I was wrongfully accused when I was 19. I gave the police the names and contact information of the other 9 guys who had a turn after me and they were only contacted to be harassed. The police never took statements from any of them. After about 9 months the crown finally got around to interviewing the girl and at my next court appearance the charges were withdrawn and I was apologized to in open court.I think there has to be a distinction though - if a woman admits to making a false claim then by all means she should be identified. However the proof of guilt is so difficult that someone found not guilty doesn't necessarily mean they are innocent either, just that proof of guilt could not be established sufficiently in court. To then identify a victim is unfair especially in a case against a celebrity who likely has the financial means to hire much better attorneys.
Ideally I would prefer that neither side is identified.
The girl was never named in public, nor was she charged. But I was booted out of school and publicly handcuffed and frog marched from class and then held on house arrest for 9 months. Somehow that is fair? Because it seems to me that things tend to slant in favour of the females in this type of situation. When I asked why she wasn't going to be charged I was told it was so other girls wouldn't be discouraged from coming forward in the future. Seems to me that they should have the book thrown at them to discourage other girls from making false accusations because they are later ashamed of what they have done. And no, there were no drugs or alcohol in the equation.