Stats Can reviewing changes after the "Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA)" 2014 law...
Chances of getting busted is getting lower and lower each year.... Pre-2010 is much higher.
...and it looks like they're leaving the women alone more and more but the number of accused Canada-wide is very very small.

Crimes related to the sex trade: Before and after legislative changes in Canada
This article examines crimes related to the sex trade before and after changes to the Criminal Code came into force in December of 2014. An examination of changes in the nature of police-reported incidents of sex-trade-related offences is presented, along with characteristics of persons accused...
Chances of getting busted is getting lower and lower each year.... Pre-2010 is much higher.

...and it looks like they're leaving the women alone more and more but the number of accused Canada-wide is very very small.