'Cease and Desist' Letter to Fossil Fuel CEOs at Davos 2023


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
production would drop very quickly and chaos would be immediate

the 4 chicks do not have a clue how the world economy functions

Production would only fall For political reasons not for Economic. It takes between 5-17 years to find an exploit new reserves.

Most of that money goes down the hole. It would actually cause a drop It will prices in the short-term. As the billions wasted on oil exploration Would be transferred To making production better Of easy to reach reserves.

However the 50 year countdown would begin as That's how much oil we have currently. As we get to the end point prices will go back up.

However You will be to the best move for the oil companies Create a shortage immediately so They could destroy The left. Just like the republicans and their debt Ceiling gaz economic disaster or else method.

Right wing is all about Economic terrorism to get what you want.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Production would only fall For political reasons not for Economic. It takes between 5-17 years to find an exploit new reserves.
Production is going to fall due to geological constraint way before remaining
reserve is fully depleted. Economics and politics do play a role but once global
oil production is past that tipping point corresponding to the peak in Hubbert's
model irreversible decline of oil production will kick in. My guess is rear mirror from
2050 will show world oil production reached its peak in 2019 and then move on a
plateau that stretched over a 4 to 6 year period before dropping down the Seneca
Cliff all the way to no more than half of what we have today. That should not be
a problem to those who believe net-zero carbon emission is to be reached by
2050. Climate sheeple should worry a mere drop of 50% in oil production over
30 years is not sufficient. It has to drop to a tiny fraction of we have today to
save the world from climate catastrophe.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Production is going to fall due to geological constraint way before remaining
reserve is fully depleted. Economics and politics do play a role but once global
oil production is past that tipping point corresponding to the peak in Hubbert's
model irreversible decline of oil production will kick in. My guess is rear mirror from
2050 will show world oil production reached its peak in 2019 and then move on a
plateau that stretched over a 4 to 6 year period before dropping down the Seneca
Cliff all the way to no more than half of what we have today. That should not be
a problem to those who believe net-zero carbon emission is to be reached by
2050. Climate sheeple should worry a mere drop of 50% in oil production over
30 years is not sufficient. It has to drop to a tiny fraction of we have today to
save the world from climate catastrophe.
You'll have to explain that model further. How are the peak oil And the end of gas is a guarantee just when . As a prime source power would be screwed and before that wood. both sop being used because of energy crisis ... Yes we still use wood Add coal a bit. But when was the last time you were on a wood powered vehicle?

We are in the oil rush of solar powered days and should take a Advantage of our superior position.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Production is going to fall due to geological constraint way before remaining
reserve is fully depleted. Economics and politics do play a role but once global
oil production is past that tipping point corresponding to the peak in Hubbert's
model irreversible decline of oil production will kick in. My guess is rear mirror from
2050 will show world oil production reached its peak in 2019 and then move on a
plateau that stretched over a 4 to 6 year period before dropping down the Seneca
Cliff all the way to no more than half of what we have today. That should not be
a problem to those who believe net-zero carbon emission is to be reached by
2050. Climate sheeple should worry a mere drop of 50% in oil production over
30 years is not sufficient. It has to drop to a tiny fraction of we have today to
save the world from climate catastrophe.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Production would only fall For political reasons not for Economic. It takes between 5-17 years to find an exploit new reserves.

if they stop drilling production will start to decline
a whole lot happens in the that lead time you quote before the drilling starts

shale oil has a very rapid depletion rate

Most of that money goes down the hole. It would actually cause a drop It will prices in the short-term. As the billions wasted on oil exploration Would be transferred To making production better Of easy to reach reserves.
no again
oil pricing is a function of futures expectations for supply and demand, hence the massive futures market for oil

it is also a world wide market for oil
oil producers are price takers, not price setters
the cost to start well # 2000, has no impact on the price received for oil flowing from well # 805

However the 50 year countdown would begin as That's how much oil we have currently. As we get to the end point prices will go back up.
proven reserves maybe, & that is a function of the investment dollars already spent to prove the reserves

Peak oil has been claimed for decades

Canada has 188 years of proven reserves

However You will be to the best move for the oil companies Create a shortage immediately so They could destroy The left. Just like the republicans and their debt Ceiling gaz economic disaster or else method.
not going to happen
there are thousands of independent oil companies.
They would never agree to simultaneously turn off or even slow production the taps for a whole host of reasons
debt, employees, contract obligations, shareholders etc all somewhat unique to each company
the shareholders would vote out management in a lot of companies if they played silly buggers in collusion

