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Bush is not Hitler...


New member
Oct 20, 2004

Let's just compare. When Adolf Hitler took office in early 1933, there were over 6 million Germans out of work; in 1935, that number was already well under 3 million, dropping to under 1 million by the end of 1936. German industrial production soared in Hitler's early years; after steep declines from 1930-1932, Hitler's state-interventionist policies, combined with tax incentives, reversed that trend, so that by 1935, German production roared past its previous record peak in 1929.

Under President Bush, the American unemployment rate has rocketed more than 50%, and layoffs continue to mount. The US economy entered a recession within months after Bush's inauguration, reversing a decade of economic boom. Industrial production is falling, and skewed tax breaks that favored the wealthy have opened a gaping deficit, siphoning money away from both capital investment and state spending, both of which are sorely needed. In short, under Bush, America's economy has entered a free-fall.

The differences don't stop there. Hitler built the autobahns, transforming Germany's and the world's transportation. He ushered in an era of exciting new uniforms. Closet homosexuals found gainful employment in the highest rungs of government, and an outlet to vent their frustrations with the world. It is also thanks to Hitler that the briefly fashionable square-shaped mustache will never, ever come into vogue again.

George W. Bush built a single baseball stadium in Arglington, Texas. Amtrak and America's airlines are bankrupt, putting transportation into its worst crisis in history. The days of casual wear are out the door, while America's homosexuals are pouring out of the closet and into the open at record rates, threatening to overwhelm our large cities. Moreover, goatees are still all the rage, in spite of the fact that the gritty poverty the goatee represents is no longer so ironic.

Probably the most fundamental difference between them was that Hitler was a completely self-made man. He came out of poverty and rose to the top with no help from his father. It's a classic rags-to-death-camps story, the stuff legends are made of. Bush, on the other hand, bumbled and boozed his way into riches and power purely through the guiding hand of his father and his father's oil friends, a hand he's only dimly aware of. George Bush Jr. suffers from the sort of genetic degeneration that eventually doomed the aristocrats of Europe, such as the Hapsburgs and the Romanovs; in the Bush family, W clearly has the droopy eyes and blank expression of an inbred son with recessive genes.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
this post is ridiculous and should be deleted. Are you seriously praising hitler as a rags to riches self made man. he was fucking evil.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
True, he was about as pure evil as you can get but the statements are also correct.
Hitler also liked dogs and children, which is something Bush has in common with him.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
red said:
this post is ridiculous and should be deleted. Are you seriously praising hitler as a rags to riches self made man. he was fucking evil.
It actually says rags to death camps.. not rags to riches.. And it is not written by me... get a grip.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Or does it symbolize refined Southern gentlemen who enjoy fried chicken?


New member
Mar 21, 2005
MrLuvr said:
George Bush Jr. suffers from the sort of genetic degeneration that eventually doomed the aristocrats of Europe, such as the Hapsburgs and the Romanovs; in the Bush family, W clearly has the droopy eyes and blank expression of an inbred son with recessive genes.
Is the author a hard-core neo-Nazi, or is there supposed to be some kind of subtle irony in deliberately repeating a stock Nazi party line (i.e. that the aristocracy of Europe declined because it was racially degenerated) in a satire of Bush :confused:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
MrLuvr said:
It actually says rags to death camps.. not rags to riches.. And it is not written by me... get a grip.
i stand by my post


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
red said:
The post makes Adolf look like a hero. Even the most mean spirited Bush spin, would make GWB look lik a saint in comparisson.

The autobahn was build as a means to transport tanks faster across Europe, and most of his economic growth came from building up the military.
It was economic growth with the purpose of building a war machine.

.... Amtrak and America's airlines are bankrupt, putting transportation into its worst crisis in history.
To blame this on Bush neglects economic realities...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
George W. Bush is No Adolph Hitler ......

Just had to jump in on this.

OK have to agree with you guys on this one that George W. Bush is No Adolph Hitler

A favorite pastime among the Bush-bashing crowd is to compare our current ethically-challenged President with the madman of all madmen -- Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.

Granted, valid comparisons exist: Bush, like Hitler, believes war is the most politically-expedient means to an end. Like Hitler, Bush has built a vast police state to spy on his countrymen (and women). Hitler called it the Gestapo. Bush calls his Homeland Security.

Both men exploited political division, polarization and fear. Both appealed to the extreme right wing. Like Hitler, Bush shows signs of cracking under the strain. A report by a prominent DC psychiastrist calls the American president a "paranoid, delusional meglomaniac." They called Hitler the same thing.

