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Brazil in January ??


New member
Jul 6, 2002
Sorry did no trealy go through all replies

Brazil - GIG:

Weather: It will be hot as in 32-37C or 95-100F during the day.

Girls: Hit the termas in Copa,as well as Centro. A very big and active group info is available @ as well as other boards. While there are escort services availale, termas provide the best value.

As time comes closer to Carnival - The prices of hotels triple.

If you are a newbie, do not know the language -- try using a buddie system by posting in the WSGForum as well as

Hope this helps


New member
Dec 12, 2001
My 2 cents. People that quote UN stats make me laugh. Is this the same UN that is inspecting Iraq, give me a break. We all know that the USA aka UN are going to blow Iraq to peices in January.

I Honestly believe that Aids is no higher in these "third world" countries. Are we saying that most North Americans wear condoms.!!!! Funny most girls i meet like the "au natural" feeling. When i was in Cuba a girl put a condom on me quicker than i ever could.

Cuba- highly recommended. Within 12 hours my friend and i had 4 girls in a Casa(house) and we were doing the deed. No we are not studs, but the island is plentiful when it comes to women. We stayed outside of Havana.

Brazil- A friend of mine in UK has been to Brazil three times this year and would like to move there. He does not even talk about Cuba anymore and rants about Brazil. He did not pay for sex there and slept with average girls. I am going in October and i will visit Rio, but i will not stay there too long. There are other gems all over that country. Years ago i was working retail and met a older gentleman that had been there 17 times. For a single horny man, i believe Brazil is a must.

Tbill have you considered Ecuador? Very cheap i understand.

I met a DJ who has travelled SA, he was even married to a Brazilian. He claims that Colombia has the best women in the world period.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Re: Response to Comments

Big Bear, I posted a link to your posts on Nanaplaza chat board.
There were actually a couple of posts which support all of your claims. These were from sarcastic comedians who want to keep Thailand all to themselves.
Your posts are like a summation of negative propaganda to them.
Some of them have some potential new handles for you, but I won't post those.

Big Bear said:
What you need to understand is that life is very cheap out there and females are considered sub-human and a burden on the family in most of these cultures.
This is outrageous and incredibly ignorant.
BTW, just curious not that it matters but, in addition to the Thais, what other cultures are you referring to?

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002

Well things have certainly gotten very hot on this subject. Let everyone make their own decisions here regarding the risk. I agree that the Thais have made major strides in trying to curb HIV/AIDs in their country and have done a lot to promote condom use. Having said that there is still an infection problem and a lot of you that want to go bareback. All I'm suggesting is that the risk there is very high.

To answer the "slavery" question I doubt very much that if you ask a girl in a bar if she is a slave she is going to say yes but ask her instead if she is free to leave the country or even the city with you and see what answer you get. There is a real problem with girls being sold by their families into the business because they can't afford to pay the doweries demanded when they marry.

Malibook, as far as treating women as sub-human while it is my characterization, it is not my belief. Clearly if you spend any time working in a number of these countries you will realize that women here are treated very much as second class citizens. I would include in this most of the SouthEast Asian countries including, The Philippines, Indonesia and to a lesser extent Thailand and Malaysia. Mainland China and to a lesser extent Taiwan are also countries where women are treated as less than equals but the situation is better in Japan and Korea. Look no further than the fact that virtually all the babies up for adoption in China for example are girls coupled with the fact people still leave girl babies out in the cold to starve or freeze to death and agrue that these cultures treat their women as equals.

I worked with a very bright young Japanese lady in the US who returned to Japan to take up a marketing position with our company there. She got transferred to the Japanese joint venture partner and was reduced to pouring tea and translating at meetings there. She eventually left to work for a western company because in her own words "Managers treated their pets better than they treated their women there"

Likewise I remember having a conversation with our Philippine Sales Manager about the qualifications for his promoter girls who sold our brands to people in supermarkets there. He said that they had to be good looking, single, university educated, under 30 and able to speak both English and the native language. I asked him what happened if they got married or turned 30. He said they were fired and replaced with someone else. Samething if they got fat or he found someone prettier to take their place. I said what about Promoter girls who showed potential as sales people were they promoted and he said no unless they were daughters of managers. Otherwise it was not worth promoting a woman as it caused too much trouble with the other sales people.

I worked out there for 15 years until recently and little has changed in that time as far as attitudes towards women are concerned. I always thought it was a tremendous waste of talent and in fact would prefer to have women working on my business because they would try so much harder than the males just to prove themselves to their colleagues. However the male is the dominent one out there and they are not about to give up their position.

It was one reason why a lot of whites who go out there end up marrying a local girl because they get not just a wife but more importantly a servant who will wait on them hand and foot and let them do whatever they want. How many wifes out here do you think would tolerate a week long incentive trip to Thailand for just their husband and his male colleagues. Yet this was a "normal" perk offered to middle managers and up in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea.

As well whenever we went out at night with local managers we always went just as a group of men and virtually everytime ended up in a hostess or karaoke bar with a bunch of women telling us how wonderful we were. I was even invited to managers homes in Taiwan and South Korea which is considered a great honour but the wife and daughters would serve us and depart. There was none of the normal interaction you would have with a hostess and her guests that you find in Western cultures. That is why I made my comment and I stand by it.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Big Bear, who said anything about going bareback?
I was simply questioning the accuracy of some of your stats and comments.

I certainly agree that women's rights have a long ways to go in many places, to say the least, and I don't doubt your experiences, but I think your comment is a little over the top and is painted with a very broad brush.

The bargirls that I knew in Patpong were all free to turn down any customer.
They were all free to refuse to do blow jobs and anal.
Some do, some don't.
Some are virtual starfish, some are very talented.
They were not forced to solicit drinks and be groped.
Girls often choose to work in a different bar and/or city.
Girls were free to take a break, but if they wanted to return to the same bar, the daily barfine would have to be paid.
Again, I don't doubt the horrible things you describe, but I do dispute that these things are the norm.

Happy New Year and cheers to everybody.


New member
Dec 12, 2001
Tbill go to brazil. I am planning a trip there end of the year, financial reason. Heck feel free to ride with us.
The information i have shared has been told to me directly, i do not deal with info that is friend of a friend.
I honestly do not know the deal in thailand. However i will say that Thailand has turned into the new "florida" for British people and alot of Europeans.
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