i agree..if we as a people were as passionate about issues as the Tamils..perhaps, politicians would take voters seriously instead of taking us for granted,,Lord knows that our apathy has resulted in us being governed by a bunch of horrid people who use the politics of division to keep themselves in power...we definetly get what we deserve....oh and to the original poster..you are a sorry assed racist...and Stash..you are a foul mouthed piece of trash...Hangman said:Of course you may protest. The 'real Canadian' bit is just a little racist bias you threw in there. Look at Caledonia - the natives protested and the police allowed it. The difference between the Tamils, natives and you is that they actually care passionately enough to make a bold move. You lack the political will and organizational skills to mount any effective protest.
You'd just rather act all butthurt about it on the Internet, which is less effective political discourse, but also less effort for you.