
pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
lol ... oh fuck

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
I applaud the fact that you had the balls to post what many of us were thinking.
Self appointed chairman of Neanderthals, huh ?

Well, at least the rest had the strength to control their "thoughts" and aren't ruled by their "balls".


Male Escort
Jun 18, 2005
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
I think that with that post

...You hit the nail right on the head! You could not be more right!

I applaud the fact that you had the balls to post what many of us were thinking.

Thank you WhOiSyOdAdDy?, at least some people out here can take a hard line and appreciate what I have to say, even if it's in tiny ass print LOL. Can't blame you, there are a lot of hippies still around in this present day and generation, it's sad. By the way Ruck, I am firstly not a Neo-Nazi, heck I'm not even white, I am brown skinned! So comparing me to Hitler would have one very large flaw. Secondly, most of what you, like most other people know about Hitler is what your schools have taught you, what movies that are directed by Jews have portrayed. Fred, don't delete this post because I am not passing racist comments, but merely making a point on perspective. How many here have actually read Mein Kampf? Now how many of you have read the letters he had written to Churchill, asking for peace, but Churchill would have none of that at the time. History is written by those that won the wars, they don't write about the things they did wrong, because that'd make them look bad! I am not saying I support Hitler entirely, but I can't sit there and make any assumptions either for or against him either, I do read up on a lot of information available out there, from writings to speeches, to letters in the archives. Frankly speaking, Hitler, with his 1 ball had more willpower, courage and BALLS than pretty much most of us around nowadays! In a way, you could compare me to Hitler, in the sense, I just say what I believe with complete disregard to how the hippies might feel! I said what I said because I truly believe it, and you might consider me to be a cynic and a madman...some have said what I wrote to be the dumbest post ever...now you are entitled to say what you like about what I wrote, some pretend to have an air of superiority by stating that I represent the lower tank bottom of that gene pool I've been so talking about. I never said that black people and people of coloured background are at the bottom, drowing while the white Aryan race, blue eyed and blond are at the top, heck, I think each race has it's distinct advantages and disadvantages...and each race tries to overcome it's weaknesses, to succeed in a pretty tough world out there. To many of you, I might come across as a raving lunatic, but it's odd how a lot of you agreed to my first post to Ray, but called me a insane man in response to my second post. I do not consider myself to be a racist, I'm not against anything really, do whatever you want, believe what you want, I am not going to make soap and buttons out of your ass over it! You can express your views too, as you have the freedom to say whatever you like and express yourself. Now I have that freedom that you have too. If you think my post was dumb, your response as intelligent as it seems 'dumbest post ever', doesn't sound like much of a debate, but rather the words of an uneducated hippie who thinks free love and doobies are the way of the future of mankind. Ummm..Grandpa, you're a little behind the times, things changed back in the 80s!
I don't want to stoop down to smart ass retorts, I just felt like I need to defend all this negativity towards Hitler, but when I do that, I am not saying I condone his behaviour either or what he did, I am just saying, let us remember that the history we know and read really and truly was written by those who won the war. It's like an SP reviewing herself, of course she's going to sound fantastic! Let's see if anyone's got anything to say now.


Male Escort
Jun 18, 2005
pool said:
Self appointed chairman of Neanderthals, huh ?

Well, at least the rest had the strength to control their "thoughts" and aren't ruled by their "balls".
To throttle expression would be to shoot ourselves in our feet. Expression and ideas, beliefs and ideologies got us pretty far, don't you think? Control as you put it sounds a little bit like facisim, Mr. Registered Idiot...that's apt! LMAO. Just kidding, I couldn't resist, I don't want to stoop down to smart ass comments, but rather say something with actual substance. Controlling thoughts, restricting expression...sounds also a bit like China, Japan, Germany, Italy, Cuba, Argentina and most other police states that have existed and failed in the long run. Do you suggest, along with all the other hippies, we don't say what we really mean and pretend to love all and smoke a joint? Do you suggest that we live fake to ourselves and not true to our beliefs, words and spirit? If you do, then you my friend, are not true to yourself. Think about it.


