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Boob jobs are teh female equivalent of toupes for men


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Didn't you just contradict your own statement ? Self confidence is doing it for yourself. Women / men both dress and style themselves to feel confident and part of that is looking attractive. To suggest that a woman looking in the mirror is only doing it so 'smallcock' approves of it is a little delusional. Most people want to have a confidence among their peers - it's not all about getting laid. Yes - women like to be proud of their looks with other women - not any different than men.
wow. biggest pile of bullsh*t i ever heard.

if u go around believing women cut themselves open just for confidence. i feel really sorry for you.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
wow. biggest pile of bullsh*t i ever heard.

if u go around believing women cut themselves open just for confidence. i feel really sorry for you.
If you go around believing women cut themselves just to sleep with you - I feel sorry for both your arrogance and your lack of sensitivity.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
i feel sorry for you, man.
Your world is filled with the misguided (dated) conception that women's whole decision centre of appearance is to get laid by a man - and you feel sorry for me ???? So following the same enlightened viewpoint her slutty attire is a misguided plea to get fucked ? Is there any decision that a woman can make that she does for her own self-confidence or is that a facility that females lack ?

You hate fake tits - you only like naturals so if someone has a mastectomy and wants to get implants - a) she only wants them to get fucked 2) you would go for a flat scar tissue before even considering her fake tits.

It's stupid, it's insensitive, it's arrogant ... yet you feel sorry for me ?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Your world is filled with the misguided (dated) conception that women's whole decision centre of appearance is to get laid by a man - and you feel sorry for me ???? So following the same enlightened viewpoint her slutty attire is a misguided plea to get fucked ? Is there any decision that a woman can make that she does for her own self-confidence or is that a facility that females lack ?

You hate fake tits - you only like naturals so if someone has a mastectomy and wants to get implants - a) she only wants them to get fucked 2) you would go for a flat scar tissue before even considering her fake tits.

It's stupid, it's insensitive, it's arrogant ... yet you feel sorry for me ?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Didn't you just contradict your own statement ? Self confidence is doing it for yourself. Women / men both dress and style themselves to feel confident and part of that is looking attractive. To suggest that a woman looking in the mirror is only doing it so 'smallcock' approves of it is a little delusional. Most people want to have a confidence among their peers - it's not all about getting laid. Yes - women like to be proud of their looks with other women - not any different than men.
No. You don't understand.

Looking attractive is not an end in itself. It's about looking attractive to others. We're social creatures.

Women get tits done, and play dress up every day, not for themselves but for the approval of the watchful eye of men in general - not just smallcock's eye. It's that approval and validation that makes them feel confident.

Everybody does it - men, women, and other.

What has this to do about getting laid?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
One of the perks of having your boobs done is that you might be more appealing to the opposite sex but it doesn't mean that's the reason your doing it . Also you can have the nicest set of breasts in the world and have a horrible personality or not the nicest face and men still aren't going to find you attractive , why would those women go through something so radical knowing they are not going to attract others ?
It is the sole reason for doing it in most cases.

This isn't about personality and faces (and on that note you can add in makeup, fake hair, fake eye lashes, and facial surgery). It's about getting tits done. It's done with the belief that it will make them more attractive to others. Whether it actually does or not is a whole other topic.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
What about the married woman who's husband begged her not to alter her appearance that way because he loved her just the way she was ? She had no reason to get a boob job to impress her husband or other men , she was already happily married
Obviously she wanted to impress more people than just her husband.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I think its sad that its assumed woman have boob jobs for men . The woman I know had there boobs done for themselves , to look better and feel better about themselves.
I don't think most people assume women get boob jobs for men. They get boob jobs to get more attention from men ---> which gains the envy of other women ---> which raises their self esteem. Which is what the OP was saying (though I disagree with the rest of his post). Humans are social creatures, seemingly women more than men. Anything that raises apparent status is a boost to confidence. It is usually a purely selfish choice. It's the same reason people get lip injections or facelifts. It's because they feel inadequate and don't want to feel that way anymore.

You can bet that if men could get safe penis enlargement for an affordable cost, most would be doing it.

The sad part is that most people who think they are inadequate are dead wrong. That's what leads to cases where totally unnecessary and possibly detrimental (cosmetically or health-wise) operations are performed on women in an escalating spiral of inadequacy. One specific, relevant example I can think of is Jasmin @ Pure Spa. She already had implants, but she got incredibly lucky in that the look/size suited her perfectly and they felt amazingly natural. Then she wanted bigger. Why? Because she was envious of her fellow, bustier attendants who also had larger frames more suited to their bust size. I haven't seen Jasmin post-op yet, but seeing as you can't improve on perfection...well? I don't mean to highlight Jasmin in this thread; she's beautiful and incredibly charming and you should go see her right now! I just bring her up because that was a truly head scratching moment for me when she said she was going under the knife again.

