BROKEN: Our healthcare system.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
DoFo pulled money out of health care, hired contract nurses that are way more expensive because he didn't want union nurses making any more money. Then gave cops a 20% increase. Then started privatizing services like telehealth to donors. Then emergency rooms started closing.
you really think the province does the hiring and staffing decisions for individual hospitals? Really? You really think DF sets and decides the municipal budgets for city cops? Really? Troll post or you live in a very small bubble.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
they've allowed private clinics to hire doctors and nurses, which makes it that much harder for the public system to get staff
it is a horrible system that allows clinics to hire with better wages, better hours and easier working condition. Totally unacceptabl.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Sounds like a clarion call for more, stronger and faster policies to boost unionization and unionized-strength in wage rates that will lead to rebuilding the middle tax base which fund the public services that Canadians have come to expect as part of their standard of living, Karl.
Maybe all you need to do is look at some cold hard facts and stats. The middle class is disappearing. The wealth gap between the upper middle class ( suits, red soled shoes, fancy cars and big homes) and everyone else, is widening fast. Maybe all you need to do, is look around at the tent cities, people living in their parents basements into their 30s, etc and so on. If you care to strain your brain, you might find why Brexit, why Trump, why Ford, likely Pierre…

The middle class can’t find $$ to save for their futures. Whereas the upper crust ( top 20%) have RSPs, TFSAs, money in the markets, RESPs and more. They go on nice vacations, have cottages, etc etc… your response reads like someone in denial. The proof is in the pudding.

News flash. When the day comes they say enough. They will outnumber you 8 to 2
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
If we think healthcare is broken now. If we think other areas of PS aren’t in as bad shape. Don’t know what to say.

when Boomers start crushing healthcare. And the cost go through the roof…………………..

Think things are “hard/tough” today?

Can’t say you weren’t warned. You chose to ignore the warnings. Going further back than this.


Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Assembly line wages are GONE. Ancient history. Oh yes, of course they occasionally appear , a big battery plant here, a new EV vehicle assembly plant there, but they do NOT stem the tide of the movement towards services, design, and creativity.

Besides, who the hell wants to work on an assembly line? And more importantly, why should someone working on an assembly line earn high wages compared to a better educated person with better skills?

There are lots of middle class incomes from services.
If you were right, we wouldn't have been running huge deficits at both the Federal and Provincial levels for decades trying to pay for government services, including healthcare (40% of the Provincial budget).

As to your questions, where people "want" to work is beside the point. MANY Canadians are not capable of contributing skilled labour or intellectual labour to our economy. Shipping all those low skill middle class jobs out of the country would have worked fine if we could have shipped out our manufacturing and resource industry workers with them. But we didn't and we can't. But we still have to support everyone (and their children) with education and health services, but on a reduced tax base.

Your idea that a better educated worker should be a better paid worker is simplistic. Many well educated workers are simply not that productive. Further, what the service industries SERVICE are productive industries. Withoiut productive industries, there is no need for services. Productive private sector industries are the source of all wealth in every sector, and THE basis for a tax base to support government services.

If you are hoping that productive countries will bring their services needs to Canada, thereby allowing Canada to develop a thriving service industry capable of supporting the necessary tax base for the entire economy, you should ask yourself why those foreign businesses should do that, and more importantly, whether there is ANY evidence that foreign businesses ARE doing that. I think the government spending deficit numbers and weak GDP growth numbers speak for themselves.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
If you were right, we wouldn't have been running huge deficits at both the Federal and Provincial levels for decades trying to pay for government services, including healthcare (40% of the Provincial budget).

As to your questions, where people "want" to work is beside the point. MANY Canadians are not capable of contributing skilled labour or intellectual labour to our economy. Shipping all those low skill middle class jobs out of the country would have worked fine if we could have shipped out our manufacturing and resource industry workers with them. But we didn't and we can't. But we still have to support everyone (and their children) with education and health services, but on a reduced tax base.

Your idea that a better educated worker should be a better paid worker is simplistic. Many well educated workers are simply not that productive. Further, what the service industries SERVICE are productive industries. Withoiut productive industries, there is no need for services. Productive private sector industries are the source of all wealth in every sector, and THE basis for a tax base to support government services.

If you are hoping that productive countries will bring their services needs to Canada, thereby allowing Canada to develop a thriving service industry capable of supporting the necessary tax base for the entire economy, you should ask yourself why those foreign businesses should do that, and more importantly, whether there is ANY evidence that foreign businesses ARE doing that. I think the government spending deficit numbers and weak GDP growth numbers speak for themselves.
added to that, especially as it relates to both Ontario and Canada. Where will people go.
/points to job losses throughout central Ontario, SW Ontario and the gta

There’s more to Ontario, far more than just the GTA.

Inter provincial migration data. Shocker I know when we stick our heads in the sand, and watch central Ontario wither on the vine, or get hostile towards oil.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Back to healthcare. Many ministries and areas within those ministries being underfunded, debt up to our eyeballs, many areas understaffed, and Boomers, starting to retire…………

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
So tax the rich.
What makes you think, they simply won’t pick up and move. Taking their money, and the jobs they supply/create with them. Does the left not scream about offshore tax havens already?

Canada already lags in productivity.
Canada already lags in capital plain English companies and rich people putting their money into equipment, new plants, etc

We are doing quite well then it comes to flight of capital though.

The left is great at digging deep holes with other people’s money. Making god awful messes. Their answers always seem to be. I don’t want to to pay for my choices. Make someone else pay.

tax companies more
Make them pay employees more
Tax the rich more.
The kind of answers that explain why manufacturing went to Mexico/China.

Somehow I doubt people will read these. Preferring to remain in the dark and uninformed. Kinda like how people chose to ignore warnings about Boomers.

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
For the record. So far this week I’ve worked 60 hours and I’ve turned down more OT. Next week will be another 60 hour week.


Something Liberal supporters never grasped between 2003-2018. And obviously given JTs track record, lessons you still won’t learn..Your choices, were making others pay. Either with their wallets, or job losses, and in PS.

The question is. Now that Boomers are here, and old people more than anyone, use healthcare.

the hole is very very deep. There’s a ton of problems, and no time. Growth in GDP takes years. Growth in the tax base ( the dirty masses, and they too are being driven to their knees, and takes years)

What are you going to do about it.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
What makes you think, they simply won’t pick up and move. Taking their money, and the jobs they supply/create with them. Does the left not scream about offshore tax havens already?
What makes you think they will?
Its never happened before, the bigger problem are multi millionaires hiding their money offshore rather than leaving.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
For the record. So far this week I’ve worked 60 hours and I’ve turned down more OT. Next week will be another 60 hour week.


Something Liberal supporters never grasped between 2003-2018. And obviously given JTs track record, lessons you still won’t learn..Your choices, were making others pay. Either with their wallets, or job losses, and in PS.

The question is. Now that Boomers are here, and old people more than anyone, use healthcare.

the hole is very very deep. There’s a ton of problems, and no time. Growth in GDP takes years. Growth in the tax base ( the dirty masses, and they too are being driven to their knees, and takes years)

What are you going to do about it.
Sounds like you need a union.
Too much overtime....

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
My bad, I forgot the cleaning staff are unionized.
Carry on.
yep, us dirty cleaners that make your life so convenient, without whom you wouldn’t be capable of changing your kiddy diapers. Let alone, be able to read budgets, grasp the basics of economics, or brain farts, sticking your foot in you mouth, or look in the mirror.

Carry on you, your such a fully functioning adult.
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