Britney review


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
I have found that the info on the Ottawa section of Terb is hit-and-miss. I go and see SPs who have good reviews and find them to be rather unattractive. Recently I went to see a blonde who works in BEacon Hill who advertises as "model quality" in the Sun. This was based on seeing a review that she is pretty good. I found her to be cute, but not very good service-wise, so I would not repeat. However, I have seen many reviews of Britney and the only complaint seemed to be no-shows on her part. She is described as "hot" by many of the reviewers and is the favorite Ottawa-based SP of many posters on here. The only negative review I saw came from rickflairjuniour, who wasn't 100% negative. He got flamed big time. Anyway, I finally decided to go and see Britney for myself. If so many people on here like her, she can't be bad. This was my thinking.

I arrive at her hotel room. She opens the door and... what a let-down. First of all, she's chunky if not fat. Her face is not attractive and there is the faint odor of alcohol. The room is a mess. She told me to show up 15 minutes later than orignally discussed so she could take a shower. I don't think she used the 15 minutes for that purpose, as we will find out later.

I cleaned up and then we proceeded. She started by kissing me (no offense, but I don't like kissing SPs). She then proceeded to BBBJ (the reason I don't like kissing SPs). This was a pretty good BJ (and with my eyes closed, it was even better). We then moved to mish position and again I closed my eyes and pictured Jenna Jameson because Britney's face and body does not do it for me at all. She seemed into it, but since I wasn't all that turned on by her, I was not. Using the Jenna Jameson image, I took my shot and pulled out. Now here is the vindication for rickflairjuniour. As soon as I pulled out, the room was filled with the most horrible "cha cha" smell. I could smell it on me as I went home and even after the first of my two showers.

Those of you who think Britney is all that, you don't have to worry about me taking your time slots. I will never revisit this SP. Also, if this is what Ottawa hobbyists think "hot" is, then I am surprised that people complain about bad service and ugly SPs. If Britney sets the standard, then the standard is pretty low.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
LOL LOL LOL omg haha. this is hilarious. thanks for the review.. lol. and i've always wondered about seeing her.. but i think i'll scratch her offa my list now.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
I learned my lesson long time ago, there are a few posters here that have low standard. Next time make sure you check who is the person who post the review.


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
With an SP as often reviewed as Britney, am I really TOFTT? With the exception of RFJ, the team has given me the shaft on this one :) I guess my tastes and expectations are very different from the majority of the team. (This doesn't mean that I am bashing the "team" or anyone on it - but I am still grossed out by my encounter with Britney, so most of you guys suck!) :)


Jul 7, 2004
Great review, Newinottawa! Appreciate your honesty. You are right on about the reviews: only RicFlairJr gave a negative one; everyone else was positive. Can see how you would have been tempted to try based on the preponderance of favourable reviews. Ric's was the most detailed, however, and told a lot -- really all I needed to know to put her out of my mind. Clearly tastes very on this board so we have to sort out who we can (sort of) trust. Consistent with what Remy said, I've been surprised at times by what people call a "great massage" or "really beautiful", when I found the reality to be anything but. Hope you don't get flamed merely for showing us that you have some standards.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
Whether or not

newinottawa's 'standards' compare, I believe what he has communicated with us is HIS opinions. So let's not go down the standards road. To the next guy what Brittney offers maybe the cat's meow - no pun intended ! I have seen Brittney and for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would permanently deface themselves with so many tattoos. But hey, to the next guy tattoos maybe the most erotic/exotic thing. This is not a criticism, but my opinion.
Thank you newinottawa for sharing your opinions and I agree that Britney is not a repeat, but for different reasons.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
To be fair to Britney, she, like all other SPs, puts a lot on the line by doing what she does and exposing herself to bad reviews, which unless you develop a thick skin I imagine could hurt the ego. For that you have to respect her.
Sometimes reviews are cut and dried. Take Sherry or Sorel in Toronto as an example. They each garner universal praise on their looks.
In the case of some SPs they receive mixed reviews, in the case of others, like Britney, you get from one extreme to another. I guess it depends on whether YOU like her body, tats, etc. Some have described her as "toned"; others well you can read above. Some have been turned off by her cha cha, others I guess like that kind of thing or saw her on a good night, who knows. We all have different standards. We should recognize that tmb06, outoftownguy ("awesome"), slyjohn ("didn`t find her out of shape in any way"), ym7086 ("pretty gal"), lowwolf ("very pretty"), rdznl ("killer body"), daboss (his "favourite"), 20yritch ("attractive") and gordw ("girl next door looks") all posted great reviews of Britney and I guess she satisfied their standards. I`m not questioning their judgements or singling them out. Just pointing out that she does have fans. More power to them. So there is another side to the coin. There is nothing wrong IMHO with being frank, even brutally frank. On the other hand let`s not lose perspective by discounting the good reviews she`s had. In a recent poll she pretty much tied with Carrie Moon and Sandy in the facial looks department. My point is let`s not forget that there are clients out there whose boat she obviously floats --- no matter how strongly those of us on the other side of the fence disagree and are left scratching our heads. My 2 cents.
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$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
very good of you ric. i'll error on the side of not meeting the stinky cha-cha though. shrugs. thats just me.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Spiraling downward

Yes, as noted above I have posted positive reviews of Britney in past and was a great fan.