I have a friend who had both breasts removed , not because she had cancer but because her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 35 , scared her enough to have them removed because she carried the breast cancer gene and it was 96% chances she would get breast cancer too . She was 30 yrs old , straight , single very attractive but to save her life she took this very radical approach . She went through tons of counseling before hand , had her nipples and Areola harvested so they could reattach them later . She contacted a very bad infection they had to open her back up clean it all out then just heal before they went any further . Horrible scaring from the procedure and infection then after a year they implanted what they called expanders in her chest were her breasts would be once they got to level the doctors felt fit her body and would not invade her chest cavity too much they opened her back up and used the scars she already had to attach her Areola and nipple , then more waiting to make sure the tissue stayed alive and didn't reject her harvested nipples , 6 months later she was in the clear , no infection , no rejection . I got to see them for the first time a few weeks ago . They look very real , very natural , not hard and move about freely , they are not perfectly round and her nipples and Areola are a bit off to the side which was her choice to cover up the scare ( if they had centered them she would have had a scar on both her breasts on each side next to the Areola ) they are just slightly off center . But yeah she had her boobs done and went through an infection , extreme pain and 2 Areolas and nipple attached to her groin area because she was hoping a man would find her more attractive not to mention this whole process took 2 years . Give me a break !
That's a very extreme example that really doesn't argue your point very well.

Women get boob jobs because they want to appear attractive to which ever sex they are attracted to and to improve their social status. It's the same reason they wear make-up. It's the same reason both men and women get facelifts. And a variety of other procedures. Saying women do it "for themselves" does not actually explain why they do it, or is simply a vague way of saying they do it for the reasons I already mentioned.

Of course it's not all about men. It's more about the individual making the choice. But it does involve other people, specifically getting a step up on them.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Yes, boob jobs are the female equivalent of toupees for men because it is a means to make them feel better about their bodies. Whitey Bulger's dried up biddy GF had to get a boob job even in hiding. That is how the FBI caught up with them.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I love playing with them. So I'd want something like that for myself because it looks fun and fantastic.
an example of a woman who had a boob job prior to going to a desert island or to South pole or to work with African children would be really convincing.

Aellyn Rose

New member
Apr 1, 2016
My bad, I left my roledex of women I personally know who've had breast surgery and their entire life stories back at the office. Anyways, if women were really doing this for men, something tells me the multitude of guys who tell them not to do it would play some role in that decision. Because I can tell you right now, that percentage is much greater than men who encourage it. Yet women still get them.
I agree! It has a lot to do with the woman's perception of herself. And also, interestingly enough, women will go to great lengths to impress other women, more than to impress men.


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
Being bald is a drag... Practically Everyone looks better with hair. but toupees a a bit pathetic. I'd rather be bald than pathetic.

Women have boob jobs for a variety of reasons. Some women just have really, really small tits. They feel self conscious about it. Their clothes never hang right on them. More power to them for taking action to speak to their own needs, say I.

A woman with really small boobs once said to me... "Big boobs look like fun" and you know, she was right from a number of perspectives.

Other women may indeed be doing it to attact men... but, if so, I appreciate their reasoning also... Thereby thet demonstrate a willingness to be cut open and have potentially toxic substances inserted into their bodies for the potential gratification or idle amusement of men... What's not to like??


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
I see that this thread has taken quite a few turns.

But with regards to the question of whether we do it "for ourselves" or to impress others - if you were a woman on a deserted island I highly doubt you could care less about your makeup, your boob size, or anything else about your appearance, other than for health and performance. Social Confidence would be meaningless - the sea, the sand and the jungle doesn't give a toss whether you are confident or not.

It is extremely hard not to care what others think. We truly are unavoidably social creatures. Even those who dress in a certain way and say they don't care what others think I think are generally lying to themselves - they care deeply that others think they don't care what they think!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Not trying to argue any point that's not what I'm about ! Just trying to enlighten others from the female perspective ! Im always amazed at the men who are so educated about the opposite sex and yet so ignorant about our reality . So be it ...
Can't have enlightenment without listening to other opinions. So keep 'em coming! I wasn't trying to shut you down. I still believe that our attempts to "beautify" ourselves has 100% to do with achieving social standing, desirability and acceptance, and nothing to do with some intrinsic value it conveys.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I don't know about you, but if I was stuck on a desert island with nothing, I'd spend plenty of time making myself look pretty for fun.
No, you wouldn't.

A shame it's not possible to run real life experiments like this.

If you were stuck on a desert island with the belief that nobody would ever locate you, you would be shocked at the state we'd find you in. You'd be many things, but pretty and dolled up isn't one of them. It wouldn't take long before you got over what seems like girly-girl instincts. We'd find you in a complete mess... dirty, bored, animalistic, and psychologically damaged.
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