New member
Sep 6, 2004

You say you're a supporter of Hitler, but some how you're not racist? Now that really is the dumbest thing ever posted here.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
excorrigere said:
Thank you WhOiSyOdAdDy?, at least some people out here can take a hard line and appreciate what I have to say, even if it's in tiny ass print LOL. Can't blame you, there are a lot of hippies still around in this present day and generation, it's sad. By the way Ruck, I am firstly not a Neo-Nazi, heck I'm not even white, I am brown skinned! So comparing me to Hitler would have one very large flaw. Secondly, most of what you, like most other people know about Hitler is what your schools have taught you, what movies that are directed by Jews have portrayed. Fred, don't delete this post because I am not passing racist comments, but merely making a point on perspective. How many here have actually read Mein Kampf? Now how many of you have read the letters he had written to Churchill, asking for peace, but Churchill would have none of that at the time. History is written by those that won the wars, they don't write about the things they did wrong, because that'd make them look bad! I am not saying I support Hitler entirely, but I can't sit there and make any assumptions either for or against him either, I do read up on a lot of information available out there, from writings to speeches, to letters in the archives. Frankly speaking, Hitler, with his 1 ball had more willpower, courage and BALLS than pretty much most of us around nowadays! In a way, you could compare me to Hitler, in the sense, I just say what I believe with complete disregard to how the hippies might feel! I said what I said because I truly believe it, and you might consider me to be a cynic and a madman...some have said what I wrote to be the dumbest post ever...now you are entitled to say what you like about what I wrote, some pretend to have an air of superiority by stating that I represent the lower tank bottom of that gene pool I've been so talking about. I never said that black people and people of coloured background are at the bottom, drowing while the white Aryan race, blue eyed and blond are at the top, heck, I think each race has it's distinct advantages and disadvantages...and each race tries to overcome it's weaknesses, to succeed in a pretty tough world out there. To many of you, I might come across as a raving lunatic, but it's odd how a lot of you agreed to my first post to Ray, but called me a insane man in response to my second post. I do not consider myself to be a racist, I'm not against anything really, do whatever you want, believe what you want, I am not going to make soap and buttons out of your ass over it! You can express your views too, as you have the freedom to say whatever you like and express yourself. Now I have that freedom that you have too. If you think my post was dumb, your response as intelligent as it seems 'dumbest post ever', doesn't sound like much of a debate, but rather the words of an uneducated hippie who thinks free love and doobies are the way of the future of mankind. Ummm..Grandpa, you're a little behind the times, things changed back in the 80s!
I don't want to stoop down to smart ass retorts, I just felt like I need to defend all this negativity towards Hitler, but when I do that, I am not saying I condone his behaviour either or what he did, I am just saying, let us remember that the history we know and read really and truly was written by those who won the war. It's like an SP reviewing herself, of course she's going to sound fantastic! Let's see if anyone's got anything to say now.
When I stated you sound like Hitler, it was not about his stance on the Volk race and his racist views. It was that the less fortunate are so because of their inferiority to others in power. Thus extort and dehumanize them to a further extent with the use of the Volk (super/uber) race mentality. Your stance that the people who need help are somehow of a lower gene pool and thus should be left to die without any help. In case you have forgotten, it has taken decades, centuries and eons for our species to evolve past the simple "wild" animal category. The things that seperate us from a wild animal is the caring of our species. While other wild animals may leave the weak to die from starvation, we as "humans" will help each other to survive.
While I agree that those who leech the welfare system for no other reason than their laziness should be outed and sent to work camps where they can earn their living. The ones who truly need welfare such as the handicapped, mentally and physically, should be given the hope and helping hand that they deserve.
A person with your mentality would let a handicapped person rot like a vegetable because due to their handicap, they are now a part of the lower gene pool. This, in a nutshell, is your argument.
I pray that you do not develope a handicap or worse, bare children that are handicapped. For in that situation what would happen? The survival of the fittest was your stance, correct?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
AMWBT said:
You say you're a supporter of Hitler, but some how you're not racist? Now that really is the dumbest thing ever posted here.
He never said he supported Hitler. He merely claimed that the history of Hitler is distorted by the people who won the war. I'm sure that is the case to a small scale, but it's ignorant to believe he was slighted to look more evil than he really was. Is there a level of evil that is acceptable? That is my question.
Hitler believed his race, the volk race, was far superior thus allowing themselves to purge, eradicate and extort other inferior races.
In a nutshell, Hitler wanted to expunge the world of the "lower gene pool". Either get rid of them or enslave them. What a hero huh?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
He hasn't messaged me since he got booted from the site. How are we to communicate if he has no outlet for it.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
ruck said:
He hasn't messaged me since he got booted from the site. How are we to communicate if he has no outlet for it.
Maybe he's contacted Fred! :p



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
How is it that half the threads on this board, if they go on long enough, somehow devolve into posts about nazism. Sheesh.
Aug 1, 2002
Ray Finkel, you also had another recent thread about your substance abuse problem:


I say it`s time for you to get some help. I`ve done coke about 20 time`s, but it was a once or twice a month thing. I wasn`t doing it several times a week, or every week. I could even go 6 months without it, but it seems like you obviously can`t.

I was a recreational user, but you seem dependent on blow and thats not good. You need to stop relying on cocaine to temporarily make you happy.

Also try and change your lifestyle, and maybe do something more productive with your free time like hitting the gym and cutting down partying.




New member
Aug 20, 2003
rayfinkel said:
Ihate when I pay my rent and I have caught up all the other bills. Then I get home and start drinking my Twelve and say to muself I dont want Blow tonight I dont need Coke evere.

Than all of a Suddan I have a HUDGE craving for COKE and start all over.

I've donr this a thousand times you start with saying you'll never do it again then suddenly after a few beer you have to have it .
Ther's a saying , if you do the same thing over and over expect the same results. Try to find some people to hang out with who don't use . Don't be alone too long . From somewhere who is, has been there good luck.
Maybe try a gym even if you aren't a gym person it will give you someplace to go and do something other than coke.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
I just got an email from Ray, he did the deed. I just got home and it made my night. Good on ya Ray!!! I guess I'll have to go back and reflect on my origional post, maybe there's hope for the others too.

Fred check info@terb for Rays msg.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
baci2004 said:
I just got an email from Ray, he did the deed. I just got home and it made my night. Good on ya Ray!!! I guess I'll have to go back and reflect on my origional post, maybe there's hope for the others too.

Fred check info@terb for Rays msg.
I still wouldn't want to see Fred suspending folks as he did but hey, if in this instance it actually led to a step forward for Ray, I think that's just wonderful. :)



Busty Member
May 7, 2003
Congratulations Ray on taking that first step! Remember how many of is are here to support you when things gets tough, cause we have faith you can kick this!

Aug 1, 2002
Congrats Ray!!! Remember to stay away from the alcohol though, since that will increase your craving.



Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
This is only the beginning Ray...


I hope you can see by the overwhelming support here that you arent alone. Good luck to you...

Fred, it looks like you're approach may have done the trick. Though I still may have stuck by my position were I in your shoes, I humbly tip my hat to you.

Well done.

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