Has anybody been there recently and if so what was your experience? I can't work the place out and someone on adult-canada said they thought the place might have gone "legit". The hours, the location, and setup all say the right things. I've seen Christine and Maria. With Christine I was completely nude and she made a point of telling me she didn't mind if I was that way. With Maria when she came in she put a towel on me although at the end she folded it up to a tiny rectangle to do the front of my legs and my stomach. Both girls did ask me at the end if there was anything they could do for me but apart from that, there was no physical hint that they would offer more than the massage even when I asked Christine to do the front of my legs (which she did do but was very careful where she massaged). In my experience if there's more on offer then they'll usually brush their hands against body parts they wouldn't "normally be massaged". Since they also offer a relaxation and theurapeutic massage, I figured they would offer more. It seems perhaps you just have to be very explicit. Even at other places I've been to where you had to come right out and verbalise your request, the massage usually hinted that more was available. What really threw me was that Christine said she left another place (Tranquil Touch I think) because she didn't agree with what was going on there morally - whatever that means.