Blondie Massage Spa

Brazil in January ??


Samantha Jones

Tbill I will tell you that if you get a Brazilian in January your thong will look great but you may freeze your .........s off .
A regular waxing on the bikini line should keep you til Spring .:)

-just kidding- great country, super people, weather in the north will be about 30C & sunny


New member
Oct 21, 2002
Chicago - USA
Need to see samples

Samantha Jones said:
Tbill I will tell you that if you get a Brazilian in January your thong will look great but you may freeze your .........s off .
A regular waxing on the bikini line should keep you til Spring .:)

-just kidding- great country, super people, weather in the north will be about 30C & sunny
Samantha, can I see some examples of you modeling the "regular" Vs. the "Brazilian". Perhaps you could e-mail me some "snap" shots? I want to make sure I understand...
No first hand experience (some day, I hope). I have read many claim that the Brazilian women are the best in the world.

I have read that certain places are a bit dangerous, and this includes the beaches at night. Seems the thugs sense who the johns are, and know they are carrying cash and it is likely USD.

It is very easy to find clubs where you can do an incall or a takeout. As everywhere, the hotel bellhops and doorman, and cab drivers are the source for references.

But the best story I read, is that young woman hang out at the airport and invite you to stay with them for a week. They fuck your brains out, cook for you, go out with you, and make you feel like a king.

Do some surfing on the web starting with goggle and I am sure you will find the info you need.

But, I think going without some Portuguese or Spanish will make it a bit tougher. Good luck.

Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001
I just got back from Brazil last Thursday. I was working and didn't have any chance to get involved in any action but did talk to some expats (living there) about the place.

Rio is very dangerous. Seek local advice from your hotel before going anywhere and try to travel in groups. One expat guy I know moved out of Rio recently after over 10 years there because he became convinced it was only a matter of time before he got it. Beware of picking girls up on the street. They may be setting you up for a mugging or kidnapping. Get advice locally about what strip clubs to go to, or search here. Brazil has been discussed in several recent threads including one I started in October about a trip to Argentina.

There are a lot of good beach resorts in the north of the country. I went to Salvador once and the beaches were great and much safer. There are a lot of choices up that way (for several hundred km north of Salvador) but be aware that the school summer vacation just started last week and lots of people are travelling to the beach.

It is quite hot in Bahia (state where Salvador is) at this time of the year. I saw 36 and humid several times. This is great though because the ladies weren't wearing much.
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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Good Sam is the undisputed expert on hobbying in Brazil. He even changed his handle to reflect his addiction.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism

Avoid Brazil.

They don't like gringos and all through the agencies are decent, you can get much better else.




New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap

I was in Brazil many years ago, before Whimpey started eating hamburgers!
I spent time in Sao Paulo before moving on to Rio!
While in Sao Paulo I would make almost daily trips by Exspresso Luxo limo service to the coffee port of Santos!
Santos is like a mini Rio, crescent shape beach, Hotels and apartments lining the main beach avenue, much like Atlantico Ave. in Rio!
I was there post carnival and while the weather was ideal, the place, like Rio post carnival, was in need of a good scrubbing!
While I didn't investigate at that time, I would expect Santos, as somewhat of a beach resort, to be laden with women and somewhat safer than Rio!
Just a suggestion!



New member
Jan 3, 2002
Dominican Republic! Very open. Beautiful girls. Anywhere from $40 Canadian (Independent) to $200 Canadian. (From the clubs)
The above rates will get you as much time as you want- from a quickie to an overniter. Girls are friendly and openminded.
Stay in Puerta Plata. Punta Cana is too touristy. don't stay at the All Inclusives because you can't bring girls back to the room.

Why Not?

Aug 24, 2001
tbill said:
Seeking local advice in a vacation spot can be dangerous because often the locals don't care about you as i learned in trinidad when i thought i was completely safe travelling with an off duty cop/taxi driver. you have to be careful also when you seek advice from someone who is from here and has been down there because often they will go to places that you wouldn't
I said seek the advice from your hotel or from people you know who have been there (like here on TERB). I travel extensively around the world and have always found that hotels look out for their guests. Be very very careful taking any advice from a cabby or locals you meet on the street.

