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Canada to get 4th wireless telecom provider.


Feb 21, 2008
There is hope.

Getting a new provider will make rates drop for a little while at least, they're going to have to undercut the others to gain marketshare. They very well might increase rates later, but still there will be some relief in the short tern, and you never know the egyptians might decide to keep rates lower to benefit from angry canadians sick of the big three.


Jun 6, 2009
It's going to be a fight, Good Luck, but I hope they have deep pockets because the big boys are just going to drop prices so low and give bells and whistles that a new struggling company cannot complete with for too long and eventually blow their bank account. The big bug that I can't stand is the system access fee that is just a grab, but even if it was eliminated it would resurface under another title until the losses were minimized, so the ultimate change will be small.

On a global scale, Rogers and company are small players and they know it. They'd could be swallowed up by a huge company with corresponding bank accounts, I believe there are 3 companies with subscribers numbering in the 100 of millions, at least 100x bigger than Rogers or Bell and the locals don't want to get into a price war with any of them.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Not sure if it is the same company but I was in Blockbuster today and Wind Cellular is setting up a Kiosk and will be offerring cellular service within the next week or so.......

Here it is folks, hopefully the end is near for our rip off rates.......


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
They are a foreign owned company - Egypt apparently.
Globalive's current corporate structure gives Orascom a 65 per cent economic interest, but less than one-third of its voting shares.

There is a big difference between debt and equity financing when it comes to controlling the company
Mind you, one-third is well in excess of the 20% limit for foreign ownership of a telco.

The current Trio are not consumer friendly, so I welcome more competition.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Not sure if it is the same company but I was in Blockbuster today and Wind Cellular is setting up a Kiosk and will be offerring cellular service within the next week or so.......

Here it is folks, hopefully the end is near for our rip off rates.......
I'm sure it is them. They already have a bunch of CSR's hired and the plan before the "hiccup" with the ruling from the CRTC was to be up and running by Christmas.

....good luck to them.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I've never heard of these guys.

My guess is that Ottawa picked a company that is very obscure and would need to invest a ton of money in infrastructure. They will be little if any threat to the existing 3 and Clement will be able to say to Canadians that they are allowing more competition. Blah blah blah.

I don't see them opening it up to Verizon any time soon.
Globalive (also known as Yak) has the backing of WiND mobile which is a huge player in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Wind is also known as Orascom.

WiND has loaned them their name and their founder made a significant investment in the venture (up to $700 million). This is what caused the original fuss with the CRTC as WiND's founder is an Egyptian native.


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004
CityTv News

So the day Globalive was given the green light, almost all Canadian networks made it THE main story.

I kept watching CityTV, but Oh man, No mention at all???? Finally I did some digging, guess who owns CityTV, no other than Mr. Rogers :D Yes their website did mention it, but main headline on CityTV that day was Ashely Madison, lol.

Anyways, here's the leaked rates for WIND:

Chat: $15 per month
Unlimited WIND to WIND calling (Canada wide)
Unlimited incoming text
100 province-wide voice minutes
50 text messages

Always Talk: $35 per month
Unlimited WIND to WIND calling (Canada wide)
Unlimited province-wide calling
Unlimited incoming text
50 outgoing text messages

Always Shout: $45 per month
Unlimited Canada-wide calling
Unlimited incoming /outgoing text messages


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
What about virginmobile?

I like my plan, BTW: 200 min for 20$ a month, no access fee. It works perfect for just a bare-bones cellphone, which is all I need.
I get 250 minutes weekdays, evenings and weekends free, and free caller ID all for $20 a month! :D


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Not to mention, they will be offering Blackberrys!
I wish they didn't use the 1700mhz AWS frequency. Sure, they'll be able to offer the Bold 9700, but they could have really put the screws to the big three if their network used the same hsdpa frequencies.

