terrorist attacks against Cuba, which were very severe. Generally, other countries in the Western Hemisphere just have to do what they're told by the United States, or they're in bad trouble. But Mexico refused to go along with the campaign against Cuba. And the Mexican ambassador said, 'If we publicly declare that Cuba is a threat to our security, forty million Mexicans will die laughing.'

Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
WoodPeckr said:
Hard to say and it's relative to your POV.
The US had a chance to mold Castro and blew it. The results, Castro went to and was molded by the Soviet Union and the rest is history.

Back then Cuba under Batista was a rip roaring devils playground. Anything and everything was available provided by corrupt Batista and his US mafia connections who catered to anyone with the bucks to spend. Castro ended all that seizing all those ill-gotten gains of quite a few wealthy Cuban crooks and their cohorts in the US.
Castro was not molded by anyone in the US or USSR, obviously you have not read anything he ever wrote pre 1959. Castro was going to be what he was going to be via pre 1959 influences. Check his personal history and what influenced him and his revolution if you doubt this.

Under Castro , everything is still a rip roaring devils playground to some.
having read the article mentioned....

some of these 'plots to assassinate or unseat' castro were rather funny. [making his beard fall off???]



New member
Sep 25, 2006
Not to be too picky but it is "moulded".

Wikipedia has an interesting letter to FDR that Castro wrote at age 12.

It also mentions that when he nationalized the US owned sugar companies they were compensated for their land at the same low value that they had been using for tax purposes rather than the market value. Setting the whole nationalization process aside it seems reasonable that if a company wants to screw the treasury by paying taxes based on an artificially low value then that same low value is a just compensation. The fact that they wanted their cake and eat it too is just too bad.
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