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Brampton: Racial flyers


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I've never understood the rationale behind inviting in skilled labour. Wouldn't it be better to train our own population to fill those roles?
employers and the working world no longer believe in job training.


Jan 19, 2010
Where is the leadership governing these people? Why aren't there laws governing the wearing the Hajib like there are in Quebec and Australia, France and Germany.
Because there something called the charter of rights. Freedom of religion, the government should not have absolute zero authority over what religion your practice as long as it breaks no laws. What is wrong with wearing a Hajib? If the government bans hajib, they should ban turbans for sikhs, the kippah for jews etc. And I for one would never support that


Dec 31, 2013
Unique, Canada


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Three lines and you said so much, so I'm going to split this.

I believe in snobbery immigrations by only letting in the most superior: educated and monied....
Fair enough to have this position. You want to attract the best and the brightest the world has to offer. And since Canada is a destination people want to be, I think it's fair to say we can be choosy. But the problem is that we have shortages in many fields, and our population growth is unsustainable (for being too low). So some fields, like cooks (yes cooks!) have access to immigration, but we don't need business grads, so we don't accept them. We allow certain kinds of engineers, but not all, because of industry demand. While we have a requirement for doctors, being a doctor and coming here isn't worthwhile (because of education transfers, so there goes some of the educated immigrants). Basically, we don't pick the most educated immigrants, we pick the ones that will help Canada at a whole.

And as for monied, that has been tried and tested. The pro-rich conservatives have shut this option down while Australia and US seems to ramp theirs up. If they are exceedingly rich, chances are they might have stronger ties to their original home since that's where their businesses are.

who will swear under oath to stay here and beneit this country as a whole.
Immigrants swear an oath of loyalty to Canada, that people born here never had to do. As long as they followed the laws to attain immigration and then citizenship, they don't owe this country any more then you do. Demanding they do is creating a second class of citizens. Not in my Canada.

Right now, the scum of society can come into this country, collect social benefits and not partake in this country's traditons but keep to their own.
You lumped together people who have come and abused the welfare system, with people who keep to traditional values of their homeland. Firstly, residents of Canada, from new immigrants to 8th generation Canadians have collected on social benefits. Unless you have some source that indicates that there is an overwhelming trend where immigrants have abused the system, I think that's a very offensive statement to say, especially since you labelled them scum.

As for traditions, one thing you need to understand is that traditions are very fluid. If you think you are following Canada's traditions, or what existed a mere 80 years ago, you are sorely mistaken. Traditions evolve every generation, and every new wave of immigration has contributed to what Canada is today. 'Canadians' over the last century have criticized new immigrants from Ireland, Japan, Eastern Europe, and now Far Easterns, Arabs and South Asians for keeping to their traditions because of an 'us versus them' mentality. Yes, the older generation do keep to tradition that in some occasions, separates them from rest of society, but so what? It's their life to see fit, and their freedom to do what they want as long as they are not affecting yours. Their kids grow up here, with a foot on each side, and will most likely be a part of whatever traditions the next generation of Canadians follow.

Case in point: Kathleen Wynne, Ontario's first gay premier was elected in a highly populated Muslim riding. Canadian Muslims are trending towards the acceptance of gays, just like a lot of Canada is.

Where is the leadership governing these people?
I can't help but read this question imagining you saying it with such malice. So no point responding.

Why aren't there laws governing the wearing the Hajib like there are in Quebec and Australia, France and Germany.
Quebec's law was not passed fyi. I don't think there is one in Australia and Germany, but I do know about the one in France. First of all, what is it to you if someone wears a hijab? Is that hijab hurting your eyes? Do you have an issue with hats? Or sikhs with their turbans? Or nuns? Yes, they are some extreme women who refuse to take of their veil for means of identification, but that's not even what you said. A hijab doesn't cover anything. And while you have petitioned for the government to recognize your rights as a sex worker, you have no problem taking the rights of other women, because you don't like their funny head scarf.

If one of them hurt you directly, they are an idiot. They are not an idiot because of that scarf, they will remain so with it off. A head covering does nothing, except create a talking point for some zealots to rally against.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
I didn't reference color but educational levels- that does not make me a bigot, dumbo.
Fair enough. So what do we do about all the poorly educated, low income white people already in Canada? Where should we send them?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Canada has gone mad when political speech such as

“Stop the Madness. Say no to the massive third world invasion of Canada.” and which further alleges that immigration is to blame for lowered wages, increased poverty and unemployment and reducing native born Canadians to a minority in their own country.
Is investigated as hate speech.

Can it be seen as offense, indeed so, is it a political perspective again certainly so - is it targeted at a particular person absolutely not.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
I've never understood the rationale behind inviting in skilled labour. Wouldn't it be better to train our own population to fill those roles?
It's hard to train our own Canadian people to do skilled labour when they don't want to be trained. Just go to any high school and ask how many of them are dreaming to become carpenters, plumbers, masons, cooks, etc and you'll be surprised. Most of them want a nice office job
Drive around any construction job an you'll see that the majority of tradesmen are immigrants or first generation Canadians. The other ones are Canadians from the eastern provinces Quebec. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Canada has gone mad when political speech such as

Is investigated as hate speech.

Can it be seen as offense, indeed so, is it a political perspective again certainly so - is it targeted at a particular person absolutely not.
I disagree with hate speech laws. I support the right for anyone to be as racist/homophobic/hatred-filled-asshole as they want without the fear of the law (as long as they are not interfering with my life)

But hate speech has to do with targeting a group of people based on race/gender/etc. Calling their assertions 'political speech' is laughable:

Third world immigrants have increased unemployment - In 1983, the unemployment rates touched 12%, and was above 10% for a few years in the 80s. It's 7.1% now.
Third world immigrants have intensified competition for jobs - Apparently, first world immigrants wouldn't have this affect somehow? And a competitive job market is bad because...
Third world immigrants have increased housing prices - Prices have gone up because of so many reasons. Population growth being one, but again, I'm not sure how immigrants from first world countries could have prevented this

And a few other nonsensical points, with a picture of a sikh man with a red line through his face. Ending of with a comment that white Canadians will be a minority in their own country (or the land that once belonged to aboriginals before said white people killed millions to claim it).

Not racist at all.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I've never understood the rationale behind inviting in skilled labour. Wouldn't it be better to train our own population to fill those roles?
The idea is that these foreign workers will transfer their knowledge/experience to Canadians or at some point these foreign workers will become permanent residents/Canadians.

Definitely not a hate crime. It's an opinion and an individuals feelings. No malice was written or intimated. Hey constabulary it's called freedom of speech. You know that Canadian thing.
Freedom of speech is not absolute and there's always the notwithstanding clause.


New member
Feb 18, 2013
I disagree a lot more with forced mass non European immigration into traditional European lands. It's true the Americas were never white peoples to begin with, along with Australia and South Africa, but in Europe the same thing is happening and it has been their home for 10's of thousands of years.

It's funny how fearful Europeans have become of being labelled a racist. It can basically ruin your life and get you shunned from society, fired from your job and potential jail time in today's society.

It's just a simple term, but most people in the world have this hard wired into them for survival reasons.

Chodu Mal

New member
Jul 23, 2011
I believe in snobbery immigrations by only letting in the most superior: educated and monied who will swear under oath to stay here and beneit this country as a whole. Right now, the scum of society can come into this country, collect social benefits and not partake in this country's traditons but keep to their own. Even in the US you don't see this occurrence. Where is the leadership governing these people? Why aren't there laws governing the wearing the Hajib like there are in Quebec and Australia, France and Germany.
You are a bitter person! Shown your true colors.
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