Catholic vs. Public


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Ok..i hope this doesn't get too hostile but everytime a debate about this topic comes up amongst my friends a I, we have it out...we argue and argue and usually everyone gets pissed off at each other...

I went to a public school all my life, from elementary to highschool, so I don't have first hand experience on catholic schools and their exact teachings.

My ex, my best friend, and two cousins (we are close and speak every other day) do/went to a catholic school, and i base my opinions on what i heard from them and what i've experienced.

I think the only reason catholic schools are still around are because they are funded by the government due to historical reasons...fine...i dont have a problem with that...

I DO however have a problem with the products of their system (their students)....

I'll put it blunty....most (not all because there are exceptions) of the guys I've met are dumb and the girls are sluts......(from my experience..don't get all feisty)

This was also the general ideology of our school and the surrounding public schools...

From my experience...we would go to cathalic schools to get blown in the washrooms and have sex on bleachers...and comparatively, a much higher percentage of girls got pregnant to public schools..

For the guys, I don't know any of my friends who went to a catholic school (i have quite a few) to complete post secondary level education. The majority of them got "regular" avg jobs and are content. compared to public school friends (and me) we've all done pretty good for secondary and a few post grad...

Consequently, most catholic school ppl thot public schools were dumb also, and very violent...
In my school we had no stabbings, shootings, etc....but we did have the occasional fight...

Reasons for it, I can only speculate...maybe its the extra religion course that takes away from the watever class they miss out on....maybe its standards are different who knows...
just today i had a friend from a catholic school start to tell me what an IUD is...i stopped her and said i know from sex ed in school...she said she never learned about contraception methods besides abstinence....(we are both 6 yrs outta highscool so it might be different now)

Usually whenever we have a big gathering of friends...its split 50/50 for catholic school and public school ppl...and the general consensus is the same...

Catholic school: sluts and dumbasses
Public school: dumbasses and murderers

Just wanna hear your thoughts, experiences, or any comments...

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
1. Standards are pretty much the same. If you get per pupil funding you have to meet provincial standards.

2. I would suggest that the primary reason why Catholic school students are different, is partly the religious component to the education, but mostly that 'being Catholic' also means being French, or Irish, or Italian, (and now Spanish or Latin American,) for the most part. In traditionally 'Anglo protestant' Canada this often put you at the bottom of the economic pecking order (with the implications that flow from that), and made you the subject of traditional WASPy racism and hangups. That persists to this day.

3. I came from the Public system, from a family of public school teachers, and actually got a good education in one of the poorest stretches or rural Northern Ontario. With that being said, despite the fact that both the Public and Catholic boards get the same type of funding-- At the moment, and for the moment, the Catholic Boards are performing modestly better. (I'm an atheist.) Much of that stems from the era of the Harris cuts, and the fact the the Public system seems to be somewhat 'board heavy' at the expense of the actual schools.

4. Public, Catholic, or Private the biggest determining factor for a child's future is parents' commitment to education, parents' participating with the schools (without being helicopter parents), and parents viewing school as something other than daycare for their feral spawn. Or basically, teachers should teach, sitters should sit, and parents should parent.
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Mar 17, 2008
Anyone that begin a thread by saying "I hope this doesn't get too hostile", is looking for that very reaction.

I don't think you will be receiving the number of replies that you are hoping for because after reading the OP, Terbites will realize that you are just trying to stir the pot.

Better luck with your next thread.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Anyone that begin a thread by saying "I hope this doesn't get too hostile", is looking for that very reaction.

I don't think you will be receiving the number of replies that you are hoping for because after reading the OP, Terbites will realize that you are just trying to stir the pot.

Better luck with your next thread.
I bit but:

"I hope this doesn't get too hostile"

"I don't mean to be rude."

"Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"Just Say'n." (or whatever)

Are pretty much the same-- I bit, but I don't mind laying a marker before there's a pile of flame.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Talk about generalizations and stereotyping!!!!! This is such a myopic and closed minded viewpoint.
My kids have been enrolled in the Catholic system since 2001... prior to that they were enrolled in the public system... Why the change? Simple. We moved from London to Cambridge and there was no public school close to our new home, but there was a brand new Catholic School being built 2 blocks away. There was supposed to be a public school in this same neighborhood, right beside the Catholic School in fact, but the public school board opted to use this "new school" as a bargaining chip to try and get more extra funding... they lost, and chose to give themselves all raises with the extra funding they DID get instead. If I chose to put them in the public school, they would have needed to be bused to a different neighbourhood altogether. The Catholic school somehow managed to build the new school anyway, so it was an easy decision for me.