The only places in SA that I am aware of which have a kidnapping problem is Columbia (and adjacent border areas) plus the largest cities in Brazil. Most of SA is great. I would recommend a trip to Argentina.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tbill said:
i've heard dominican it safe not to stay in a resort there..the only thing stopping me from going away is having someone to go with..i'd like to travel in a group for safety reasons
I've gone to Puerto Plata solo 3 times this year and always felt perfectly safe.
Just use the same sensible common sense you should use anywhere.
PP is very close, convenient, inexpensive, and lots of fun, just ask littleamore.

Here is a group of guys you can hook up with if you like.

Why do you say that Costa Rica and Brazil suck?
Obviously 100% of visitors do not have a great time, but overall I have heard very high praise for both places, and I am very anxious to check them out.

If you have more time, I would highly recommend Thailand.
I am planning a major trip to Thailand and possibly Angeles City Philippines as well.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
Where to Go

OK t-bill you horny little **** here is what I know about the various places you have asked about.

1. Columbia You are taking your life in your hands if you go there. I personally know 4 people in the last year who left good paying jobs (over 150K US plus living expenses) because they couldn't handle the violence and kidnapping potential. Only place worse at the moment is Venezula.

2. Costa Rica. Great place and you would have a great time.

3. Dominican Nice place but remember it shares the island with Hati that has the highest AIDs infection rate in the world and the rate amongst working girls is even higher. You better double bag at least there.

4. Brazil. There is good advice in this thread about Brazil. If you go to the smaller centers outside Rio and SP (thats San Paulo) you should not have a problem but will really need to speak the language. If you go to Rio it is the start of their summer holidays so the beaches and everything are packed with locals. Get recommendations from hotel desk as to where to go. They don't want any guests getting hurt or robbed and will steer you in the right direction. Just remember that life isn't worth much down there and think with your big head and not your little one. Plenty of girls in all sorts of safe places.

5. Argentina/Uruguay. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Uruguay it is a place that time has forgotten but a wonderful country with beautiful beaches and great women. All the rich Argentines and European model types go to the resort area on the border with Argentina ( I can't remember the name but your travel agent will know) at this time of year. BA as others have mentioned is terrific and now is damm cheap.

6. Chile I don't know where you would go for beaches in Chile and my recollection of Santiago was that it was cool (as in weather) all year round.

7. Amsterdam Window girls will cost you 50 Euros for about 20 minutes and are all high volume get you in and out as quickly as possible. High end brothels such as Yop Yum will cost you 5 times that but are much more "refined".

8. Germany Tends to be the most expensive in Europe but you can get some good deals if you know where you are going. Again there was a thread/series of reports on the special clubs there.

9. Central Europe/Russia The German businessmen have driven the prices up here dramatically. You used to be able to get a great looking woman out of a disco for $50to $100 for a full night but now you are looking at $200 to $500 and they won't in most cases stay the night. These prices are US dollars.

10. Thailand This is another scary place for a number of reasons, all to do with AIDS. Incidence is extremely high amongst sex workers and most of them keep working almost up to the day they die. As well you are never sure what you are getting in places like Patpong. Here it is estimated that at least 30% of the Sex Workers are males that have been "altered" in order to work in the business. The Thais are probably the most friendly and easy going people I have ever met but the sex trade is really hurting them but it is the only way for a lot of them to survive.

11. Philippines I have only been in Manila but you can have a greqt time in the clubs if you know what you are doing. Take the recommendations of the hotel people they have seen it all and nothing with phase them. If you bring a girl back to the hotel expect that they will charge you for two people in the room. This happens in Brazil, Thailand and Argentina as well so be careful how you handle your expense account. One caution again and that is about STDs, including AIDS. Again it is very high amongst the working girls and because of the cost of penicillin not everyone gets proper treatment. Again I strongly recommend double bagging.