Right wing is all about Economic terrorism to get what you want.
odd how the left wants to impede economic growth via regulation
more conservative minded people support more economic growth policies

that does not align with your position about 'Right wing"
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004

if they stop drilling production will start to decline
a whole lot happens in the that lead time you quote before the drilling starts

shale oil has a very rapid depletion rate

no again
oil pricing is a function of futures expectations for supply and demand, hence the massive futures market for oil

it is also a world wide market for oil
oil producers are price takers, not price setters
the cost to start well # 2000, has no impact on the price received for oil flowing from well # 805

proven reserves maybe, & that is a function of the investment dollars already spent to prove the reserves

Peak oil has been claimed for decades

Canada has 188 years of proven reserves

not going to happen
there are thousands of independent oil companies.
They would never agree to simultaneously turn off or even slow production the taps for a whole host of reasons
debt, employees, contract obligations, shareholders etc all somewhat unique to each company
the shareholders would vote out management in a lot of companies if they played silly buggers in collusion

odd how the left wants to impede economic growth via regulation
more conservative minded people support more economic growth policies

that does not align with your position about 'Right wing"
I gave Documentation and you gave me opinion please back up your Claims especially the 188 years supply I've never heard that from anyone

Your claim that Oil prices would not be Raised on purpose Is ridiculous. You say yourself there price makers. OPEC anyone?

Russia's Not even stopping oil It's just being diverted to other sources has raise the price Significantly.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I gave Documentation and you gave me opinion please back up your Claims especially the 188 years supply I've never heard that from anyone
you do know how search engines work correct?
how long will canada's oil reserves last - Google Search
about 188 years

Oil Reserves in Canada
Canada has proven reserves equivalent to 188.3 times its annual consumption. This means that, without Net Exports, there would be about 188 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).
that is excluding unproven reserves

Your claim that Oil prices would not be Raised on purpose Is ridiculous. You say yourself there price makers. OPEC anyone?
i said producers will not turn off the taps
pricing is not controlled by the oil companies

opec is a political association, not a group of companies
opec has a constant history of members cheating on production
many of the opec nations do not get along

Russia's Not even stopping oil It's just being diverted to other sources has raise the price Significantly.
like i said it is vert difficult for anyone to control prices
its down to supply and demand

I gave Documentation and you gave me opinion please back up your Claims especially the 188 years supply I've never heard that from anyone
i gave you facts and hopefully a better understanding of the oil market

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

Jesus, if there was ever a bigger bunch of phonies in one spot at one time, I'd like to know.

Bunch of fucking parasitic hypocrites. Each and every one of them.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
how long will canada's oil reserves last - Google Search

that is excluding unproven reserves

i said producers will not turn off the taps
pricing is not controlled by the oil companies

opec is a political association, not a group of companies
opec has a constant history of members cheating on production
many of the opec nations do not get along

like i said it is vert difficult for anyone to control prices
its down to supply and demand

Either you don't know what you're reading or you're being disingenuous.
both stats are correct.
What is total reserves for the planet and what is for just Canada If Canada Who is the only nation the planet. The same kind of stat Where have you had all the garbage On a pile It reaches the moon. Fun fact not very Useful.

Canada stopped selling oil today and it kept all as well for itself and never Use more oil in this today or less Indeed we have about 188 years.
at 1980 Consumption rates we would have almost 400 years We have lost 200 years in the last 40 years despite finding more oil.

Not that is particularly useful But that means if I'm 40 years We lose another 200 years of production From Increase usage will be dry before that. But it's more likely We would follow the same Pattern and double usage leaving Around 100 years from now.

1900 rates They thought infinite but in fact it was only thousands of years or millions of years . our consumption rate with thousands of times less than it is today.

If If we don't increase Usage as we always oil is About 50 years for the world. USA will just take our oil eventually If we were refused to sell them so Pure hording Is not an option.

So your number is pure fantasy.

With 90% of china not being industrialized We can expect at least a Doubling In 20 years If We were not conservative by using solar.

Of course they're probably still is some undiscovered reserves. If we double reserves and double or usage on the planet we still get 50 years.