Lack of IPhone support will hurt them. Unfortunately, this means that people will simply use Wind's pricing as leverage against the big three rather than actually switching. I remain skeptical as to whether Apple will ever release a phone that works with the 1700mhz AWS but we'll see.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I wish they didn't use the 1700mhz AWS frequency. Sure, they'll be able to offer the Bold 9700, but they could have really put the screws to the big three if their network used the same hsdpa frequencies.

Lack of IPhone support will hurt them. Unfortunately, this means that people will simply use Wind's pricing as leverage against the big three rather than actually switching. I remain skeptical as to whether Apple will ever release a phone that works with the 1700mhz AWS but we'll see.
According to the Wind CSR at the Kiosk they'll be offerring the Iphone next month........


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I get 250 minutes weekdays, evenings and weekends free, and free caller ID all for $20 a month! :D
and what about the 911 fee, the SAF, the debt recoup fee, etc?

And your evenings and weekends, does it start at 9 7 or 5?

and text messages, none?

Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
3-Cheers For The Finance Minister Of Canada

Hope and pray the new player plays its cards well from the beginning by gaining the confidence of its initial One Hundred Thousand Customers as its "FOUNDER MEMBERS"
& off them best package for voic, talk, chat, and data plans, plus introduce an economical package for sending International Text/SMS Messages maximum @ 0.5cents per text message and not charge like the 3-Rip-Off's of Canada 0.25~0.35 Cents per International Text/SMS Messages, whereas these day's some companies are offering International Voice Packages to far off South Asian Countries upto 0.5cents per minute talk time, whereas our Great Champions of Canada are charging 0.25~0.35 cents per single international text message of 140 to 160 characters to their hard pressed cutomers who are totally fed-up with them. Definitely my next vote goes to Conservatives who are bold enough to introduce a new server company into Canadian Market, whereas Liberals simply failed to do anything inspite of so much of bickering from the general public when they were in power, hope some changes are also immenent in CRTC to serve the public intrest and not the intrest of its masters Rogers, Bell & Telus, in future if CRTC fails to control these giants & white elephants, then the Govt. should immediately fire the present set-up of such officials who are not keeping the public intrest as foremost. Goodluck and best wishes to our Finance Minister, and the new entrant into Canadian Telecommunication market, no worries to subcribers we can live with Blackberry& other Smartphones but we need cheaper packages which are at par with other countries of the world.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey Tok...let me introduce you to this very important's called a


this is it======> .

It makes reading your posts 1,000 times easier to read. Plus, ever heard of this thing called a PARAGRAPH????


BTW: I think you're dreaming if you think anyone will offer international text messages at 1/2 a cent per message..........but it is good to have a dream, no harm in that!


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004
Hey Tok...let me introduce you to this very important's called a PERIOD this is it======> .


tboy, easy on Tok, he's just happy, lol.

Although Tok seriously whats up tonite?

I am with ya brother! Tired of being done by big three. I write so much against them, I am surprised I still have internet access.



New member
May 19, 2008
What about virginmobile?

I like my plan, BTW: 200 min for 20$ a month, no access fee. It works perfect for just a bare-bones cellphone, which is all I need.
Virginmobile has some sort of agreement to use Bell's infastructure.


blow me please
Oct 26, 2002
east of TO
Ha ha ha.......a note to all you satisfied Rogers, BCE & Telus customers, the Feds have decided the CRTC had it all wrong six weeks ago when they said "too bad so sad" to Globalive for not meeting Canadian ownership rules and denied an operating license, you should be able to get a "Wind" cell phone in the near future.

Industry Minister Tony Clement annouced this morning that the Government disagrees with the original CRTC ruling and is giving Globalive the greenlight to do business in Canada.

Call me a cynic but this is a nakedly political decision to curry favor with the voters, although I'm certainly happy to see more competition for the strongly entrenched oligopoly which has firmly opposed Globalive all along.

They Just bought my vote. About time a politician did something to help me pay my taxes
Toronto Escorts