Pickering Angels

Christmas gift of life?



T'is the holiday season.

Every December for most of my adult life, I donate blood. I hadn't realized how important this was until someone dear and near to me's life was saved by by blood transfusions and blood products. But I'm beginning to feel guilty whenever the question is posed: "have you ever paid for sex or drugs". It's beginning to call into question whether it's right to continuee indulging in this hobby. Mind you, the few ladies I have seen have been with were as scrupulous about their health and hygiene as I try to be, however there is still this element of doubt. Is it right for me to continue this hobby?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
If you are committed to continuing to donate, and the organization you donate to feels that you having sex with professional women makes your blood too risky for them to accept, then ethically speaking you have no choice. Either you stop hobbying or stop donating. It is not for you to decide if your blood is acceptable to them.

Fortunately for me, or maybe not so fortunately now that I think about it, the fact that I'm on medication (aside from the Viagra) precludes me from donating and being faced with this ethical dilemma. I used to donate, until the meds started, which was also before I started hobbying.


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
Serving Two Masters!

Aldo! Merry Christmas!
With all the concerns now surrounding the Canadian blood supply, I really would not concern myself!
You, the man, take great precautions in pursuit of satisfying a driving need!
Your concience, however, seems rife with doubt!
I, personally, cannot donate due to a bout of "yellow jaundice", now called hepatitis, when I was a teen!
If able, I would not hesitate to donate knowing full well that blood testing has become much more detailed and comprehensive!
If I had anything in my blood, screening would catch it!



Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
Do not give blood

I was in a postion and am in the postion now, and cannot be a birect donor to my son. It's the hardest thing ever to admit is that question, but please I know I am screened cleam and would not want a liar' s blood no matter waht, othrwise I would have given it itself.

Don't feel bad because you cant give blood, if hobbying is your virture so be it, but dont foget about the young ones who trust in your honesty.

For Gwads sakes where they screen or not do not lie and do not donate blood for my sake. and everyone ese's.

Loving hugs take care xmas eve,


Oct 5, 2002
Aldo McDuff said:
But I'm beginning to feel guilty whenever the question is posed: "have you ever paid for sex or drugs".
Merry Christmas Aldo!

...just read this common disclaimer of a SP!

( Legal Protection for you and I )
Money exchanged in legal adult personal services is SOLELY for time and discreet companionship.
It may also be in exchange for certain services such as exotic private dancing, modeling, or role-playing.
ANYTHING ELSE that happens is a matter of personal choice between two or more adults of a legal age and;
IS NOT contracted for, NOR is it requested to be contracted for OR compensated for in any manner.
Money exchanged is for my time and Companionship only. I am not paid for sex. I am in no way promoting prostitution.
Anything else that happens during or after the date is not contracted for or requested to be Contracted for,
but between two or more consenting Adults."


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Re: Re: Christmas gift of life?

DonAngelo said:

Merry Christmas Aldo!

...just read this common disclaimer of a SP!

( Legal Protection for you and I )
Money exchanged in legal adult personal services is SOLELY for time and discreet companionship.
It may also be in exchange for certain services such as exotic private dancing, modeling, or role-playing.
ANYTHING ELSE that happens is a matter of personal choice between two or more adults of a legal age and;
IS NOT contracted for, NOR is it requested to be contracted for OR compensated for in any manner.
Money exchanged is for my time and Companionship only. I am not paid for sex. I am in no way promoting prostitution.
Anything else that happens during or after the date is not contracted for or requested to be Contracted for,
but between two or more consenting Adults."
SP's can write as many disclaimers as they want, but if I'm not mistaken, they do still have sex with numerous partners, protected or not, and the blood agencies have determined that is a high risk activity. Screened or not, and remember, no test is 100% accurate, they do not want the blood of someone who hobbies. Respect their wishes. They are, after all, only trying to help people in medical need and doing so in the safest possible manner.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
I agree with Shack on this one......................Life has many suprises and one of them is condoms breaking.

There are other ways to give of yourself.


Oct 5, 2002
Aldo McDuff said:
But I'm beginning to feel guilty whenever the question is posed: "have you ever paid for sex or drugs".
...they just should word the question differently if they really want to protect people. Why don't they ask "Did you have sex with more than one partner in the last 10 years?"

Obviously they compromise safety when there are asking that question the way they are asking it.

Not only people who pay for sex contract HIV and Hepatitis. ...and
aren't alcohol and nicotine drugs as well?

Merry Christmas to you all


extenuating circumstrances

The decision would have been made long ago if it were not for the continuous requests to donate. Obviously demand exceeds supply since I'm asked to donate on a monthly basis. And, even though, I stated plainly that I donate in one locale (The Manulife Centre) I still get requests to donate in other areas. Sometimes I'm asked to donate before the 90 day replentishment period! I once asked a nurse why this is so and she said that those with common blood types, like myself, do not donate as readily as those with rare blood types. When shortages occur, it is usually the common blood types.

I confess that I also enjoy the ego stroke I get from donating. I can still fill the quota in under 5 minutes which affirms to me that I'm still retaining my vigour of youth. Also, I enjoy the compliment I get from the nurse when I'm tested for iron deficiency. They never fail to mention how nutrient rich my blood is...the by-product of a shellfish diet. ;-)
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