Challging the prostitution laws


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Well, it's about time! Maybe they can get C-36 declared unconstitutional in its entirety...


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I hope they win and win resoundingly. Let consensual adults be adults.

If they do win, hopefully we don't get another Conservative government coming in with some other insane morality bill to please their right wing religious base.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
We saw what happened the last time the hornet's nest got kicked..


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
So, assuming the agency wins, what would happen? Would the court simply rule in their favour by making the advertising provision legal while still criminalizing buyers, or would it be the beginning of the end of C-36 as a whole? E.g. (it would get struck down in it's entirety, and the industry would move toward decriminalization)


Jun 9, 2004
The last time the hornets nest got kicked it was 100% successful. Sadly the conservatives were in power and reacted with the terrible C-36 (PCEPA- Protection of Communities & Exploited Persons Act) that criminalized purchase, carriage of ads, 3rd parties- drivers etc, and agencies (material benefit) etc. The conservatives are gone federally. That makes a difference. The NDP and the young Liberals are against C-36/PCEPA. It's a good time to challenge.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Well, yes and no... that's what Bedford et. al. thought too. Only problem was, by the time the case finally wound up in the SCC, the Conservatives were in power again.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Pimps are necessary in arranging safe and efficient transactions between sex workers and clients, according to a University of Ottawa professor who says their work should be decriminalized in Canada.

"The sex industry, like mainstream businesses, rarely depends exclusively on clients and workers to operate efficiently and safely," professor Chris Bruckert told CBC Radio's Ottawa Morning Tuesday.

Listen to Ottawa Morning's interview with Chris Bruckert here
"Contrary to prevailing stereotypes that portray third parties [like pimps] as inherently abusive and controlling, these workers fulfill important roles and provide vital services."

Bruckert and her team of researchers conducted interviews with 75 pimps — or "third-party" workers, as she prefers to call them — as well as 52 sex workers for her new book Getting Past "the Pimp": Management in the Sex Industry.

The interviews included people from across the country, including Ottawa.

Constitutional challenge
The national debate around prostitution laws is intensifying as a court in London, Ont. hears a constitutional challenge against Canada's 2014 prostitution law Bill C-36 — which criminalizes the buying of sex but decriminalizes its sale.

The laws also prosecute those who advertise sex work and make money off sex workers.

Bruckert said that little research has been conducted on the role of pimps in the industry, adding that many people's opinions are based on stereotypes.

"Abuse wasn't something we came across — but we did find bad labour practices," she said. "What we need in that context is labour rights, not necessarily criminal laws."

The problem, Bruckert said, is that sex workers have no mechanism to redress labour exploitation outside of criminal law.

Most of the third-party workers Bruckert's team spoke to were women — both surprising and understandable, she said, since the industry is female-dominated and the line between sex work and management is thin.

"Many of the third-parties we interviewed were current or former sex workers, [which] kind of makes sense. You move into the business that you know," she said.

'Echoes any other business'
The other unexpected finding, she said, was how similar the sex trade was to any other business.

​"[It's surprising] how absolutely mundane management in the sex industry is [and] how much it echoes any other business," Bruckert said.

"There is marketing, there are security concerns — many of the challenges that any other small business operator would confront."

"We don't need special laws to criminalize the sex industry," she added. "And particularly not third parties."


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Tomorrow I will be testifying under subpoena for the Defence as an expert witness in Canadian criminal court in relation to Human Trafficking charges. Hopefully this will enact a momentum to repeal/amend #C36 #canpoli #cdnpoli


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
A groundbreaking London case challenging Canada’s controversial prostitution laws won’t be argued until early next year.

And the arguments won’t be heard in London.

Scheduling issues and courtroom space have sent the case to Kitchener on Jan. 29 and 30 for oral submissions from the Crown and the defence.

The case is being heard by Ontario Court Justice Thomas McKay.

Hamad Anwar, 28, and Tiffany Harvey, 26, who ran Fantasy World Escorts, were charged in November 2015 with 26 counts in November 2015, including receiving material benefit from someone else’s sexual services, procurement and advertising.

Their case seems tailor-made to challenge the three-year old prostitution act, Bill C-36, which outlaws buying sex but not selling it and allows for the prosecution of people who advertise sex work and make money off sex workers.

It’s widely expected that Anwar and Harvey’s case won’t end in the Ontario Court, but will work its way to the Supreme Court of Canada if the laws remain in place.

The federal Liberal government is under pressure to re-visit the laws that were passed by the former Conservative government.
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