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Burning question about Canadians


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I think that many of the differences between the U.S. and Canada are the same as the differences between the U.S. and other western countries which is sometimes referred to as U.S. exceptionalism. Of course, given that we share a continent and some history, there will be cases where U.S. exceptionalism does not apply to Canada.

The difference that stuck me most when I lived in the U.S. was the overwhelming importance of religion in the U.S. I can’t think of another western country were religion is such a powerful force.


Nov 18, 2004
Red hot burning question.

From all the answers, is it fair to say that Canadians are "nicer" than Americans due to their easier, laissez-faire attitude, plentiness surroundings ?
Canadinas did not have to fight for survival therefore are better off than Americans ?
However, genetically, probably Canadians and Americans are almost like twins. Just the environment, political and social that makes them different.

Now comes to my red hot burning question that I have to ask:

What are the main differences between Torontonians and Quebecois ?
Besides the obvious language, who is nicer ? who is more laissez-faire ? who enjoy life more ?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
holden said:
we are a younger nation trying to define ourselfs

america was born out of a revolution and fought for their independence - this is reflected in their current ideologies and way of life

canada never revolted and was given her sovereignty - this is reflected in our current ideologies and way of life
Well put and sums it up.


Aug 16, 2003
Having travelled alot in the US and having US based bosses, I see the United States is a country of more extremes than Canada, defined more by money, religion, political beliefs, and race.

One of my US bosses from Texas had a slogan right on his desk declaring his support for the Replubicans, something that I believe had no place in a business setting.

Having said that if the rest of the world could get along like Canada & the US we'd be a lot better off


New member
Apr 18, 2002
He's Everywhere!
lickrolaine said:
Pierre Trudeau had a vision for Canada in the 60's.To make it a multicultural nation.We have tripped a bit along the way,but there is some,if not a lot,of his ideas at work.There are pockets of resistance in and through-out the country.The facts are real,minorities today will make up the majority in the large cities real soon.Fact is there is no room left for the word "minorities",as it is misleading here.Canada has become a country for all people,the USA decided to go the melting-pot way,so because of those two very large differences it is hard to compare an American to a Canadian.I have a lot of American friends in the north of Michigan,and they have completely different views from the people in the south.I have friends in Nashville,and they have a very narrow viewpoint when it comes to equality.

We have a lot to learn from each other,both good and not so good.
By the way... that was Pearson's idea.

Not to take anything away from Pierre but he didn't invent it.
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