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Boycotting French/Québécois providers due to many subpar services?


Jun 15, 2018
French providers have been getting quite a few backlash in the last few years. Complaints of subpar services has been too common among the Toronto board and it seems guys have been advocating boycott of all if not many French providers. In my experience, some of the worst and best services I've received were from French/Québécois woman.

Any thoughts on this?


New member
May 26, 2018
French providers have been getting quite a few backlash in the last few years. Complaints of subpar services has been too common among the Toronto board and it seems guys have been advocating boycott of all if not many French providers. In my experience, some of the worst and best services I've received were from French/Québécois woman.

Any thoughts on this?
I have had very good GFE experiences with Cassia and Lidia and I mean "hot and steamy"

But in fairness to you, I may not have seen as many SPs in Quebec (Gatineau) as you have. So I may have just lucked out with these two gems


Aug 29, 2007
As a rule, I typically avoid painting a particular group of people with a broad brush under any circumstance.


New member
Jun 11, 2018
I will say that I tend to avoid french providers as well.

I just find that maybe there's a bit of a cultural difference, but I have had a number of subpar service encounters with French providers as well. One or two fantastic ones for sure, but for the most part, below standard service.

But that's just me, I'm not trying to paint anybody with a broad brush, I can only speak from my experience.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
I wouldn't advocate boycotting any ethnic group on a broad brush basis. That being said, the greatest dissatisfaction I've had has been with French ladies from Quebec, but I don't think it's because they are French. Rather, it's because the ones I tried early on in my hobbying (now at it approaching 2 years) were what I refer to as 'transients' from Montreal or Quebec, probably managed by handlers, and perhaps as a result were prone to bait and switch schemes, clock watching, provided services mechanical in nature, and had no interest in lingering after the climax. Two of them went so far as to say that a quick exit immediately after cumming is "the way we do it in Quebec". I do point out that I am half French Canadian myself and speak French, so cultural differences were not likely a factor. Those experiences are why I now strongly favour seeing local ladies who seem more likely to invest unrushed and even extra time and effort to add to their client base of 'regulars'.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
On the Toronto side many of us have been burnt by the Montreal providers surfacing in Toronto - in summary the girls are the ones shown in the pics but when you show up and give them the money no service is provided - you can't touch them, you can't kiss them, it hurts here, it hurts there and so a result many of us will avoid an SP if it is a Quebec area code or if she mentions she is from Montreal. Not saying that if you go to Montreal you will be presented with the same service. The unfortunate thing is that these girls are as hot as hell!!!


Aug 29, 2017
Eeeem ... Excuse me ?!?!
I am french quebecoise and I have a load of very good reviews on this board ..I am posting with my real pics , I am well established , I am in the industry for many years and I don’t think it is fare to tag the french quebecoises ...
It is like saying that because you had a bad experience with a black lady , you should boycott all black ladies , if you have a bad experience with a latina , you have to avoid all latina and if you get a bad experience with a red hair lady , you should avoid all red hair ? Sorry to be blunt , but you make absolutely no sense...
Maybe you should stop listening at Trump because you start to sound like him ..
I never posted something negative on terb , but this way to think trigger the aggressive part of me ..
A language (french in this case) doesn’t make any difference in the quality of services..

Btw to all the Québécois/ Québécoises in this board I wish a very happy St-Jean !! Xox



Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I'd say it's more likely that they are traveling strippers and you're suffering from Princess Syndrome Experience. But even that's a generalization and not a sweeping truth.

Malika Fantasy

Well-known member
Oct 24, 2009
Ottawa base.
Well nice to be lump with every French Canadian.
Cest pas de ma faute que certains dentre vous avez eu des mauvaises experiences.
A lot of us Frenchie are actual good providers, its true that montreal woman have a thing to them but because one bad experience doesnt mean we are all out to get you .


Jun 15, 2018
Eeeem ... Excuse me ?!?!
I am french quebecoise and I have a load of very good reviews on this board ..I am posting with my real pics , I am well established , I am in the industry for many years and I don’t think it is fare to tag the french quebecoises ...
It is like saying that because you had a bad experience with a black lady , you should boycott all black ladies , if you have a bad experience with a latina , you have to avoid all latina and if you get a bad experience with a red hair lady , you should avoid all red hair ? Sorry to be blunt , but you make absolutely no sense...
Maybe you should stop listening at Trump because you start to sound like him ..
I never posted something negative on terb , but this way to think trigger the aggressive part of me ..
A language (french in this case) doesn’t make any difference in the quality of services..

Btw to all the Québécois/ Québécoises in this board I wish a very happy St-Jean !! Xox

Sorry, I didn't mean to bring out the tiger out of the cage in you, Ali. I was merely stating my experiences. This was a concern that arose from the Paola thread, where MikeO expressed his mishaps with French providers that lead me to generate a discussion from members of this board. I am not generalizing but asking if anyone had similar issues with my experiences. You are a very lovely girl (yes I have seen you for massage) and if you like I can remove this thread if this discussion upsets you.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Alison, I have seen you and you are certainly not a subject of my criticism. I specifically pointed out that it was aimed primarily at those who 'tour' and are here for a few days, and not at those of any ethnicity who work hard to satisfy and cultivate repeat clients. That applies regardless of enthnicity and I no longer book with those types. I guess it's just that many of the 'here for today, gone tomorrow' providers in Ottawa happen to be from Montreal because of proximity. My sincere apologies to any and all ladies who may have been offended by my comments.