Anyway, both systems have virtually the same curriculum, the only difference being, the Catholic system has an extra bird course called Religion. Although it is obviously slanted toward Catholicism, they do learn about other world religions as well. Since both systems are funded with public money, I can choose which school my kids go to... They still participate in all the same things as all the other students, except communion - since we are not Catholic.

When it came time for the kids to graduate from elementary to high school, I gave them the choice as to which one they wanted to go to, since there IS a High School at equal distance to our home for both boards. They chose to stay in the Catholic system, likely because that is where all their friends were going.

I don't think the level of intelligence or promiscuity is any different than any other school George... you just have to learn to look passed the stereotypes...

Oh and Jeff... I have NEVER seen a girl dressed like that at my kid's school. In fact, they are phasing out the kilt due to the obvious sexual connotation that goes along with the imagery of the "school girl" uniform in recent years. (THANKS GOD! Says the father of 2 daughters...)


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
If we have public libraries, why don't we have Catholic libraries? Maybe those dumb sluts can't read?


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Talk about generalizations and stereotyping!!!!! This is such a myopic and closed minded viewpoint.
this is the kind of responses i was hoping for...just to see if others knew about the general stereotypes or knew of those generalizations or if it was just me and my friends....or if ppl were brought up thinkin that way.

I know it cant be true because there are so many public and catholic schools all over the place....and there are successful students from both schools...

i made my post because the few specific schools i knew of held true to the i was seeing if according to your experiences they did or not..


Just show me the boobs.
Feb 4, 2010
I went through the Catholic school system. I don't recall ever seeing the slutty behaviour when I was there. Now when I go back to visit, it's a completely different experience. I see it everywhere.
Oh, and in terms of my feelings towards the public system, it was an us v. them thing. I hated the public school system because it wasn't my school system. I played Reach for the Top, so I competed against the public board. I took great pleasure in beating them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
When it came time for the kids to graduate from elementary to high school, I gave them the choice as to which one they wanted to go to,...
I'm astounded. From what I understand, the condition attached to public funding was they had to allow non-Catholics into High School but Elementary School was exclusively for practicing Catholics (don't want to expose young Catholics to heathens). Maybe the rules are different outside the big city or your kids school had a sensible principal.


Active member
May 25, 2002
I'm astounded. From what I understand, the condition attached to public funding was they had to allow non-Catholics into High School but Elementary School was exclusively for practicing Catholics (don't want to expose young Catholics to heathens). Maybe the rules are different outside the big city or your kids school had a sensible principal.
never heard that in 50 years of my experience. Any one can attend -- just direct your taxes to that board


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Non-Catholic children of non-Catholic parents are not eligible for admittance to Toronto Catholic District School Board elementary schools.
The only exception they may make is for non-Catholic children of Catholic parents.

Just to include the entire GTA, they all have the same rules for elementary. Not Catholic? Get lost.
Dufferin peel

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
They should really just get rid of the separate school board in Ontario. I think they were able to do it in Quebec in the 1970's so it should be possible in Ontario.

I went through the Catholic system to grade 13 but I'm basically non religious agnostic. I remember when I entered first year university I couldn't believe how liberating it was not to have a single nun or priest lurking around the corner.
I think Catholicism damages people. The system is rooted in fear, intimidation and bullying and churns out some of the most stupid, thick, dense, exasperating, technology illiterate people you'll ever see anywhere. If you want your kids to have slavish, conventional thinking the Catholic education system is for you.

I have some Catholic relatives who are just so thick and dense and non competitive stupid; and, - I have to ask myself what on earth made them this way.
The answer I come up with is it's not their fault. They are an inevitable by product of a brutal system that is set up to churn out people like this. So, I just make a wide berth around them and let it go.

The most creepily weird people I've ever met in my life are all Catholic priests and they set the tone for the whole organization. They've basically ruined and destroyed the reputation of their church with all the pedophile sex scandals and coverups they've been involved in for decades across the globe. The only thing priests care about is the sanctity of their creepy male authority, their sluggish, dopey bureaucracy, and parading around in vain , outrageous costumes and dresses.
From personal experience I can tell you that having a priest around just sucks all the oxygen out of a room.

If you run a competitive business you're better off with people who went through the public system. It encourages more innovative, flexible, creative thinking which is what people need if they want to have an interesting full life experience and challenging career.
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