blackberry crash harmony

harmon y

New member
Apr 11, 2006
Hi its harmony. My stupid berry crashed on me again. I'm with bell mobility. Its weird half my emails erased and only a few were left. Also all my phone logs are gone. Is this normal with the berry pearl? I
Called bell , they said just to power
Down and restart it.

But anyways please for anyone that sent emails please resend your request.

And anyone with any advice on the pearl berry please send me information. I know I can save it 2 my main computer. But when on the road I don't do this. Than it crashes and its such a hassle.

Such is life. But yes anyone please resend those emails and please any advice !

Have a great morning

Love harms
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New member
Jun 8, 2007
I hate Bell.. I have a different phone, not Blackberry, and it's hell! Recently it decided to wipe out my address book, out of the blue, just for fun. Good thing I had just done a backup on an external card.
Bell Sucks more and more...

Try to back up often..


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Low Memory Manager

Below is an explanation of the BlackBerry Low Memory Manager. It kicks in when the memory is low on your BlackBerry device. In the document it also suggests ways to conserve memory:

What is Low Memory Manager?

The Low Memory Manager is activated automatically when the available flash memory on the handheld decreases to less than 400KB. Flash memory is used to store handheld applications such as Messages, Calendar, Address Book, Tasks, Memo Pad, and third party application data.

By removing rarely used applications and old data you can increase the amount of memory on your handheld. The Low Memory Manager begins by removing low priority items such as cached data. Medium priority items such as very old emails and out-of-date calendar entries are deleted if additional memory capacity is required. If the memory situation on the handheld becomes critical, the Low Memory Manager will cause the email application to remove emails on a last-accessed basis.

Note: Calendar entries and emails removed by the Low Memory Manager are not reconciled back to the mail system.


Call Log Entries and Messages Auto Delete
Lost call log / automatically deleted call log
Lost SMS Text Message / automatically deleted SMS Text Message
BlackBerry Deletes Call Logs
BlackBerry Deletes SMS
Blackberry Deletes Email Messages


All RIM BlackBerry devices with handheld software version 4.2 or later utilize Low Memory Manager (LMM). Once the device memory reaches a threshold of 400kb or less, LMM will automatically remove data in order of importance to free up device memory. Once the device has reached full capacity, the device will not be able to store any new data such as SMS text, email, call log entries, etc. This is a list of the items which may be deleted:

* Low Priority: Delete attachment data, browser cache
* Medium Priority: Delete old calendar entries
* High Priority: Delete oldest e-mail messages

NOTE: Saved messages will not be deleted. This list is not complete as there may be other items such as SMS text or call log entries which may be deleted.


If the BlackBerry device becomes low on memory, perform the following

1. Check the available memory on the RIM BlackBerry.
2. Configure application options to reduce device memory used:
* Configure Calendar options to keep appointments 60 Days or less.
* Configure Call Logging options to Missed Calls or None.
* Configure Media options for "Device Memory Limit" and "Reserved Picture Memory".
* Configure Message options to keep messages 30 Days or less.
* Configure Picture options to "Store Pictures" to On Media Card.
3. Clear the browser cache and cookies.
4. Transfer media files from the device to the computer.
5. Delete media files, such as music, pictures, ringtones, or video
6. Uninstall or remove programs that are not used often, such as games or third-party applications.
7. Perform a hard reset.
8. Check the available memory after the hard reset.

Remove unused languages

* For RIM BlackBerry devices using Multilanguage Handheld Software version 4.2 or later, perform the following:
o Scroll to and select the BlackBerry Setup icon (to select press the trackball in).
o Scroll to and select the Setup Wizard icon.
o On the "Language Removal" screen, uncheck any languages that will not be used.
o Complete the remainder of the Setup Wizard.
* For RIM BlackBerry devices using Handheld Software version 4.2 or later, uninstall languages using BlackBerry Desktop Manager Application Loader.

If the issue still persists, perform the following, checking the available memory after each step

* Perform a hard reset: remove the battery from the device (while it is still powered on) for 30 seconds, then reinsert.
* Remove Phone Call and SMS log databases from the BlackBerry device using BlackBerry Desktop Manager Backup and Restore.
* Perform an application load to erase all applications and install the latest BlackBerry Handheld Software.

For more information on LMM see RIM Technical Knowledge Center: KB02843 and KB12383.


New member
Feb 7, 2006
best thing to do is install the newest desktop manager and make sure to update your phone to the newest hand held code. also make sure to install a memory card with it. i get tons of messages on my pearl, have it set to keep messages forever and i have never had this issue. you can try to contact and ask them directly. i find them more helpfully then bell/rogers.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I would suggest using gmail, and just adding that account to your blackberry. That way you always have a backup of your email.

harmon y

New member
Apr 11, 2006
Thank you for the information. When I get back 2 edmonton and can sit on the computer ill for sure use this advice and update my berry. I've been told now over the last couple days that the pearl has problems. So I'm gonna try updating this berry. And go pick up the curve. I'm not good with computers at all but the information you've given is real helpful. So thank you for the step by step guide. Way better than the non speaking English people with bell! Lol.
I'm bummed I lost all my previous emails , and since a lot of people who don't read this board never got back 2 me.

But I've enjoyed my stay still. I just feel bad people think I ignored them , but I can't complain. Such is life. Things happen. Its funny how much we rely on computers now. I don't know how the people back in the days ever went by one day without a computer.

But thanks for the info. Ill for sure be updating myself.

I hope to be seeing you all in the new year and thanks again!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts