Check your Rogers bill!


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Hey guys and girls, just a friendly reminder to carefully look at your wireless phone bills.....

I recieved mine today and i had a data plan addition charge on it since i got an for some reason i looked at all the charges on my bill...and noticed i was being charged twice for a service (rogers to rogers texts) twice when i already have it in my value pack.

So i called Rogers and asked them wats going on...they said "oh, that shouldn't be"

apparently..last year when i took a once time roaming package becuz i was going to vegas for two weeks..a rogers text package "piggybacked" onto my plan and since it was only $5 i never noticed...and on this bill...when i got the data plan addition, another rogers text planned magically "piggyback" itself onto my plan.....

I was pretty pissed and asked what are u gonna do for me? then went back to last year and added up the $5/month for 10 months and this months extra $5..gave me $55 credit and waived my data plan for two months...

The $55 isn't really anything to rave about and the data plan is $25 monthly, but its the principle...just make sure you are being charged wat u should be...

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
This is why I refuse to go paperless. Everytime I call Rogers about something they try to get me to go paperless but that's the most effective way of checking your bill every month and making sure it's legit. They want the onus to be on you to check their website to see if your bill is correct. And most people don't do that so who knows what they're being charged.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, when I signed up for rogers cable tv with hd pvr the PVR was supposed to be free for 2 yrs. Yet every month there was a $24.95 charge tacked on. I had to call every month and have them reverse it and every month the CSR said that it won't show up again, but it did.

Then last month I'm sitting there watching TV and whoop, the channel gets locked out. I call them up and ask WTF is going on? Seems they "said" I owed them $125.00 for the voip phone modem. I told them I returned it the previous month and last week spoke to a CSR about it and they said they'd remove the charge from my account. The person who locked out my cable couldn't reverse it so they passed it on to someone else. Then that person couldn't reverse it but could apply the credit for the phone modem (after 20 minutes of looking they found the notice in their system that it had been returned) so they sent me to someone else. after an hour and a half I was pissed and said "cancel all my services" so they sent me to someone ELSE.

Yeah, check your bills C A R E F U L L Y. They are famous for making "mistakes" in THEIR favour, never in yours........


Jun 6, 2009
Obviously you people don't come across well over the phone, too strong or too weak - don't know which. I've been a client of Rogers for 30+ years and aside from some tweaking of the account oh and lost signal for a period and quality of signal, and wrong packages, and erroneous late fee and ....... I've been able to deal with the problems pretty easily. Only one problem took 10 months to clear, an intermittent bad signal which was a bad connection down the street. I must sound last a real serious SOB on the phone with the 'don't f**k with me' tone in my voice, but no threat, swearing or slamming phone on the ear of that front line CSR. Oh ya, 5 minutes, then ask for the supervisor, nicely.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Obviously you people don't come across well over the phone, too strong or too weak - don't know which. I've been a client of Rogers for 30+ years and aside from some tweaking of the account oh and lost signal for a period and quality of signal, and wrong packages, and erroneous late fee and ....... I've been able to deal with the problems pretty easily. Only one problem took 10 months to clear, an intermittent bad signal which was a bad connection down the street. I must sound last a real serious SOB on the phone with the 'don't f**k with me' tone in my voice, but no threat, swearing or slamming phone on the ear of that front line CSR. Oh ya, 5 minutes, then ask for the supervisor, nicely.
You're overestimating the control you have in these situations. When talking to a CSR, you are dealing with a minimum wage drone who probably hates his/her job and for sure has very little control within a badly run unethical organization. You're just the 100th angry customer they've spoken to today and their only goal is to make you go away while keeping their job.

Rogers certainly sucks ass though.


Jun 6, 2009
You're overestimating the control you have in these situations. When talking to a CSR, you are dealing with a minimum wage drone who probably hates his/her job and for sure has very little control within a badly run unethical organization. You're just the 100th angry customer they've spoken to today and their only goal is to make you go away while keeping their job.

Rogers certainly sucks ass though.
Having been on the other side of the phone/counter, I am quite aware of what goes on and how control/influence works with both parties. I can be their best customer or their worst customer. It doesn't take much either way. As far a Rogers is concerned, having work with the technology they use, I can use words in to the conversation that tells the CSR that I can't be BS'd and it helps.

As far as being the 100th customer, I don't loose my temper, swear, raise my voice and certainly don't take the same course you did in your 'fat men' thread. No wonder you think Rogers gives you such a hard time. Words like please and thank you, let's find a solution, and terific go a long way to getting things resolved quickly.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I don't think that Rogers gives me a hard time. Perhaps if I would if I thought the world revolved around me. They are just a shitty badly run company.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't think that Rogers gives me a hard time. Perhaps if I would if I thought the world revolved around me. They are just a shitty badly run company.
We're not talking about getting a hard time, they are ALWAYS polite and helpful when you's the just the BS tactics they use to try and weasel extra $$$ out of you by charging you for items that a) you didn't ask for b) have a deal where you get them for free or c) as in Lisa's case, "forgetting" that you arranged and paid for a service.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I have had billing errors etc on my invoices before etc as well.

I must say though when ever I have called to report it... they dealt with it properly in a professional manner… and was even given bonus credit a time or two.

However this is why I will not go for auto bill payment direct from my bank account… like they always ask me to do almost every time I talk to them. Too much chance for errors or over billing etc.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
This is nothing new, I've had many billing errors, and reocurring, you have to be on top of your bills with them. They had no problem giving me a credit each time, but if you don't check, they keep your money. Going paperless has nothing to do with it, I'm on ebill and I can easily see exactly what is on a hard copy bill, same thing to me. I'm also on auto bill payment on my credit card, still no problem, I always get my credit.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
my point is I shouldn't have use my valuable time chatting with them for 45 minutes to correct my bill...wether its a pleasant conversation or they adjust the bill and give credit ...damage already been done and adjusting my bill to what it should be is not compensation for me

gee has Rogers ever made a mistake of underbilling or is always always overbilling...i swear in all the years they have never ever billed me less...on with the con for Rogers
I agree 100 percent. My family is all on rogers (wireless, cable, internet) for over 20 years. Never have we been underbilled. Loss track of how many times overbilled. Most recent is charge was for "On-site Technician setup". No one from rogers has come by my house in over 10 years! Don't think the other companies are better. The telecom companies are all crooks!


Apr 24, 2005
The Rogers billing process is a bit of a mess. It always does get straightened out but its the "hassle factor" of calling, waiting, explaining, etc. that I dislike. That is why I often decline their "freebie" offers.

Speaking of overcharging, what do you think of gas stations that "mis-calibrate" their pumps so that it always overcharges?


Jun 6, 2009
The Rogers billing process is a bit of a mess. It always does get straightened out but its the "hassle factor" of calling, waiting, explaining, etc. that I dislike. That is why I often decline their "freebie" offers.

Speaking of overcharging, what do you think of gas stations that "mis-calibrate" their pumps so that it always overcharges?
Shit happens and it's really for the cameras, see we're doing something. I figure using the numbers they gave I got ripped for $2.00 last year. You get ripped off of that at the grocery store or Walmart every month, with bad scanners. How many of you check your food bill or at least glance at it.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
.......when i didn't pay that bill upon returning from Jamaica they disconected my phone...unjustifyably of course...especially since they made a huge mistake and I wasn't forking over $1000 for services i did not when we sorted it out the manager said to me that she'll wave the $25.00 reconect fee LMAO
Wasn't THAT nice of them? That happened to me too, they disconnected me in THEIR error then wanted to charge me to reconnect or fix THEIR error.

here's another good one: I had their voip phone. The modem periodically would just go down but come back up in a bit. One time it went down for 3 days so I finally got fed up and took it to the local robbers store. Know what they said? I have to CALL and get a service appointment....I looked at him, dude how do I call if my fricken PHONE doesn't work?

Oh, um, don't you have a cell phone? Oh, so you want me to waste my airtime talking to your service dept????


Jun 6, 2009
Wasn't THAT nice of them? That happened to me too, they disconnected me in THEIR error then wanted to charge me to reconnect or fix THEIR error.

here's another good one: I had their voip phone. The modem periodically would just go down but come back up in a bit. One time it went down for 3 days so I finally got fed up and took it to the local robbers store. Know what they said? I have to CALL and get a service appointment....I looked at him, dude how do I call if my fricken PHONE doesn't work?

Oh, um, don't you have a cell phone? Oh, so you want me to waste my airtime talking to your service dept????
That's when you ask for the supervisor, unless he was the supervisor. Did he shave yet?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
That's when you ask for the supervisor, unless he was the supervisor. Did he save yet?
Yeah he was the store manager.....doh!

(I noticed a couple of the other clerks snickering when I said "how can I call if my phone's not working".......


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Oh, um, don't you have a cell phone? Oh, so you want me to waste my airtime talking to your service dept????
Calls to Rogers do not consume airtime. (well, they consume time, but it doesn't count as daytime minutes)


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Calls to Rogers do not consume airtime. (well, they consume time, but it doesn't count as daytime minutes)
this is customers to rogers CS doesnt consume ur daytime minutes...i verified today... store's do not answer to rogers the company (technically yes they do...but for our purposes they dont) i have asked many times at the store to just look at my file and check the note they made and they insist that they are different systems and nothing would appear...
when i talked to rogers on the phone they clarified that rogers store's operate independently of their company and dont have communications or power over them......such an unnecessary pain in the @$$
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