Thanks you for kind words. Honest this is what I strive for. I work to take a past criticism that has room for improvement and try make it better. I only hope I can continue.
Thank you for your insightful and useful comment. Surely by this you have offered a deep insight into why I am such a waste of time? Was my service no good? Not like way I talk? Did you ask for something get told no and get upset. Hmm
I've only had one person in recent memory express displeasure for my service. Are you him I wonder? Maybe I'll ask the group a question.
Gentleman how should I have handled this situation?
A customer comes to see me. He want two times, very specific manner. Customer arrive, strip down and his friend is the size of a not small tree branch. Thickest I ever see. I know I cannot so this, I won't walk for a week.
Every guest ever come to me in past large size always mentions it while booking. No previous mention. This guest I tell I can no do, it is too big. You can stay and I do bbbj or I can your money back, pardon the trouble.
Guest say STAY. Okay
. Clarify again I will not have sex. He agree. On we go. Bbbjcim, done and out. He then turn to me and say okay, time for sex. I remind him we talked about this, he insisted that I booked it and then say we could. But he not mention this. Ultimately I refuse and he leaves very angry, not finish the session.
I am not easy to scare off. I try and serve as many can. This one was just terrifying, cry looking at it. This gentleman after started texting me I was no good, similar to the post above... but I ask. What should have I done different and just do it is not an option, I absolutely have the right to refuse.