To answer your question, no I will not be a tour leader but I hope this helps.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Re: Where to Go

Big Bear said:
3. Dominican Nice place but remember it shares the island with Hati that has the highest AIDs infection rate in the world and the rate amongst working girls is even higher. You better double bag at least there.
If you are going to wear 2 or more condoms, you may as well just jerk off.

Big Bear said:

10. Thailand This is another scary place for a number of reasons, all to do with AIDS. Incidence is extremely high amongst sex workers and most of them keep working almost up to the day they die.
This may be true in some rural areas where the girls are slaves but I doubt this is so in the cities where the industry is regulated, not that I would trust their health checks.
The police are extremely serious in matters concerning slaves and underage girls.

Big Bear said:

As well you are never sure what you are getting in places like Patpong. Here it is estimated that at least 30% of the Sex Workers are males that have been "altered" in order to work in the business.
I have not been to Thailand recently, but I think 30% is ridiculous.
30% in a particular bar would be extreme.
Some katoeys may appear pretty from a distance, but up close I found they are all very easy to spot.
Anyone who is not sure what they are getting must be quite drunk and/or unobservant.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Most Bang for the Buck

tbill: If all you want is the most sex for the least money you would be better off saving the airfare and going to Montreal. For less than $1000.00 USD you could have a week of debauchery. If you are actually looking for a fantasy "girlfriend" for a week or so then I would suggest Cuba.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
Response to Comments

In response to the comments made regarding my observations on various places.

First of all Thailand. The United Nations estimates that between 20% and 50% of the Female Sex Workers are infected with HIV in major urban areas, based on numbers supplied by the Thai government. I don't know about you but to me that is high. The estimate of 30% transexuals/transvestites was from local people I trust. They could be wrong but how good are you at picking them out after a couple of drinks, let alone cold sober?

Second you are dreaming in technicolour if you don't think places like Patpong in Bangkok aren't controled by gangs and the girls are slaves. Most girls in the business have been sold by their families to the club owners because they can't afford their dowery and the girls can't go back home even if they are sick because of the loss of "face" involved for both them and their family. It is only when they get really sick do the club owners kick them out and send them home to die.

How do I know this, because I worked with a local JV company that had both Thai and expat management based in Thailand that supplied liquor to these clubs and was told this by people I knew who frequented the hostess clubs. They would take me to upscale Thai clubs where the "new" girls were sent first to be broken in before being sent to Patpong or Chiang Mai or the beach areas for the tourists and military people. They wouldn't take anyone to these places as they considered them too dangerous despite the fact they dealt with them on a regular basis.

What you need to understand is that life is very cheap out there and females are considered sub-human and a burden on the family in most of these cultures. A friend of mine was once offered a beautiful Thai girl by her brother on the street in Bangkok as he was walking to a restaurant with a bunch of business people. The price quoted was $25 by the boy and he was shown the girl across the street. He turned the boy down saying he wasn't interested in sex only to be told by the boy "oh no not just for sex for you forever". In other words he could have her as a slave for $25 US.

In regard to Cartegena and Columbia you are in the north so you don't have to worry about being kidnapped by FARC but you do have to worry about the drug wars and all the shootings and kidnappings associated with that. As others have said the country is very dangerous for North Americans but it is very beautiful. Just watch your back if you go.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2001
toronto abroad

agree with many comments here, contrary to Samantha jones's post Rio is best avoided. Its exceptionally dangerous, crowded, and above all dirty. The extreme povery especially amongst children is distrurbing and you never forget your in a third world country. The fantasy and realities of Rio are so far apart. I had a fabulous time in Costa Rica especially for the hobby last year with some friends, i havent heared too many negatives other than its becoming more expensive due to us dollars and their was some incidents of mugging in san jose but no worse than Toronto. The Del ray in dowtown san jose is well reviewed, inexpensive and worth checking out.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Big Bear said:
First of all Thailand. The United Nations estimates that between 20% and 50% of the Female Sex Workers are infected with HIV in major urban areas, based on numbers supplied by the Thai government. I don't know about you but to me that is high.
To me, 20% is extremely high and scary if this is true.
Do you have a link?

