Black man shot 11 times as he walked away from police


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Thoroughly dangerous individual. Alleged drug dealer thought to be going to his own car for a knife or something. Refused to go down to a taser, gross disobedience clearly indicative of anarchist tendencies. Possible communist and whatever else we are calling "them" this week...
And he is chained to his bed because the "good guys in white hats" fear he will crawl out of his bed, drag his paralyzed lower body across the hospital hallways, down the stairs, out the door, through the streets and join the "those other black criminals" running amok through a hail of machine gun armed, white militia, extra-judicial bullets in the guise of protecting property they are unlawfully purporting to protect.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020


New member
Jul 22, 2020
They had him outnumbered like 10 to 1. To many donuts to be able to run him down and beat him up for resisting arrest?
Trayford Pellerin's fatal encounter with Lafayette Police Friday night was not his first run-in with the law.

Pellerin, 31, had a lengthy criminal history, which includes arrests for drug possession with the intent to distribute both marijuana and cocaine, resisting arrest, assault and battery, possession of a firearm by a felon and damage to property.
Following an April 2006 arrest for possession with intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana and resisting arrest Pellerin was sentence to five years in prison, which was suspended. Two years later, the probation and parole office indicated he violated the terms of his probation. Pellerin admitted he was dropped from the drug court program for not attending, court records show.

Pellerin was arrested in 2009 for possession of cocaine and pleaded guilty as charged. His five-year sentence was suspended. Pellerin’s probation was revoked after he was arrested for simple criminal damage to property and simple assault in April of 2013 and possession of a firearm/concealed weapon by a convicted felon in July 2013. He also reported to the parole office only once and gave them an incorrect home address.

In March of 2014, records show Pellerin was to serve the remainder of his jail term, with credit for time served. The court recommended he attend drug treatment while in jail.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
We may hate trump and hate James woods for promoting trump but the video speaks volumes
It's unfortunate and sad that some people forget that police officers and first responders do what they do to protect us. They are regular people who have friends and families that they need to go home to after their shift.
Yet a few who have wrongfully gone too far and abused their power have caused people to think that the majority of officers are racist and cruel.

Do you get shot at when you are at work?

Approx 50 officers are killed every year in the US doing their jobs as we do ours. Have 50 of your co-workers been killed on the job?

Some sobering statistics: reported to,41 officers died in accidents.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Pellerin, 31, had a lengthy criminal history, which includes arrests for drug possession with the intent to distribute both marijuana and cocaine, resisting arrest, assault and battery, possession of a firearm by a felon and damage to property.
Sounds like a perfect poster boy for BLM and their liberal supporters.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's unfortunate and sad that some people forget that police officers and first responders do what they do to protect us.

Seems the police are forgetting, boob.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012

Seems the police are forgetting, boob.

Just because you hate law & order and are hijacking every cause as your own, doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the men & women that keep you safe while putting their own lives at risk daily.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Just because you hate law & order and are hijacking every cause as your own, doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the men & women that keep you safe while putting their own lives at risk daily.
I wish you would take a holiday from posting here. The only thing you have to contribute is: " you hate xxxx" "you are full of rage" "you have TDS"


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
I wish you would take a holiday from posting here. The only thing you have to contribute is: " you hate xxxx" "you are full of rage" "you have TDS"
I wish you would actually respond with something other than critiques of other's posts. Do you actually have anything to offer? Or are your responses all about bashing others?

btw ...No one cares what you think about their posts...just sayin'.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
They should do whatever they can to protect themselves, their communities and the lives of innocent people. Now my question to you is why won't Liberals listen to facts and statistics and label everything they disagree with as racists, sexists, homophobic and transphobic?
Therefore based on your answer you would be happy as a pig in shit if you seen young folks walking in rough areas of Toronto packing heat and shooting the bad guys??

As for your question, it's ridiculous because it is the radical right-wing crew that misinterprets, makes up, spins the facts &statistics, shrugs off science and labels people based on where they were born or who they sleep with or if they pay for sex.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I wish you would actually respond with something other than critiques of other's posts. Do you actually have anything to offer? Or are your responses all about bashing others?

btw ...No one cares what you think about their posts...just sayin'.
You got another warning from the mods, boob.
What in your post contributes to this thread?



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
Thoroughly dangerous individual. Alleged drug dealer thought to be going to his own car for a knife or something. Refused to go down to a taser, gross disobedience clearly indicative of anarchist tendencies. Possible communist and whatever else we are calling "them" this week...
Ya he is a fine citizen. The way his parents talk about him you would think this guy is an upstanding citizen


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Ya he is a fine citizen. The way his parents talk about him you would think this guy is an upstanding citizen
No one is saying he's a fine citizen and there is no evidence given by the police saying he reached for a knife. If he was reaching they would have included that in their statements. instead they said it was on the floorboard of the car.

But good to see you justifying people being shot because they aren't nice.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Were you aware that the Hatch Act is a law? Or are you just interested in law and order for black people or liberals?
The law is the law. Order is order.

If someone is burning down your neighbourhood, I would assume you would want the government to intervene and protect you.
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