Toronto Escorts

Can you still party/drink with the younger crowd?


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
There you go homonger - we're in the same boat.

Most of my childhood riends are marries with children - and to be honest, I don't really give a rat's a$$ about their kids, miserable jobs and unhappy home lives. I have 2 friends who are both in their late 20's. I've known both for about a decade - both are ex workout buddies. Generally, these are the guys I go to Vegas, Cancun, etc... with.

The plus to it is - neither have any tolerance for alcohol (body fat too and I usually drink them under the table (high body fat

But it's all in good fun, and it only happens 3 or 4 times a year; and always only while on vacation.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
healer677 said:
Most of my childhood riends are marries with children - and to be honest, I don't really give a rat's a$$ about their kids, miserable jobs and unhappy home lives.
Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth. It bothers me a little that people with kids just think their kids are wonderful, and that everyone else would want to spend time with them. Especially when they are babies. Sorry, I like babies as much as the next person, but let's not make it out like they are on par with a lap dance or something. I enjoyed the Seinfield episode which brought this up--"You have to come see the babee!"

I wouldn't trade my single life, as miserable and pathetic as it might be, for any of my married friends' lives.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
homonger said:
I wouldn't trade my single life, as miserable and pathetic as it might be, for any of my married friends' lives.

...don't hate yourself homonger, give yourself a hug...look into the mirror and say, 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me'


Jan 20, 2004
I still indulge on occasions, get togethers with old friends etc....can't pound back beers like the old days, but the thing I have noticed is that I get two day hangovers now, next day I am a total right off can't even eat, usually by noon the second day I start to function again.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Drink, sure. Party, no bloody way... I'd start to yawn at around midnight almost everynight.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
wrong hole said:
...don't hate yourself homonger, give yourself a hug...look into the mirror and say, 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me'


Well, in a few days it is
May 26, 2003
Mid Atlantic
I think they were known as Disco naps ;)

I was in an MP the other day and Franky Goes to Hollywood came on the radio - the MPA had never head of them or heard the track (appropriately Welcome to the pleasure zone) before.

This made me feel a little old !


Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
I spent 6 days in Myrtle Beach a couple weeks ago with a bunch of guys anywhere from 1-8yrs age difference. That was THE hardest 6 days of drinking I've ever done since College days and then some! First night we were a wreck and then we found the magic in RedBull & Vodka. We'd golf and drink all day at the course, get back to the condo, have some drinks while getting dinner and then a couple RedBull & Vodka drinks (don't drink more than 1 can in one sitting!!) playing poker until 11pm when we go hit the club scene... drink like a fish at the club, get back 4/5am in the morning (they kicked us out at 3am and we'd go over to this afterhours bar where they don't serve alcohol but allows you to bring in whatever you want but $25.USD cover. Then it would be up at 10am and try make it to thr golf course for 12:30 and a repeat of the day before!! If you don't have a heart or stomach problems or on any crazy medication, I don't think you'd want to chance RedBull & Vodka combo but if you're pretty much healthy then it can keep you going. I'm still detoxing from ingesting THAT much rye & ginger!
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