If you were right, we wouldn't have been running huge deficits at both the Federal and Provincial levels for decades trying to pay for government services, including healthcare (40% of the Provincial budget).
As to your questions, where people "want" to work is beside the point. MANY Canadians are not capable of contributing skilled labour or intellectual labour to our economy. Shipping all those low skill middle class jobs out of the country would have worked fine if we could have shipped out our manufacturing and resource industry workers with them. But we didn't and we can't. But we still have to support everyone (and their children) with education and health services, but on a reduced tax base.
Your idea that a better educated worker should be a better paid worker is simplistic. Many well educated workers are simply not that productive. Further, what the service industries SERVICE are productive industries. Withoiut productive industries, there is no need for services. Productive private sector industries are the source of all wealth in every sector, and THE basis for a tax base to support government services.
If you are hoping that productive countries will bring their services needs to Canada, thereby allowing Canada to develop a thriving service industry capable of supporting the necessary tax base for the entire economy, you should ask yourself why those foreign businesses should do that, and more importantly, whether there is ANY evidence that foreign businesses ARE doing that. I think the government spending deficit numbers and weak GDP growth numbers speak for themselves.