La Villa Spa

California Road Trip


New member
Dec 18, 2002
In front of puter
Good day fellas, I'm going to be spending a week in the Los Angeles area. I plan on sampling some of the tasty providers in the Los Angeles area - for research purpsoes only of course. A side from the The Erotic Review as a source, does anyone have any knowledge or reccomendations regarding some of the better SP's in the area?. Any help would be appreciated, I hope to come back with some great reviews to share


TERB Swollen Member
Aug 17, 2001
LA Beware...

Just returned from a trip to LA. I am a very experienced player in these fields as you well know...Used TER as reference several times. Struck out with scams 3 times in a row. Only found refuge in LAs only licensed S&M parlour...

Stay away from ads in LA XPress (free sex paper) 95% of the ads are not only bait & switch but also pay as you play (read: over $1000 US for hour with FS no xtras...)

Needless to say I didn't (get laid that is...)

Remember we're talking about a town that does not allow nudity of ANY KIND! near alcohol (yes 'pastie'-land my friends) - Imagine a strip club with no nudity at all!

I'm sure good service is available in LA but at a steep steep price....

Perhaps maybe I'm a chump...or just unlucky...But as a guy who has made hundreds of transactions all over the globe in this trade with great success...I have to say LA sucked big....BEWARE....

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Dec 27, 2002
New York
Long-time hobbyist (20+ yrs) I have had the pleasure of enjoying SPs all over the world. I spend 75% of time traveling and find myself in the LA/Orange Co area 4-6 times/yr.

My humble advice is to save your money. With the exception of a handful of free-lance pornstars ($1000+ USD/hr) SoCal is just about the worst area I have ever encountered.

The overwhelming majority of SPs are at best bait & switch and at worst rip-off artists. After several scary encounters (very large "drivers" in the hallway, etc.) I gave up about 2yrs ago.

I tried the local press, agencies and web review sites. Scored a couple of times once I wised up (very expensive education) but the encounters were mediocre to say the least.

Perhaps the web review sites have cleaned this situation up since I quit but I have my doubts. Clearly I am biased as I find little to redeem the LA craphole and maybe behind all the shill there are excellent SPs providing good service at a fair price but for me the experience was exhausting in too many ways.

Remember, the only thing SoCal has been successful at has been selling fantasy and illusion.

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
buying sex in the US is expensive and legally risky...

take my advice, either take a trip to nevada and try out one of the legal brothels - you can do it any weekend and spend some time in vegas as well, or else drive down the coast to san diego and pop over to tijuana - check out or or to see some reviews.


Dec 27, 2002
New York
I would respectfully disagree with Mr. X (senior member) as to the risk of buying sex in the U.S. There are enormous differences from region and locale. Some of the best experiences have been where one might least expect. Rarely do I find the legal exposure to the client an issue if one follows the most basic rules of decorum and common sense, much the same as a hobbyist might behave in GTA.


New member
Jan 4, 2002
It's been about 5 years since my last trip but at that time the only decent values in LA were the Asian MPs near LAX. Some of them were awesome... much better than anything I've experienced in Toronto.


New member
Dec 18, 2002
In front of puter

Well thanks for the help fellas, sounds like it's going to be watered down porn in the hotel and a little - learning to love your own body, cause nobody else will - type of roadtrip. Although a little old school side trip to the Beverly Hills Hotel sounds interesting. Any more insights please let me know. Thanks again.

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