

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Stats Can reviewing changes after the "Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA)" 2014 law...

Chances of getting busted is getting lower and lower each year.... Pre-2010 is much higher.


...and it looks like they're leaving the women alone more and more but the number of accused Canada-wide is very very small.



New member
Jun 15, 2021
I can only remember two cases of people getting busted reported in the news.

1. This guy was a cop who revealed to the SP he was a cop and I think threatened her and she reported him to the police.

2. This guy didn't pay 3 SPs and they reported him to the police who arrested him.

As long as you stay on the providers on this board or other sources like Tryst or Twitter you're good. Just dont be an idiot who doesn't pay the SP or be a guy in authority who whips it out to the SP.


Super unknown member
Dec 17, 2021
I can only remember two cases of people getting busted reported in the news.

1. This guy was a cop who revealed to the SP he was a cop and I think threatened her and she reported him to the police.

2. This guy didn't pay 3 SPs and they reported him to the police who arrested him.

As long as you stay on the providers on this board or other sources like Tryst or Twitter you're good. Just dont be an idiot who doesn't pay the SP or be a guy in authority who whips it out to the SP.
Well, I can think of two guys who were long-time members of this board, who got caught up in a sting operation against an Asian escort agency. They were not involved in the business, they were just big users of these agencies, and so their numbers showed up in their logs a lot. The Asian place was charged with human trafficking, and these guys were charged with being accessories. Neither got jail time, but were fined heavily.

Oh, and don't send me PM's asking who they were, I won't tell you.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Well, I can think of two guys who were long-time members of this board, who got caught up in a sting operation against an Asian escort agency. They were not involved in the business, they were just big users of these agencies, and so their numbers showed up in their logs a lot. The Asian place was charged with human trafficking, and these guys were charged with being accessories. Neither got jail time, but were fined heavily.

Oh, and don't send me PM's asking who they were, I won't tell you.
I can understand being charged under Bill C36 on being an accessory, I don’t understand the crown even requesting a fine instead of jail time which implies that rich guys who can afford to pay the fine can pay to fuck, like a user fee of some sort.
Since you know these guys, ask them what was the amount of the fine and do they now have criminal records ?
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Super unknown member
Dec 17, 2021
I can understand being charged under Bill C36 on being an accessory, I don’t understand the crown even requesting a fine instead of jail time which implies that rich guys who can afford to pay the fine can pay to fuck, like a user fee odiferous some sort.
Since you know these guys, ask them what was the amount of the fine and do they now have criminal records ?
Oh, I do know how much of a fine they were given, and whether or not they have a criminal record now. But as mentioned before, I won't reveal any of those details.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
This is why I won’t use a certain agency that advertises on here because they run it out of a hotel in Markham. I remember going once before and I was parking and a police car just rolled up in front of me but closer to the lobby doors and I think they ran my plate.
I left like five minutes later.
I had the same experience with an agency that operates out of markham. Might be the same agency? A cop pulled up to the entrance doors and was waiting around there for a good 5-10min while I was waiting in my car for the sp to call me up. When I saw the cop I left the parking lot and messaged the booker that there was a cop out front and got a response saying "don't worry about it" but I was still freaking out. Eventually the cop left and i disnt go inside until they did but when I finished my session I saw the same cop car at the back of the parking lot. No idea what they were doing there but was kind of paranoid that they were doing surveillance of the hotel and keeping track of who comes and goes
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