However I have not seen Britney since last November. I think the most recent post (start of this thread) reveals what I had feared - she is on a downhill spiral. Not taking care of herself or her hygiene as well as she should/could. Sounds like she has probably put on a few lbs, which she didn't have room for.

She had a great friendly attitude and if she took care of herself could reclaim her position as one of the best in Ottawa.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
20yritch said:
Yes, as noted above I have posted positive reviews of Britney in past and was a great fan.

However I have not seen Britney since last November. I think the most recent post (start of this thread) reveals what I had feared - she is on a downhill spiral. Not taking care of herself or her hygiene as well as she should/could. Sounds like she has probably put on a few lbs, which she didn't have room for.

She had a great friendly attitude and if she took care of herself could reclaim her position as one of the best in Ottawa.

I agree with 20yritch.....I have not seen Brit in over a year...too bad about her fall from her prime she was a quality GFE.



May 16, 2003
RDNZL said:
I agree with 20yritch.....I have not seen Brit in over a year...too bad about her fall from her prime she was a quality GFE.

I have seen her recently. Service wise she is still good, IMHO.

In fact, she gains a few pounds but not too badly. I will still describe her as pretty. And yes, I believed she had a cha cha in the hotel...... don't ask me as I have not seen the dog, except the cage.



New member
Apr 4, 2005
ym7086 said:
I have seen her recently. Service wise she is still good, IMHO.

In fact, she gains a few pounds but not too badly. I will still describe her as pretty. And yes, I believed she had a cha cha in the hotel...... don't ask me as I have not seen the dog, except the cage.

your kidding right,the cha cha aint a dog.


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004


Not ChowChow, not Chewawa, it was "cha cha"... (still laughing here!!)

Let's say some are creative with words.


May 16, 2003
Metoo4 said:


Not ChowChow, not Chewawa, it was "cha cha"... (still laughing here!!)

Let's say some are creative with words.
Obviously, I mistaken chowchow the dog as chacha..... oh well.


May 16, 2005
Mistaken Identity ?

Well, having read the Brittany Collins review written by newinottawa, I was surprised to hear what was said about her. It has been at least a couple of weeks since the review was written and I have run into something which makes me believe that newinottawa may have a case of a mistaken identity. In the Ottawa Sun I ran into an AD which advertises as follows:


Newinottawa also said in his review that the AD of the lady he saw read "MODEL QUALITY BLONDE". Anyways I called the above number and discovered that this lady works out of the Beacon Hill area (as stated in newinottawa's review) and specifically on or near Blair. She describes herself very similary to Brittany Collins but anyone who has ever spoken to Brittany will know this is not Brittany. Thus leading me to believe that newinottawa may have a case of mistaken identity in this case. In any case Brittany Collins has no idea that a world exists east of the Riverside Parkway - she has rarely ventured in that area.


May 16, 2005

Well, once I discovered that she may be the one that newinottawa actually went to see I had no intention of going to see the lady in Beacon Hill. Sorry couldn't help you and good luck !


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
miapassione1 said:
Well, having read the Brittany Collins review written by newinottawa, I was surprised to hear what was said about her. It has been at least a couple of weeks since the review was written and I have run into something which makes me believe that newinottawa may have a case of a mistaken identity. In the Ottawa Sun I ran into an AD which advertises as follows:


Newinottawa also said in his review that the AD of the lady he saw read "MODEL QUALITY BLONDE". Anyways I called the above number and discovered that this lady works out of the Beacon Hill area (as stated in newinottawa's review) and specifically on or near Blair. She describes herself very similary to Brittany Collins but anyone who has ever spoken to Brittany will know this is not Brittany. Thus leading me to believe that newinottawa may have a case of mistaken identity in this case. In any case Brittany Collins has no idea that a world exists east of the Riverside Parkway - she has rarely ventured in that area.

Reread my first post. I said that I had gone to see this girl based on a review and found her to be so-so. Then I went to see Britney and had an awful experience. Model quality blonde is not Britney, nor is she the girl I reviewed at the beginning.
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