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Careers right out of uni..?


New member
Mar 8, 2005
Good day everybody!
I have been a long time lurker of terb. I recently graduated from UofT for B.Comm and have completed my diploma at humber for marketing. I have been looking for a job for about 3 months now and to no avail. Now taking into consideration, i have 4 years of managerial experience at a retail store. I cant find a job that doesnt involve telemarketing, door to door or a job that pays 20k a year.
I have checked every website out there (monster, workopolis, jobs..) but to no avail..
I am looking for a career, but dont really know where to start.
Is this a bad time for jobs?
For example, Does it require me to start as a csr and then work my way up, say at RBC or TD?
any suggestions? on where i should start?
p.s. taking into acct that i am well groomed, dressed, speak perfect english and have a desire to learn/achieve.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
We all or most have started at the bottom. We pay our dues and rise thru the ranks. But untill you have established yourself at one of the best in the business you will pay those same dues; everytime you change jobs.

Today having a degree is not much better then a High School diploma was in 1970. You see most every applicant has a degree. You need to beable to stand out by the resume and cover letter you send to even get seen as a serious applicant.


Mar 9, 2005
the unemployemt rate has been soaring at 7% which is pretty high , jobs are very difficult to get no matter what area you are applying , the competion is fierce .


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
fullmetal said:
the unemployemt rate has been soaring at 7% which is pretty high , jobs are very difficult to get no matter what area you are applying , the competion is fierce .


Canada is not the land of milk and honey?????????




New member
Oct 15, 2002
IMO it's all about who ya know and who knows you. I was in the same boat as you 4years ago when I finished school. I had a part time job working at a hospital until I landed a job by luck in my field. I was going to the subway one afternoon after work when I bumped into a guy I use to play basketball with 10 years ago. We chatted and I told him that I just finished school and was lookin for a job in my field. He told me he might be lookin for someone at his firm so he asked me to forward him my resume.. He called me a few weeks later and asked if i can come in for a interview. Basically the interview was him and I talking about the old days playing ball and if I had seen so and so from the courts lately. So in other words the interview lasted 15min and I was hired without 1 work related question being asked.

The best 2 qualities I would say to posess is to be friendly and know as much people as you can. Jobs, meeting women, hook-ups are much easier when you have alot of friends..


More Than U Want Me to Be
What kind of work do you want?

Where and how do you want to apply yourself? Have you used the resources at HRDC? Have you looked anywhere not on the internet?

What is on your resume? Have you had it reveiwed? Is there job experience? There are a million people with education profiles similar or better to yours. What distinguishes you from them?

Have you outlined your transferrable skill sets (leadership, organization, communication, etc)?

What is your job experience like? Have you clearly stated what you achieved in each?

What are you doing in the meantime? Do you have any volunteer experience? Are you currently volunteering any of your time?

There is no room for missing anything - the competition for limited positions is too fierce. has one of the best job boards around, if you want to work in the social service end of the markets - no multi-billion dollar corporations, but measurable effect on the world.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I'm with you on this one sheik, just because you have an education that makes you qualified? FYI: the real world does NOT resemble what you learn in school. School teaches you the rules but not how to play the game....

Anyhow, with an all time high of students in colleges and universities just having a post secondary education does not qualify you for a position in any field. Just remember passing doesn't make it anymore....if you're not the superstar then you won't be sought out by the big companies.

Looking for a job? There's thousands of jobs out there, but you seem like many that I've run into after graduation or out looking for somethng: if you don't find THE job/position you want, you say "there isn't any jobs out there". Sorry, but that doesn't cut it. As stated it sounds like you want to start at a management position which ain't gonna happen cowboy. Get a job, any job, something to pay the bills, and remember: there's engineers with 20 yrs experience and years of schooling driving cabs and flipping burgers....


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
i had a kid that was working part time for me as a technician at one of my clients (basically 30 hours a week in their office) finished his BComm and now had finished his MBA. He still can't find a job that will pay him more then 40 a year and he honestly expects to make over 80 a year as project manager for a fortune 50..... in all seriousness get some experience and put in your time.
He has already won the world's biggest lottery.... being born and or living in North America. We take way to much for granted. We are only 10 percent (estimate) of the worlds population but have a majority of the wealth.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
fullmetal said:
the unemployemt rate has been soaring at 7% which is pretty high , jobs are very difficult to get no matter what area you are applying , the competion is fierce .
When I graduated, I think the unemployment level was around 10%.

7% is pretty good.


