CELL PHONE VIDEO: Arizona officer 'illegally' enters woman's home, arrests her while


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
first they came for the sex workers:

A woman handcuffed naked by a Chandler, Arizona police officer who entered her home illegally is planning to file a lawsuit against the city.

“I felt helpless. I felt violated. And honestly, I felt molested,” said Esmeralda Rossi.

Chandler Police launched an internal investigation after the incident. One of the officers involved retired in the middle of that investigation.

Police arrived at Rossi’s home after receiving a call about an argument between her and her estranged husband.

“I was in the shower,” Rossi said. “My daughter came to the shower and said there are two officers at the door. So I just grabbed a towel.”

When she answered the door, there were two Chandler Police officers. One of those officers was Doug Rose.

Rossi said Rose became very aggressive and she told him to wait at the door so she could go get a cell phone.

“It made me very uncomfortable,” Rossi said. “So I closed the door. I turn to go into my living room, and I probably get about five steps in; and all of a sudden, I just hear boots running in after me, telling me stop or I’ll arrest you.”

At that point, both Rossi and her daughter begin recording. That’s when things turned south.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The cop was a f*cking asshole. Minimum I figure he should be charged with assault - the video is very disturbing. He knew she was naked under the towel - I think he was getting his jollies.

Makes you wonder just how many of this type of cop were there when video cameras weren't so prevalent.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Some further important details:

"After reviewing the incident, Chandler Police internal investigators determined Officer Rose entered the home illegally and without probable cause. The investigation also determined that Rose didn’t document arresting or un-arresting the woman or the fact that she was naked.

There was also no video from his body camera for the call, records show.

After the incident, the other officer involved immediately contacted his supervisor to raise questions about Rose’s actions. The second officer was cleared of wrongdoing."

Just looking

May 24, 2010
The cop was a f*cking asshole. Minimum I figure he should be charged with assault - the video is very disturbing. He knew she was naked under the towel - I think he was getting his jollies.

Makes you wonder just how many of this type of cop were there when video cameras weren't so prevalent.
I Agree with you. He could clearly see she was nude under her towel. He wanted to look. A lot of cops are so dirty these days. They think they are God.

Very upsetting. And how can they arrest a person with not telling them why. What a F_____ Asshole.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Thank goodness for cell phone technology.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Phoenix Az
This cop (was) is a grade A Asshole. A rookie with 1/2 an hour on the force would even know that was an illegal entry. He had ZERO cause for entry or arrest. According to Arizona law, if she or her daughter had a gun they could have legally shot and killed an armed intruder. Badge be damned, illegal entry by an armed person is grounds to shoot to kill.

Sec. 4. Title 13, chapter 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding sections 13-418, 13-419 and 13-420, to read:

13-418. Justification; use of force in defense of residential structure or occupied vehicles; definition

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a person is justified in threatening to use or using physical force or deadly physical force against another person if the person reasonably believes himself or another person to be in imminent peril of death or serious physical injury and the person against whom the physical force or deadly physical force is threatened or used was in the process of unlawfully or forcefully entering, or had unlawfully or forcefully entered, a residential structure or occupied vehicle, or had removed or was attempting to remove another person against the other person's will from the residential structure or occupied vehicle.

B. A person has no duty to retreat before threatening or using physical force or deadly physical force pursuant to this section.

C. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Residential structure" has the same meaning prescribed in section 13-1501.

2. "Vehicle" means a conveyance of any kind, whether or not motorized, that is designed to transport persons or property
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