Big Bear said:

The estimate of 30% transexuals/transvestites was from local people I trust. They could be wrong but how good are you at picking them out after a couple of drinks, let alone cold sober?
I'm not saying they are wrong, I don't claim to know, 30% just seems extremely high from what I recall.
I would be interested to see what some local experts on another board think.
I never saw any that could even remotely fool me, although I suppose some of them could pass for ugly girls.
There are massive numbers of extremely ugly bar girls in Thailand.
It is quite conceivable that guys who barfine them could be fooled by katoeys, in fact, many of the katoeys probably look much nicer than many of the girls.

Big Bear said:

Second you are dreaming in technicolour if you don't think places like Patpong in Bangkok aren't controled by gangs and the girls are slaves. Most girls in the business have been sold by their families to the club owners because they can't afford their dowery and the girls can't go back home even if they are sick because of the loss of "face" involved for both them and their family. It is only when they get really sick do the club owners kick them out and send them home to die.
All of the girls I met there were not slaves.
They were free to work in a different bar or city anytime.
They were free to leave the bar and business anytime or take a break if they could afford to.
Again I don't dispute what you are claiming, I am just saying that it was not the case from my experiences.
I don't claim to know about most girls, but from what I have read, it would seem like the slaves would be in the vast minority in places like Patpong.
I will ask some resident experts what they think.
Wow so much mis information about Thailand HIV and girls as slaves.

Here is my latest reserach on HIV in Thailand- seems to be virtually a non issue to tourists in the Entertainment places.

BTW I have extensive Thai report from my last trip at

I would avoid the Philippines mostly because of the corruption not the girls. And of course now the terrorist groups. Old trip report at

Regarding HIV in Thailand: Part 1 of 2

Thailand is one of the most successful stories in the world for their program to use condoms which dramatically reduced HIV spread. The risk from sexworkers at Entertainment Places of Bangkok and Pattaya seem remote. But upcountry there is a huge HIV problem - but its not where most tourists will ever go, especially to local Thai brothels that few tourists ever see.

For the tourist the risk of HIV is extremely low. In Entertainment Places, condom use is virtually 100%. But Thai men are very upset having to wear condoms which is part of the problem in the local Thai brothels...where most tourist never find. And most HIV in Thailand is related to drug use or anal sex, especially in the brothels in the North Country "drug triangle" area where in local Thai brothels condoms often not used and have addition drug needle sharing risk, other STD's which make HIV much easier to transfer etc.

December 2002 UN Fact Sheet only mentions Thailand breifly vs other countries where the risk is much higher. The reports notes about Thailand:
"In Thailand, meanwhile, recent modelling sug-gests that the main modes of transmission have been changing. Whereas most HIV transmission in the 1990s occurred through commercial sex, half of the new HIV infections now appear to be occurring among the wives and sexual partners of men who were infected several years ago. There are also indications that unsafe sexual behaviour is on the increase among young Thais. Source:

12/27/02 Report on Children shows North Thailand (in the drug triangle will all the local brothels where Thai's typically don't use condoms) bear the brunt of the HIV concern in Thailand:
HIV/AIDS and Thailand’s children
Thailand has been badly hit by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. At the end of 2001, UNAIDS estimated that some 650,000 people, 1.8 per cent of the adult population, were living with HIV/AIDS – one of the highest rates outside sub-Saharan Africa. The northern region has so far borne the brunt of Thailand’s AIDS epidemic. Chiang Rai Province, known as one of the most beautiful regions in the country, is among the hardest hit. Its 1.25 million residents constitute just 2 per cent of the country’s population but account for 10 per cent of its AIDS cases.