Aug 29, 2017
Sorry, I didn't mean to bring out the tiger out of the cage in you, Ali. I was merely stating my experiences. This was a concern that arose from the Paola thread, where MikeO expressed his mishaps with French providers that lead me to generate a discussion from members of this board. I am not generalizing but asking if anyone had similar issues with my experiences. You are a very lovely girl (yes I have seen you for massage) and if you like I can remove this thread if this discussion upsets you.
No need to remove , I am happy that you are mentioning that it is not all of french quebecoises .. This is all I wanted .
Thank you for the clarification :)


I agree that you cannot paint all QC SP the same, just as any other group. IME I have had overwhelmingly positive experiences with French SP, both here and in QC. In fact I struggle to remember a negative time with a French SP.

As stated it is the traveling French SP that most bad reports are about. Just as with any SP you need to do your research, I don't think French women are any more or less trustworthy than any other group. If you have a high failure rate with any SP group perhaps it is time to review your screening practices.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
Eeeem ... Excuse me ?!?!
I am french quebecoise and I have a load of very good reviews on this board ..I am posting with my real pics , I am well established , I am in the industry for many years and I don’t think it is fare to tag the french quebecoises ...
It is like saying that because you had a bad experience with a black lady , you should boycott all black ladies , if you have a bad experience with a latina , you have to avoid all latina and if you get a bad experience with a red hair lady , you should avoid all red hair ? Sorry to be blunt , but you make absolutely no sense...
Maybe you should stop listening at Trump because you start to sound like him ..
I never posted something negative on terb , but this way to think trigger the aggressive part of me ..
A language (french in this case) doesn’t make any difference in the quality of services..

Btw to all the Québécois/ Québécoises in this board I wish a very happy St-Jean !! Xox

Toi aussi beauté! Reviews speaks by themselves. Good provider should not worry about these posts. The real knows.
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Aug 30, 2017
Wow, a lot of my best experiences were with French girls. Most are hot and seem right into it. Each to his own but this guy prefers the French girls.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
French providers have been getting quite a few backlash in the last few years. Complaints of subpar services has been too common among the Toronto board and it seems guys have been advocating boycott of all if not many French providers. In my experience, some of the worst and best services I've received were from French/Québécois woman.

Any thoughts on this?
yes i have a thought, it's a crock of shit. I've seen a number of them and i can't remember the last time i have gotten a rotten tomato.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
yes i have thought, it's a crock of shit. I've seen a number of them and i can't remember the last time i have a rotten tomato.
the ones that come to Toronto are borderline scammers, glad to hear that you have been fortunate, me not so much as I am out quite a bit of hard earned money

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
I wouldn't advocate boycotting any ethnic group on a broad brush basis. That being said, the greatest dissatisfaction I've had has been with French ladies from Quebec, but I don't think it's because they are French. Rather, it's because the ones I tried early on in my hobbying (now at it approaching 2 years) were what I refer to as 'transients' from Montreal or Quebec, probably managed by handlers, and perhaps as a result were prone to bait and switch schemes, clock watching, provided services mechanical in nature, and had no interest in lingering after the climax. Two of them went so far as to say that a quick exit immediately after cumming is "the way we do it in Quebec". I do point out that I am half French Canadian myself and speak French, so cultural differences were not likely a factor. Those experiences are why I now strongly favour seeing local ladies who seem more likely to invest unrushed and even extra time and effort to add to their client base of 'regulars'.
Jeez! Lol "this is how we do in QC". I find IT sad. Really sad.
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Dec 16, 2017
Usually my awesome sessions with French girls outnumber the bads by far! We are lucky to have amazing hot sexy dirty horny French girls from Montreal!


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
Eeeem ... Excuse me ?!?!
I am french quebecoise and I have a load of very good reviews on this board ..I am posting with my real pics , I am well established , I am in the industry for many years and I don’t think it is fare to tag the french quebecoises ...
It is like saying that because you had a bad experience with a black lady , you should boycott all black ladies , if you have a bad experience with a latina , you have to avoid all latina and if you get a bad experience with a red hair lady , you should avoid all red hair ? Sorry to be blunt , but you make absolutely no sense...
Maybe you should stop listening at Trump because you start to sound like him ..
I never posted something negative on terb , but this way to think trigger the aggressive part of me ..
A language (french in this case) doesn’t make any difference in the quality of services..

Btw to all the Québécois/ Québécoises in this board I wish a very happy St-Jean !! Xox

Toi aussi beauté! Reviews speaks by themselves. Good provider should not worry about these posts. The real knows.
I agree, Isabelle is one of the best providers anywhere, it doesn’t matter that she’s french.
There are good and bad in every demographic, so to discriminate against french sounds drastic.
Now, I could see local providers not wanting the competition, so supporting the locals might be a good idea.
Yes, I’ve also seen some traveling providers who weren’t up to par, but I also really lucked out twice with Random french girls who were really good.
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