We know there's a limit to the 1st and we know and we can control the second.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Either you don't know what you're reading or you're being disingenuous.
What starts with correct. If Canada stopped selling oil today and it kept all as well for itself and never Use more oil in this today or less Indeed we have about 180 years.
at 1980 Consumption rates we would have almost 400 years We have lost 200 years in thelast 40 years despite finding more oil.
1900 rates They thought infinite but in fact it was only thousands of years or millions of years . our consumption rate with thousands of times less than it is today.
we produce 4.5 mm bbls / day & consume 2.2 mm bbls a day so 188 years/2 = 97 years, without seeking new reserves

If If we don't increase Usage as we always oil is About 50 years for the world. USA will just take our oil eventually If we were refused to sell them so Pure hording Is not an option.
why not sell it to them instead?
get a pipeline to tidewater and we would increase the heavily discount price we receive

the American's are most likely going to take our water
oil ? maybe
not sure which would happen first

So your number is pure fantasy.
wrong again

With 90% of china not being industrialized We can expect at least a Doubling In 20 years If We were not conservative by using solar.
100 mm / day to 200 mm / bbls/day ........... no
oil consumption will increase independent of the efforts to achieve the laughable 'net zero'
however doubling world production in 20 years is not going to happen

Of course they're probably still is some undiscovered reserves. If we double reserves and double or usage on the planet we still get 50 years.
again peak oil claims have been proven wrong many times

you will be using oil to the end of your days, same for your kids

We know there's a limit to the 1st and we know and we can control the second.
no way you can control world oil consumption
that is pure fantasy and the primary self deluding fallacy of the left
you just predicted consumption would double in 20 years , how is that controlled ?

India & China are not going to follow the loonie left playbook
they have too many impoverished people looking to escape poverty

the secondary self deluding fallacy of the left:
thinking solar panels / windmills can displace 100 mm bbls/day of oil

20 to 3O years & billions of $ invested in renewables
and FF go from 81% to 80 % of world energy consumption
that and S&W are intermittent

you are dreaming in technicolor

nuclear might had a slim chance of displacing a meaningful fraction of FF consumption.... but alas
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
we produce 4.5 mm bbls / day & consume 2.2 mm bbls a day so 188 years/2 = 97 years, without seeking new reserves

why not sell it to them instead?
get a pipeline to tidewater and we would increase the heavily discount price we receive

wrong again

100 mm / day to 200 mm / bbls/day ........... no
oil consumption will increase independent of the efforts to achieve the laughable 'net zero'
however doubling world production is not going to happen

again peak oil claims have been proven wrong many times

you will be using oil to the end of your days, same for your kids

no way you can control world oil consumption
that is pure fantasy
Wow you really don't know what you're talking about .
Okay may be you're talking about the What if situation. If indeed all oil was production was frozen at the present levels That is it will take us 97 years to extract our oil Other countries run out of a while before us LEB forced to give up all our oil production to other countries.

If we're not talking Improving while extraction Then of course are rate of oil Removed and go up over time. The mount of oil Will not increase but we don't know where all of it is. Assuming what if Greta wins then we don't look for any new oil .. we ate stuck with what we got.

Yes I can see the 97 years if No new oil reserves were allowed. But it wouldn't be well for us.

We do not have the strength to hold back oil for domestic production.. If we did oil would be half the price It is for domestic use.

No 1 who owns oil it's going to sell locally For half the price . We are seeing the same with food production. We have more than any Canadian needs yet most of our food goes to the highest bidder of shore. Food would be many times cheaper it Could not explore food but still import it. At least for sure well before the market adjusted.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
This thread doesn't really shed that much light on climate change, but it's a case study on whataboutism...
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
There are several countries that consume a lot of oil, relative to their production. Some of the countries that consume the most oil after subtracting their production include:

  1. United States: The United States is one of the largest oil consumers in the world, consuming around 19.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 11 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 8.4 million b/d.
  2. China: China is the largest oil consumer in the world, consuming around 14 million b/d in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 4.5 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 9.5 million b/d.
  3. India: India is one of the largest oil consumers in the world, consuming around 4.8 million b/d in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 0.8 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 4 million b/d.
It's worth noting that these numbers are subject to change and depend on various factors such as economic conditions and policies. Additionally, it's important to consider that many countries are investing in renewable energy and reducing their dependence on fossil fuels.

