Soooo then if I were not to capitalize god.... That would mean that I respect the fact that non-Christians may believe in another god or maybe three.n_v said:By not capitalizing God it is indeed disrespectful to not only the RC Church but christians in general around the world. People from the as far as man can rmember have had faith in god or gods. To some a god was the sun, to other a cow, or tree or whatever. For the most part these people had a belief in many gods. RC's and christians believe in 1 almighty Lord the God of all gods. Capitalizing acknowledges that there is one God that rules the universe. Not doing it is disrespectful to those that believe in Him.
Oh and BTW GOD gOd goD Gawd and DOG are just words; the church is just a building. Christianity is a way of life, not something you just do on Sundays. I'm a Christian seven days a week twenty-four hours a day; God knows this by my actions, not by the way I spell. God also sees how we treat others on terb...I haven't read one post of yours (in any thread) that would indicate that you are a Christian. You are an angry ball-breaking SOB, listening to you pontificate makes me want to puke!