But Bush falls short in key comparisons to the German leader. Hitler served in the German Army and actually experienced real combat in WWI. Hitler also liked the excitement of fighting in a war. Hitler was given the job of despatch-runner. It was a dangerous job as it involved carrying messages from regimental headquarters to the front-line. Hitler won five medals including the prestigious Iron Cross during the First World War. His commanding officer wrote: "As a dispatch-runner, he has shown cold-blooded courage and exemplary boldness. Under conditions of great peril, when all the communication lines were cut, the untiring and fearless activity of Hitler made it possible for important messages to go through". Although much decorated in the war, Hitler only reached the rank of corporal. Although Hitler's IQ was never officially measured, doctors estimated it at around 145. Bush's IQ is a state secret. If it was ever measured, the result probably disappeared along with his military records but any close study of his actions suggests it can't be much above that of the average three-minute egg.

Hitler was a hypnotic speaker with a masterful command of the language. He could motivate huge crowds with his powerful speeches.

Bush has trouble stringing enough words together to complete a simple, declarative sentence and would have trouble talking a whore into bed even if he paid in advance.

So it's both unfair and insulting to compare George W. Bush to Adolph Hitler.

But unfair to whom?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
WoodPeckr said:
Just had to jump in on this.

OK have to agree with you guys on this one that George W. Bush is No Adolph Hitler

A favorite pastime among the Bush-bashing crowd is to compare our current ethically-challenged President with the madman of all madmen -- Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.

Granted, valid comparisons exist: Bush, like Hitler, believes war is the most politically-expedient means to an end. Like Hitler, Bush has built a vast police state to spy on his countrymen (and women). Hitler called it the Gestapo. Bush calls his Homeland Security.

Both men exploited political division, polarization and fear. Both appealed to the extreme right wing. Like Hitler, Bush shows signs of cracking under the strain. A report by a prominent DC psychiastrist calls the American president a "paranoid, delusional meglomaniac." They called Hitler the same thing.

But Bush falls short in key comparisons to the German leader. Hitler served in the German Army and actually experienced real combat in WWI. Hitler also liked the excitement of fighting in a war. Hitler was given the job of despatch-runner. It was a dangerous job as it involved carrying messages from regimental headquarters to the front-line. Hitler won five medals including the prestigious Iron Cross during the First World War. His commanding officer wrote: "As a dispatch-runner, he has shown cold-blooded courage and exemplary boldness. Under conditions of great peril, when all the communication lines were cut, the untiring and fearless activity of Hitler made it possible for important messages to go through". Although much decorated in the war, Hitler only reached the rank of corporal. Although Hitler's IQ was never officially measured, doctors estimated it at around 145. Bush's IQ is a state secret. If it was ever measured, the result probably disappeared along with his military records but any close study of his actions suggests it can't be much above that of the average three-minute egg.

Hitler was a hypnotic speaker with a masterful command of the language. He could motivate huge crowds with his powerful speeches.

Bush has trouble stringing enough words together to complete a simple, declarative sentence and would have trouble talking a whore into bed even if he paid in advance.

So it's both unfair and insulting to compare George W. Bush to Adolph Hitler.

But unfair to whom? you go again....I suggest you read up on Adolf Hitler....I had to, there is no comaprisson

Did your old buddy and pal (whose name we shall not say) put you up to this...??


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
langeweile said: you go again....I suggest you read up on Adolf Hitler....I had to, there is no comaprisson
NO, THERE YOU GO AGAIN !..... :rolleyes:

If you taken the time to READ you will see I stated at the top,

OK have to agree with you guys on this one that George W. Bush is No Adolph Hitler.

Verstehen Sie????.....geez!


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..both were unsuccessful middle aged men. Plucked from obscurity and placed in a position of power because their backers thought they could be controlled.
We saw what happened to Hitler.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
langeweile said:
goatee????You must be talking about Lenin
Hitler's facial hair was like the man himself.

Hitler had a goatee, but it ...

... came out of poverty [of the chin] and rose to the top [under the nose] with no help from his father.

Bush, on the other hand, bumbled and boozed his way into riches and power purely through the guiding hand of his father and his father's ...

... full thick eyebrows.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
markvee said:
Hitler's facial hair was like the man himself.

Hitler had a goatee, but it ...

... came out of poverty [of the chin] and rose to the top [under the nose] with no help from his father.

Bush, on the other hand, bumbled and boozed his way into riches and power purely through the guiding hand of his father and his father's ...

... full thick eyebrows.
Not sure what your definiton of a goatee is, but Hitler had a moustache..FYI
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