Anyway if fortress north America existed America would use everything Canada currently pumps And still be short 3 times Canada's yearly product.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I wish the UN climate lunatic would, having exposed Big Oil's 'big lie',
appeal to the filthy rich elites at Davos to boycott Big Oil's jet fuel
business in Davos 2024.

The rich and powerful flocked to Davos via private jet to discuss
climate change, study finds

January 17, 2023

At the World Economic Forum, which started Monday in Davos, Switzerland, the global business and political elite will discuss how to combat climate change, but their own private jet travel to attend the conference will cause a spike in planet-warming carbon emissions, according to a new study from Greenpeace International.

The research, released last Thursday, which was compiled by the Dutch environmental consultancy CE Delft, found twice as many private jets flew to and from airports serving Davos during the 2022 WEF meeting compared with an average week. The carbon dioxide emissions from these extra flights were equal to putting roughly 350,000 gasoline-powered cars on the road for the same weeklong period.

In recent weeks, Europe has been contending with a number of extreme weather events related to climate change. A heat wave over New Year’s weekend broke records in locations such as Warsaw, Poland, where a temperature of 66 degrees Fahrenheit was 9°F warmer than the previous all-time high. Parts of Switzerland saw temperatures upwards of 68°F, and some ski resorts in the Alps closed due to a lack of snow. In 2022 — the fifth-hottest year on record — heat waves in Europe smashed records for temperatures and wildfire prevalence.

“Europe is experiencing the warmest January days ever recorded and communities around the world are grappling with extreme weather events supercharged by the climate crisis,” said Klara Maria Schenk, transport campaigner for Greenpeace’s European mobility campaign, in a statement. “Meanwhile, the rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate and inequality behind closed doors.”

The study found that of the 1,040 private jet flights in or out of airports near Davos, 53% were shorter than 466 miles and 38% were under 310 miles. The shortest flight recorded was only 13 miles. Short-haul flights are especially polluting because airplanes are less efficient during landing and takeoff.

For the sake of comparison, the distance between Washington, D.C., and New Haven, Conn., is 305 miles, and between Boston and Washington, D.C., is 440. While it is not uncommon for Americans to fly such distances, Europe has a much more comprehensive, affordable, fast and reliable train network, which serves Davos.

France recently became the first country to ban short flights between cities that are connected by a rail trip of less than two and a half hours. A spokesperson for the French government said at the time that France won’t ban private jets, but it will produce a plan that would reduce private jet usage through taxation and regulation.

Environmentalists are increasingly arguing that the European Union should ban such private flights. Last November, at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, 700 climate activists staged a sit-in on the tarmac in front of 13 private jets preparing for takeoff, grounding all of them for more than six hours.

“The superrich have got used to polluting as they please with a total disregard for people and planet, and private jets are the pinnacle of these luxury emissions that we simply cannot afford,” Jonathan Leggett, one of the activists, later told the Intercept.

On Monday, activists from the Swiss Debt for Climate group held a similar demonstration with a four-hour blockade at the airport in Altenrhein, Switzerland, near Davos.

Attendees at this year’s WEF include European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Philippine President Bongbong Marcos. Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Chris Coons, D-Del., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz, and Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp were among those meeting with a group of business leaders, including Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Antonio Neri, in Davos on Monday.

In the past, Kerry has been criticized for hypocrisy by conservative media outlets such as Fox News for flying by private jet. Kerry had previously defended his private flights, arguing that his extremely busy travel schedule in the service of combating climate change makes it necessary and noting that he buys carbon offsets to mitigate the impact. But last November, he flew commercial to Egypt to participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP27.

Former Vice President Al Gore spoke in Davos on Monday about climate change, arguing that multilateral lending institutions like the World Bank need to make more funding for a clean energy transition available to developing countries. Gore has said that sometimes he has flown by chartering a private jet but that he usually flies commercial.

Kerry struck similar notes as Gore on climate finance in his Tuesday speech in Davos.

“I’m convinced we will get to a low-carbon, no-carbon economy — we’re going to get there because we have to,” Kerry said. “I am not convinced we’re going to get there in time to do what the scientists said, which is avoid the worst consequences of the crisis. So how do we get there? ... Money, money, money, money, money, money, money.”

Greenpeace argues that the private jet use makes a mockery of the WEF’s stated commitment to helping prevent catastrophic climate change.