Mar 9, 2005
canada has one of the highest unemployment rate in an industrialised country . forget about an entry level or survival job even thats hard to find . MY son has sent over 150 resumes since xmas and has yet to even get an interview and im talking joe jobs .

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
tboy said:
remember: there's engineers with 20 yrs experience and years of schooling driving cabs and flipping burgers....
Don't know about that.

Maybe with Experience only in Pakistan or someother foreign place, but not with Canadian experience of 20 years, unless they want to do that.


New member
Sep 5, 2001
careerless said:
Good day everybody!
I have been a long time lurker of terb. I recently graduated from UofT for B.Comm and have completed my diploma at humber for marketing. I have been looking for a job for about 3 months now and to no avail. Now taking into consideration, i have 4 years of managerial experience at a retail store. I cant find a job that doesnt involve telemarketing, door to door or a job that pays 20k a year.
Don't knock sales (real sales), even if it's low level outside sales.

I worked my way through my last few years of college in a commission sales job that you would consider menial and laughable.

Now, decades later, I have advanced to the executive level of a billion dollar corporation. I can tell you honestly that nothing (university degrees, connections, hard work, dedication, blah-blah-blah) has contributed more to my success than my sales experience.

Nothing else can teach you to think on your feet or the feeling of having to perform to get paid (which is what it takes to run with the big dogs). Successful people have an undeniable "killer instinct", you only get that the hard way. Risk.

I just hired a 24 year old programmer 18 months out of school. I'm paying him $65K USD. The deciding factor? A summer sales job in which he proved he could "sing for his supper".


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
fullmetal said:
canada has one of the highest unemployment rate in an industrialised country . forget about an entry level or survival job even thats hard to find . MY son has sent over 150 resumes since xmas and has yet to even get an interview and im talking joe jobs .

Germany is 12.6%.

France is something like 10.4%


So, Canada is pretty good


Nov 28, 2004
good jobs are gone !

hey careless:

Are you a caucasian? if not, you will have much more difficult time getting a job nowadays. The bank pays very poorly. I know what you are going through right now. I had lots of experience. If you want to get into banking business, you should take the Canadian Securities Course, plus a few other course offer by the Canadian Securities Institute. It is located at TD tower. check phone book. This education buttress your BA degree. It allows the bank to hire you. It is compulsary requirement in banking or investment field. This is only first step. Now you must think carefully what you want to do in life. Are you good at selling stuff? if you can sell, you can take a crack in investment field. It involves selling.

I have to tell you the bad news that alot of those sell guys who works for Nesbit Burns are not that smart as you. Most don't have university education at all. They are good at sell. Theirs IQ level is quite low. I mean their behavior is primitive. You always must present yourself as aggressive person. More importantly, Don't dress or act like you are an immigrant. Change your hairstyle, change your habits completely. You are now in Canada. This is the final leg of your journey. You are entrenched to compete with many affluent, well connected white men out there. You must think like them. Observe their behaviors. learn the best of their styles such as mannerism, speech.

You should apply to the governemt. You need to have Cdn citizenship not landed immigrant status. landed immigrant status doesn't have the legal weight of citizenship. Why don't you apply to the Canadian Foreign service, They are recruiting now. You have to have excellent writing skills.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
-Pursue MBA or professional designation(s) in the field you are interested

-Join industry associations and network with the right people at their events

-Have both your resume and cover letter professionally done with an professional profile

-Look for some headhunter(s) to help out with the search


Mar 29, 2002
Sheik said:

One thing that kills me today is that everyone who graduates from university or college expect to start making big bucks right away.

Good luck.

From my personal experience and my educational background... I graduated with a degree in engineering

I found a job paying 55K off the bat and an increase up into the 70's about 1.5 years afterwards. Same goes for the majority of my graduating class of 2002.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey afx, I don't think he meant NO one could get the good high paying jobs, his statement was that everyone thinks they DESERVE one of them BECAUSE they have an education....

As for umemployment rates: BS total BS. I mean there are thousands of ppl on umemployment insurance who have never seriously looked for a job and have no intention of ever doing so. I know of 3 ppl right now who are on unemployment and won't "settle" for a position other than what they think they deserve (one is an ex-sp who would never "work" for $10.00 an hour).

I also don't know what the immigration rules and regs are in regards to unemployment benefits. I do remember back in the day a portugese family I know brought over a cousin who was receiving benefits after the 3 week waiting period and he never paid INTO UI.

My advice still stands: get a job EOS......
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