Has any woman actually come forward accusing Trump of sexual misbehaviour? (Not defending what he said, just asking a question.)
P.S. I can remember when John Turner was criticized for patting women on the bum.
There was also the AP article from Monday last week.
A problem that we see over and over is that rich men use their money and power to silence women; the victims have a lot to lose (relationships, respect, job, money). Their entire sexual history will be put on display and open for public comment, and if they don't have very credible proof such as recorded conversations, the complaints are hard or impossible to prove in a courtroom.
All the cast of The Apprentice have to sign NDAs. But I'm hopeful that after he apologizes in Sunday's debate and tries to make it seem like his lewd talk was a unique occurrence, some video from NBC will be released next week that will be just as bad or even worse.