Eeeem ... Excuse me ?!?!
I am french quebecoise and I have a load of very good reviews on this board ..I am posting with my real pics , I am well established , I am in the industry for many years and I don’t think it is fare to tag the french quebecoises ...
It is like saying that because you had a bad experience with a black lady , you should boycott all black ladies , if you have a bad experience with a latina , you have to avoid all latina and if you get a bad experience with a red hair lady , you should avoid all red hair ? Sorry to be blunt , but you make absolutely no sense...
Maybe you should stop listening at Trump because you start to sound like him ..
I never posted something negative on terb , but this way to think trigger the aggressive part of me ..
A language (french in this case) doesn’t make any difference in the quality of services..
Btw to all the Québécois/ Québécoises in this board I wish a very happy St-Jean !! Xox
Toi aussi beauté! Reviews speaks by themselves. Good provider should not worry about these posts. The real knows.
I agree, Isabelle is one of the best providers anywhere, it doesn’t matter that she’s french.
There are good and bad in every demographic, so to discriminate against french sounds drastic.
Now, I could see local providers not wanting the competition, so supporting the locals might be a good idea.
Yes, I’ve also seen some traveling providers who weren’t up to par, but I also really lucked out twice with Random french girls who were really good.