Toronto Escorts

Can IP Address be traced?


New member
Aug 31, 2003
Doctor Zoidburg said:
Can anyone tell me if it is true that you can change your IP address by disconnecting you cable modem for about an hour?
Someone told me that you ISP will assign a new number if there is a disconnect at you modem.
it's called dynamic ip addressing. all dsl lines are dynamic. you can see the switch if are in the middle of a transfer, say in p2p transfer, your download and upload slowly go to zero and back up to normal speeds.

if you are abusing the net in a criminal manner then they are not going to waste their time by trying to ping all the way to your home.

once they have your ip address and incriminating actions, the cops will just get a warrant.


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Re: Re: Can IP Address be traced?

Fred Zed said:
Not unless you are guilty of internet abuse and you are reported to the cops. Some IPs will give you a rough idea which area the person lives ( sometimes within a block) and definitely corporate IPs can be traced back to the company or organization in many cases
Actually, any competent hacker (not the juvenile "crackers" that call themselves hackers these days) with enough time on their hands will be able to find most people using their IP address just as Joebear already pointed out. Also people with good friends in any LE agency would be able to get this done (yes, highly unethical for the police and yet happens all the time) and an OC outfit likely just has a means of buying the information outright from many sources. Really it's more of a question of whether you are really worth the risk and trouble to whomever you think is searching than if it is possible (which the simple answer is "yes it is").



New member
Jan 24, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Can IP Address be traced?

how do you figure this? do you think cops have a database?

Pallydin said:
Also people with good friends in any LE agency would be able to get this done


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
mtl_guy said:
how do you figure this? do you think cops have a database?
Police in major cities have crime units devoted to computer crimes of all sorts (or access to the resources of other cities) and have it in their means to get such information. If you don't think they are not slipping a few other IPs into the mix while hunting pedophiles and fraudsters, I have a bridge to sell ya too. So while they don't have a database, they do have the tools to find the answers.



New member
Jan 24, 2004
Re: Re: Can IP Address be traced?

These "means" are getting a warrant and going after the providers records.

This isnt the good old days where cops would freely trace license plate numbers for their friend.

Pallydin said:
Police ....have it in their means to get such information. PAL


Jun 4, 2004
Starting from an IP address, almost anyone can find out the ISP that controls that address. As has been pointed out, many connections use DHCP (dynamic host control protocol) so that individual's IP addresses may be different at different times. However, given the time, the ISP probably logs which account was using a given address. These logs get large and unless backed up will likely be truncated after a certain length of time.

From the ISP back to your physical address depends on the type of connection you have to your ISP. Fixed connections (DSL, cable modem, etc.) can be retrieved from the ISP. It will take a wire tap to trace back a dialup connection to a physical address (although you probably gave the ISP your home address with your credit card). Even harder to locate would be a wireless connection to a WiFi host (if you aren't the host).


New member
Jul 27, 2004
Mr. K said:
Excellent advice!

Oh, as an afterthought, the only way you can truly maintain your privacy WRT the Internet is to use an internet cafe, public library or other similar anonymous place (like the old public telephone.)

Someone I know that works at a large suburban library system had a visit from the K-W Police's forensic computer guys one day. - The local Police Force was too busy closing down spas and other places to deal with it themselves. They had a sopena (sp) to impound the public use PCs and pump the hard drives for analysis. Seems that a fraud was perpetrated while using one of the library system's PCs and they tracked it down. Then by using library records (cameras, etc) they were able to track down the perp. Nothing is safe if you are doing something you should not be.
Toronto Escorts