“Davos has a perfectly adequate railway station, still these people can’t even be bothered to take the train for a trip as short as 21 kilometers,” Schenk said. “Given that 80% of the world’s population has never even flown, but suffers from the consequences of climate-damaging aviation emissions, and that the WEF claims to be committed to the 1.5°C Paris Climate Target, this annual private jet bonanza is a distasteful master class in hypocrisy. Private jets must be consigned to history if we are to have a green, just and safe future for all.”

There are other climate-focused protests expected at the forum this week. High-profile youth activists Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate will be in town to demand an end to new oil and gas drilling projects. Thunberg has made a point of avoiding flying at all when possible, including by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, but she has flown when alternatives are unavailable.

The WEF did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In 2019, when a previous study of private jet usage for flying to and from the forum sparked criticism, the organization responded that participants are taking fewer private flights each year.

“We have been offering incentives to participants to use public transport for some years,” the WEF said in a statement in 2019. “We also ask that they share planes if they have to use them, something that has been gaining popularity in recent years.”

Update: The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) issued a statement contesting Greenpeace's methodology. "Many of the flights associated with the event are not directly related to the event itself," the trade groups wrote. "For example, a short flight of 21 km from Friedrichshafen to Altenrhein, which reportedly increased business jet traffic during the WEF, was not related to the event at all. Instead, it was a repositioning flight that picked up passengers in Altenrhein to fly to Cannes. This flight would have occurred regardless of whether or not the WEF had taken place, and should therefore not be included in estimates of business jet traffic specifically related to the event."

"The second example includes the 1000 supposed private jets, or 500 flights as mentioned by Greenpeace and CE Delft being related to WEF, which is actually a maximum estimate and not a confirmed number. These flights include not only business aircraft, but also many turboprops, military and government airplanes. Many business aircraft continued to another airport after dropping off passengers for the WEF event due to parking constraints, which further inflates the estimate of 500 flights. This means that, in reality, the number of business aircraft associated with the WEF is likely much lower than 500. According to the WEF, the number of
aircraft movements is usually around 250 for the organization’s event."

The groups also argued that the expectation that WEF attendees could take the train to Davos was unrealistic in many cases. "Business aircraft are often the only way to reach certain remote locations, such as Davos, which is located in a mountainous region of Switzerland not easily accessible by train or other forms of transportation," they wrote. "For example, travelling [sic] by Business jet from London to Davos takes around 1.5 hours, while a train journey takes 10 to 11 hours."

Let's look at the oil super rich

  1. Roman Abramovich, Russian businessman and owner of Chelsea Football Club, who is known for his extravagant yachts, including the Eclipse, which is one of the largest and most expensive yachts in the world.
  2. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries, who built the world's most expensive home in Mumbai, India, worth over $1 billion.
  3. David Geffen, American media executive and co-founder of Dreamworks Animation, who owns several properties, including the largest and most expensive private residence in Malibu, California, and large yacht, Rising Sun.
  4. T. Boone Pickens, American businessman and philanthropist, who has been known for his extravagant spending on luxury homes, private jets, and other luxury items.
  5. Kjell Inge Røkke, a Norwegian businessman and owner of the shipping company Aker ASA, who has been known for his extravagant yachts, including the REV, which is one of the largest yachts in the world.
  6. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, Saudi businessman and investor, who is known for his extravagant lifestyle, including his ownership of a private Boeing 747 and the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
  7. William Koch, American businessman and owner of Oxbow Carbon, who has been known for his collection of rare and expensive wine
one auction represents less than half of Koch's 43,000-bottle collection, which he has spent the last four decades amassing and storing in an Italian-inspired, cave-like cellar in his Palm Beach home. Koch's wine, which will be split into 2,700 lots, is expected to go for up to $15 million, according to Sotheby's


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Let's look at the oil super rich

