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Breakfast with Sloane and Vicky

Well, I hauled my ass out of semi-retirement and up to KW this morning for a dawn appointment with these two. I have seen Sloane before, and it was great fun to see her again. I'd never been able to connect with Vicky before, and what a delight she was too. I don't really see the point in going into the details, but suffice it to say, "It was worth the drive to Kitchener"...

Together these two weigh less than I do I suspect, but trying to keep track of who's doing what to whom can be tricky... (I shouldn't probably mention that their total age is less than mine too I believe...)

Both of these girls are much beloved in KW (and everywhere else ...), but as duos go, a guy would have a hard time finding a better pair of girls to spend some quality time with. Our session was what Sloane would call "vanilla" I suppose, and that suited me fine. My only regret is that I wasn't able to take advantage of their two-hour rate because you KW Horndogs had them booked solid already.

Girls, thanks for a great start to my day... I'll be calling about that rain-check... ;)

And I suppose to give credit where credit is due, I will thank Pink Quack for introducing these two... He's performed a great service to mankind...
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Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Goooooooooooooood Morning Kitchener Waterloo! :p

Seems like you enjoyed a nice breakfast buffet this morning Stoo. A little expensive perhaps... but a good all inclusive meal none the less.

Can we assume from your review that Sloane didn't break off another giant dildo in Vicky like her recent session with Pinkquack? Knowing Sloane... she probably had an "extended" warranty on it.
VixenVicky said:
Thanks for coming this morning Stoo.
No pun intended? It was great meeting you finally as well... I once read of someone comparing you to Tatum (high praise btw) and I concur completely!

And guys... all toys are accounted for. Nothing busted, nothing missing... At least not when I left! I did see the busted one though. I would describe it more as "imploded" or possibly "crushed" rather than merely "broken". I don't mind telling you, I was a little concerned knowing that I was going where that had been... :eek:

Sloanes Craving

New member
Jan 3, 2007
Hey Pink,

Things are going GREAT here in KW. These are boys are ALWAYS very hospitable. (And a little eager to please if I might add) Which isnt a bad thing to say the least.:p

Unfortunately someone did have to postpone their little rendezvous with us until next time we're in Toronto. BUT, that does leave us with a bit of a hole that need to be filled.

Hummmm, "no pun intended......."

PM if you've got a little time to spare this afternoon. Or you can call me at 416 419 2660.

Erotic Love Sloane
Toronto Escorts