La Villa Spa

Canada's Election


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Well, it was an interesting debate. Messrs. Martin, Harper and Layton all tripped over their words but all put in a valiant effort to debate in French. Duceppe spoke a colloquial "québécois street French" - so we were not treated to any literary masterpieces of oratory.

The consensus is that Mr. Harper succeeded in dispelling the myths of some "hidden agenda". Mr. Harper is not well known in this part of the country and for many Quebecers, this was their first exposure to him.

Layton was universally acclaimed as being the clown of the bunch. His interventions provided more comic relief than substance.

Martin was on the defensive for much of the evening. The press this morning did not give him good grades, but I thought he did reasonably well.

Duceppe added little substance but hammered away at the theme that the Liberals were corrupt and the other parties don't reflect Quebec values. If the Tories had had a debater with the skill of Jean Charest, Duceppe would have been creamed on the "Quebec values" point, but Mr. Harper lacked the facility in French to deliver the punch.

In any event, the Quebec vote solidified weeks ago. The Tories will make a few gains, but not enough to take a seat. The Grits have next to no hope outside of federalist strongholds. Yesterday's debate was just a dress rehersal for tonight.


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
The guy with the gay voice doing the translation for Layton made him look and sound so funny. I kept cracking up. LOL
Toronto Escorts