Thailand: A Success Story
The Global HIV Pandemic: Lessons from the Past January 2001
Source: John Hopkins
Perhaps the greatest success story in limiting the spread of HIV belongs to Thailand. After several years of rising HIV prevalence rates among commercial sex workers and young men, the government of Thailand implemented an HIV educational program promoting 100% condom use that effectively slowed the spread of HIV and led to a dramatic decline in sexually transmitted diseases among young adults. This program still remains a shining light to other countries in Asia, where HIV continues to spread. Asia now represents the region with the second greatest numbers of HIV-infected individuals. China and India, which together account for 36% of the world's population, are witnessing rapid growth in HIV infections, with estimates of 5 to 6 million people living with HIV/AIDS. Other countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam have also witnessed alarming increases in HIV infection.
HIV in Thailand Part 2 of 2

History of HIV Thailand part 2 of 2

2000 UNAIDS/WHO Epidemiological Fact Sheet
Assessment of epidemiological situation – Thailand - Just Higlights
In Bangkok, HIV prevalence among sex workers tested (both direct and indirect combined) has ranged from 7 to 18 percent between 1990 and 1996. Since 1994, HIV prevalence in this group has declined slightly from 13 percent to 7 percent in 1997. Outside of Bangkok, HIV prevalence among sex workers tested (both direct and indirect) increased from 5 percent to 20 percent. HIV prevalence rates are highest in the northern provinces ranging from 16 to 57 percent among direct sex workers.

In Bangkok, in late 1987, one percent of IV drug users were HIV positive. By the end of 1988, that rate had increased to 30 percent. Since 1988, HIV prevalence among IV drug users tested has remained between 20 and 45 percent both in and outside of Bangkok.

Among antenatal clinic attendees tested in Bangkok, HIV prevalence increased from 0.2 percent in 1990 to 2 percent in 1994. In 1997, 1 percent of antenatal clinic women tested were HIV positive. Outside of Bangkok, HIV prevalence among antenatal clinic attendees increased from no infection detected in 1990 to two percent in 1994. HIV prevalence among this group has reached as high as 10 percent in provinces in the north.
HIV/AIDS: Slow rate of infection seen in 2000 But slight increase among prostitutes
Bangkok Post - February 9, 2001

Dave notes: Prostitutes are those working in Thai brothels which few non Thai's ever see, not those working in Entertainment Establishments being offered "special services (sex) which is not prostitution.

Thailand's HIV infection rate slowed last year, but the spread of the deadly disease among prostitutes increased slightly, the Public Health Ministry said.

Despite the welcomed news that efforts to halt the spread of HIV appear to be successful, health experts warned the figures may be just a statistical blip.

They said it was essential the successful awareness and prevention programmes were maintained.

The ministry said random tests performed on blood donors, pregnant women and men attending sexually-transmitted disease clinics last year found that incidence rates had fallen.

Among drug addicts, 47.2% were infected compared to 50.8% the year before, and men being treated for venereal disease reported a 5.9% incidence compared to 9.1% previously.

In the group of brothel-based prostitutes, however, infection rates rose to 18.5% from 16%.

Dave again: brothel-based prostitutes are only the brothels, which few foreigners ever see and most are in the North Country.
2/01 [Infections down]
Aids continues to slow its progress in Thailand -- except for prostitutes in brothels. The latest figures from the healthy ministry cover the January-June period of last year. They show 12,389 new cases in hospitals around the country -- compared with 22,267 in 1999. The main fears are that everyone will think the epidemic has ended, or that the figures are simply a statistical blip.
A Thai on a private list said:
I worked at a major medical center in Chiang Mai for a month in February last year. Now, I thought I'd come across all kinds of AIDS cases as I was in the North and well, in a hospital!! You know, the whole month I was there I treated ONE AIDS patient. Now, I'm not denying there are AIDS cases and HIV, but I believe WHO and the CDC have been guilty time and time again of overinflating AIDS cases.

Yes indeed they said that the HIV rate was high, like 30%, in the *northern provinces* among sex workers. In other words the girls who fuck a conga line of unprotected, probably-std-infected Thai men.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
<Here it is estimated that at least 30% of the Sex Workers are males that have been "altered" in order to work in the business.>

Wouldn't you be able to tell by looking at their hands?


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