Better come in a suppository , Gramps has a hard time swallowing pills.Make it our choice.
At 90 everyone should receive a cyanide pill and they can decide whether to keep going.
Better come in a suppository , Gramps has a hard time swallowing pills.Make it our choice.
At 90 everyone should receive a cyanide pill and they can decide whether to keep going.
Why wait until 90? Give that puppy out in the 30s!Make it our choice.
At 90 everyone should receive a cyanide pill and they can decide whether to keep going.
I wouldn't be surprised if children simply aren't born 50 years from now. I have zero faith in our species' ability not to fuck up catastrophically and end it all.Children born fifty years from now will all die prematurely due
to climate change.
Is that you making lefty joke?Children born fifty years from now will all die prematurely due
to climate change.
120 yrs of hobby. Talking about a "hole" in your budget. Who knew we had to get laid for so long...At 150 years old, would it be appropriate to be banging a 75 year old?
I don't know if I'd want to live that long... Certainly not as an old person. Youth + wisdom would be fantastic.
The person that figures out how to reverse liver damage to keep the population drinking booze will be the true hero.
Ask the science-literate lefties if it is a joke to sayIs that you making lefty joke?
Lol I never said you were wrong! I am just surprise of your answer.Ask the science-literate lefties if it is a joke to say
carbon emission will be as high as it is now by 2030
but earth will still survive.
Why the surprise? I've been very pleased by the wonderful accomplishmentsLol I never said you were wrong! I am just surprise of your answer.
Could live to 150, but will never happen.Sign me up.
Like the PS, partPeople could live to 150 and beyond...and we could see it sooner than we think
Now this is great news but, do we want to live 150yrs? What long term consequences will it have on the world? Is Overpopulate and living forever really a good idea?
Children born in 50 years might celebrate their 150th birthdays, say anti-aging experts
Slowing down the underlying process of aging could be within the grasp of scientists and radically change the lives of our next
Ps. If they could have my dogs live another 20yrs in good health tho....
I knew there was a hidden motivation!!!Why the surprise? I've been very pleased by the wonderful accomplishments
made by climate activists so far. I will do what I can do to help bring their
messages to the uninformed. I would never have imagined three years ago
oil prices would be on its way to $200 at a time of global pandemic. I am now
convinced that the more green the world go the more profitable the oil business.
Who needs humans for 150 yrs when we could have our companion for 50yrs!?! It's a obvious for me.Like the PS, part.
It has been said that the first person that will live to be 1000 has already been born.Who needs humans for 150 yrs when we could have our companion for 50yrs!?! It's a obvious for me.