I saw Victoria a few weeks ago and have had a similar experience.
I think that she would be an excellent candidate to work as a blow-up sex doll.
When I saw her pictures on BackPage, I knew that her body was exactly my type, so I jumped at the chance to experience her.
Yes, the photos are accurate.
Her body is petite, fit, and perfectly proportioned - and her face is very pretty.
In my own definition of women, she falls into my hot/cute mix category.
Here's my experience.
I texted to book my appointment.
Noticing the stripper pole in her photos, I asked if she would do a lapdance also - and (via text) she agreed.
When I got to the apartment building (Jasmine area) I noticed that inside the halls and elevators there were a LOT of cameras around.
That got me wondering what bad things had happened in the past that necessitated the installation of cameras - (and also that I was being "watched").
Oh well.
So I got to the door and knocked.
After a long pause, the door opened up and there she stood.
As soon as the door opened - she was already half-way through a big yawn.
Hmmm, ok, it was mid-afternoon and she's already tired ?
I entered the apartment and noticed a blonde female sitting in the kitchen (back turned to us) - seemingly busy on her phone (texting).
I would find out later that this blonde is the one who does (all) the texting - not Victoria - so any deals/arrangements/conversations that I "thought" I was having with Victoria, were actually with this blonde.
Victoria led me to the bedroom.
On the way there, again - she yawned.
She seemed completely DIS-interested in being there, and it showed.
We went into the bedroom and she basically just stood there, like a robot with a pretty face and a hot body.
She did not initiate anything or even make any attempt at conversation.
Looking into her eyes I could tell that her body was there, but her mind was a million light years away.
I tried making conversation a bit to break the ice, and she talked a bit - and from what I could tell, she IS a nice person, and friendly.
She just quite simply was not into it.
I had to start undressing - she would not participate.
She just stood there like a statue - and yawned every so often. Geez, what's up with that ?!
Finally undressed, she then plunks herself down on the bed, and I thought - that was a bit rushed - but clearly she did not want to be there and just wanted to get it all over with.
PS - I am an attractive guy - so it is not like I just crawled out from under a bridge or something - but this experience had my ego asking itself questions about that !
I told her I wanted her to get up out of bed and stand up next to me so I could caress her (basically explore her nice body).
She did what I asked and it was like she was a sex doll.
Very attractive, but lifeless.
I could have placed her in any position I wanted and she would have done so, but it would be like placing a robot or sex doll in that position.
She gave little - to - no feedback on anything.
I asked if she kissed and she said yes, so I initiated - but it was light, and she really wasn't into it, so the feedback was almost non-existent - making it un-enjoyable for me.
I then asked if she would do a lapdance for me to start - and she looked at me all confused.
I reminded her that we texted about it and she said she would do it.
This is the point where she told me that her (friend) - the blonde in the kitchen - does all the appointment setups/texting.
Bottom line - no lapdance for me.
At some point we got on the bed and I was wondering what to do next with this lifeless sex toy.
So I said that I wanted her to be on top.
She then starts rummaging through some box on the side of the bed and eventually comes out with this huge "sock" of a condom.
I'm thinking to myself - that is not going to fit me - it was some sort of magnum/huge size - looked more like it would belong on my foot than my member.
So she proceeds to roll it on and I am wondering how on earth she thinks this is a good "fit" to be (safe).
But, she ends up getting on top and we do our thing for a while.
My fear of that huge horse condom coming off had me (wanting/trying) to cum faster - which I did - and thankfully it happened while that condom was still on.
After that was done she asked if I wanted a tissue or something - I said no.
What ever happened to the girl taking (care) of you by wiping you off, etc and making you feel like you are special (or at least fake it) ?
So we both got dressed and she yawned a couple more times on our way to the door to go out.
She should not be in this business.
I have seen other MA's and SP's before and never had this kind of experience.
For the money I paid, this was not worth it - no matter how (perfect) she was in face/body to my likings.
I have now decided that looks are only half of the equation - and that the personality and energy of the woman has to be there.
Having Victoria yawning and being completely disinterested just killed the whole fantasy/experience for me.
If any of you is in the market for a sex doll experience, where you have a hot doll but she is basically a no-feedback robot - then this girl is for you.