  1. Roman Abramovich, Russian businessman and owner of Chelsea Football Club, who is known for his extravagant yachts, including the Eclipse, which is one of the largest and most expensive yachts in the world.
  2. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries, who built the world's most expensive home in Mumbai, India, worth over $1 billion.
  3. David Geffen, American media executive and co-founder of Dreamworks Animation, who owns several properties, including the largest and most expensive private residence in Malibu, California, and large yacht, Rising Sun.
  4. T. Boone Pickens, American businessman and philanthropist, who has been known for his extravagant spending on luxury homes, private jets, and other luxury items.
  5. Kjell Inge Røkke, a Norwegian businessman and owner of the shipping company Aker ASA, who has been known for his extravagant yachts, including the REV, which is one of the largest yachts in the world.
  6. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, Saudi businessman and investor, who is known for his extravagant lifestyle, including his ownership of a private Boeing 747 and the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
  7. William Koch, American businessman and owner of Oxbow Carbon, who has been known for his collection of rare and expensive wine
one auction represents less than half of Koch's 43,000-bottle collection, which he has spent the last four decades amassing and storing in an Italian-inspired, cave-like cellar in his Palm Beach home. Koch's wine, which will be split into 2,700 lots, is expected to go for up to $15 million, according to Sotheby's
there will always be rich individuals who assumed risk in order to provide you with products/ services you need and demand

you make Bill Gates richer every year by using his products, same for the Weston family, the Sobeys , Warren Buffet etc

Their wealth has no direct impact on you other than irrational jealousy


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
There are several countries that consume a lot of oil, relative to their production. Some of the countries that consume the most oil after subtracting their production include:

  1. United States: The United States is one of the largest oil consumers in the world, consuming around 19.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 11 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 8.4 million b/d.
  2. China: China is the largest oil consumer in the world, consuming around 14 million b/d in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 4.5 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 9.5 million b/d.
  3. India: India is one of the largest oil consumers in the world, consuming around 4.8 million b/d in 2020. However, it also has a significant amount of domestic production, around 0.8 million b/d, resulting in a net consumption of 4 million b/d.
It's worth noting that these numbers are subject to change and depend on various factors such as economic conditions and policies. Additionally, it's important to consider that many countries are investing in renewable energy and reducing their dependence on fossil fuels.

Anyway if fortress north America existed America would use everything Canada currently pumps And still be short 3 times Canada's yearly product.
no way you can control world oil consumption
that is pure fantasy

foolish attempts to curtail consumption will prevent billions from escaping adject poverty and drive many into poverty


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
no way you can control world oil consumption
that is pure fantasy

foolish attempts to curtail consumption will prevent billions from escaping adject poverty and drive many into poverty
Tell that to OPEC.
They've caused recessions before by raising prices that lowered consumption.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
This thread doesn't really shed that much light on climate change, but it's a case study on whataboutism...
Firstly I have to assume I understand correctly what you mean by whataboutism
in the context of this thread. I'll have more sympathy for where you stand if more
people on the side of the authors of the open letter in the OP chimed in to show
their support of Greta Thunberg and Antonio Guterres. So far it doesn't look like
any one has called on others to concede to their demands as outlined in their letter.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
'Keep it in the ground' Greta Thunberg tells protest at end of WEF

Jan 20, 2023

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND - Greta Thunberg and around 30 other activists braved sub-zero temperatures on Friday in a protest calling for climate justice as the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting wound up in Davos.

The protesters chanted "What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now" and "Fossil fuels have got to go," while Thunberg held up a sign saying "Keep it in the ground."

Thunberg, who was detained by police in Germany earlier this week during a demonstration against the expansion of a coal mine, was in Davos after a Thursday joint round-table discussion with the head of the International Energy Agency.

The 20-year-old Swedish activist stuck to her stance against all new oil, gas and coal developments during the fringe event, that was not part of the official conference agenda.

IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol, whose agency makes policy recommendations, said new investments in oil fields would take years to become operational. They would be too late to allay the energy crunch, but would contribute to the climate crisis.

He praised Thunberg's efforts and thanked her for the invite to speak with activists.

At Friday's protest, Vanessa Nakate from Uganda, who was also in the discussion with Birol, said leaders needed to listen to the science and stop all investments in coal, oil and gas.

"The IEA has made it very clear we cannot have any new fossil fuel investments if we are to live with global temperatures below 1.5 degree Celsius," she told the crowd.

Thunberg and fellow activists have presented a "cease and desist" notice to oil and gas executives, which protesters brandished during the demonstration on Friday in Davos.

The oil and gas industry, which has been accused by activists of hijacking the climate change debate in the Swiss ski resort, has said that it needs to be part of the energy transition as fossil fuels will continue to play a major role in the energy mix as the world shift to a low-carbon economy.

In 2019, the then 16-year-old Thunberg took part in the main WEF meeting, famously telling leaders that "our house is on fire." She returned to Davos the following year.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts