CBC Radio today 4 PM - Prostitution

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
The problem is everybody hiding and not wanting people knowing they see escorts. You hide from wives , gf and family. You can argue all you want here and hide away. This is not going to be easy and these women need all the help they can get. I look up to the women who have the faces posted and out there.

It is ok that you say on the form you support them, well how about getting out there and not hiding anymore. Sex is just that sex. The religous people have not even gotten hold of this yet, in Canada or the USA. So you can say all you want here, but the best place to say it is out there where people know you. For the record my friends know I see escorts and my husband Brash does too.
Very true.

I found the moderator seriously biased. The ex - escort was very articulate and did a lot to balance things back away from the do-gooder's assumptions that these girls are any more drugged up than your average - employee such as a CBC'er.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
I found the moderator biased too. The first caller made me both laugh and want to beat his fucking skull in. SP's are a drain on the health care system because of HIV & herpes. Try again bud. I guarantee you I can walk down to my local pub, buy a chick a few drinks and ride her bareback. There are SW's a few blocks from where I live. For shits and giggles I've asked them how much, they reply and I say "for bareback". The answer is "I don't do that". And these chicks are the bottom of the bucket in the world of prostitution. If they're smart enough to cover up, then pretty much every SP is.

Maybe he should talk to my GF. She's an upscale Escort and is asked daily for bareback sex. Looks like the real drain on the health care system just might not be the SP's. Ppl are idiots.


Apr 24, 2005
The first caller made me both laugh and want to beat his fucking skull in. SP's are a drain on the health care system because of HIV & herpes.
It is politically incorrect to say this but it cost a fortune to keep an HIV infected person alive. Guess which group have the highest HIV rate? No, not female escorts.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
i listened to most of the broadcast and was seriously dismayed by what i was hearing. like the ex escort said, its all these people sitting in their homes, who have never met a prostitute or know anything about the issues that feel that they have the right to pass judgement based on their puritanical and backwards ideas around sex and sexuality. i daresay the working girls that i know have bigger hearts and are kinder human beings than a number of the callers. as a prostitute/whore/working girl/whatever you want to call me, i have compassion and empathy for my clients, i see men who for whatever reason, be it social phobias, lack of social skills, marriages gone bad, demanding work hours, who do not have intimacy and sex in their lives. we all need intimacy and sex, they are basic human needs. some of those callers really did not sound like the kind of people who would give two shits about another humans beings needs. so who is really contemptible?

the other thing i found quite irritating about this broadcast was the emphasis on the child prostitution/streetworker/human trafficking issues. i completely agree with the ex escort when she said that those are not issues of prostitution. streetworkers have underlying issues, be they substance abuse problems or mental problems, and THOSE are the issues that need to be addressed primarily when dealing with that sector of the sex industry. why not more outreach to that group, why not help them with resources to deal with the issues that made them turn to prostitution in the first place? it was not a choice for them, it was most probably the only option. as for human trafficking, that is an issue of immigration and not prostitution.

the average soccer mom is going to equate prostitution with the aforementioned issues because we dont hear stories about incall/outcall/agency girls, because we are a self regulating community. all they hear about is the horror stories and so think thats all there is to it. the husband of the average soccer mom is never going to admit to seeing a prostitute and so the soccer mom assumes that all clients are low down dirty perverts, which we all know isnt true.

blissful had it when she said that people hide their association with this facet of life - and this in turn does a disservice to us as the general public has no reasonable stories to relate to. personally, i am out as an escort to my close friends - both male and female, and they accept me and treat me no different. none of them are involved in sex work. to this day i have only lost one friend as a result of coming out to her. all the others knew me before i worked, and see me as the human being that i am. i have always held the thought that if someone would drop me as a friend because of what i do, then they are not the kind of friend i want in my life anyway. i am openminded, accepting, caring and nonjudgemental, these are qualities i find in a lot of working girls as well. arent these the kinds of qualities that we as human beings should all aspire to have?

i'm tired of people referring to escorts who arent on drugs or werent abused who dare to share their stories as "unique cases" and "lucky" to not have experienced what people believe are the "harsh realities" of this profession. we are not unique cases. like the escort caller mentioned, girls in school, single moms, girls who just love to have sex, we make up a large proportion of sex workers, and any amendments to laws around prostitution are going to affect us and our safety as well. why should i be lumped in with child prostitutes and girls who have been trafficked and girls who are under the control of pimps, and made to abide by laws that could affect my safety and my ability to conduct my business properly?

finally, im tired of this arguement about objectification, and how legalizing prostitution would affect the way that men view and objectify women. this is so ridiculous! if people are really concerned with the objectification of women, how about they start with fashion magazines and advertising that uses pretty girls in seductive poses to sell a product? how about asking an actually prostitute if they feel objectified? do i feel objectified when my client wants to cuddle with me after the deed, when he just needs to be heard, when he just needs some intimacy? hell no i dont feel objectified. sure i'm there in my lingerie, but is he staring at my lingerie as he tells me about his day? if he was objectifying me would he even bother to converse with me or care about my opinion? no.

but i guess its kind of pointless to write all this on an escort review message board because it wont be heard by the right ears. maybe i just might write to my local mpp about it!


Apr 24, 2005
maybe i just might write to my local mpp about it!
Yes, you are preaching to the converted here. Write, call your local MP, MPP and City councillors. BTW: The Harperites think that no sex is good sex.

Maybe we should use Lindsay Lohan as the poster child for why actresses should be outlawed. What about child molestor priests and teachers?


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Yes, you are preaching to the converted here. Write, call your local MP, MPP and City councillors. BTW: The Harperites think that no sex is good sex.

Maybe we should use Lindsay Lohan as the poster child for why actresses should be outlawed. What about child molestor priests and teachers?
Have to wonder how many dudes that use SP's fall into the "Harper supporter" types. Talk about "family values" out of one side of their mouth while shoving their dick in some SP's mouth behind closed doors. 90% of men see SP's some time in your life SO....

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Terbites seem to be missing a key anti legalization argument

It is not the prostitution they want to stop but the by products ( exploitation, drugs, criminals, etc )

and these will happen if you legalize according to the anti group

Terbites seems to think of only the successful pro who does so willingly and is happy


Apr 24, 2005
If our silly politicians:mad: are serious about "protecting women", they should outlaw marriage. So many women are victims of spousal abuse, up to and including murder.
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